Chapter 4: You're Safe

"Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit." You repeated to yourself, almost as if to keep grounded in such a high situation. Because in all honesty... were you allowed to fly this high here?

If you can recall, you never did see any 'civilians' with the ability to fly just cruising the skies. Only Heroes.

You really needed to familiarize yourself with the laws here. This was a shit situation just waiting to happen.

And confirming that, you looked over to your side to still see that brilliant crimson feather gliding beside you.

You made the sudden decision to get the hell out of the sky as you tucked your wings and dove straight down.

The G force rumbled your insides, and you struggled to see clearly due to the sharp wind piercing those orbs of yours. 

You may have been fast... but you truly did not know if you were as fast as Hawks. He was a Pro Hero for a reason... and you were still unsteady in your own wings. Technically this was your very first flight! Technically - overall you didn't know what the hell you were doing anyway!

You also couldn't hear a damn thing, so if someone or even something were to come up on you - you wouldn't have time to even react because of the lack of sound. Is that one of the reasons why Hawks wore his headphones? Noted.

You didn't even take into any consideration on where you exactly were, you just wanted to be on solid ground so that you may avoid any trouble.

As the asphalt began to come into view, you quickly extended your wings out to slow your decline.

The strain on your feathers ripped through your back. You weren't used to such maneuvers, and you felt it. The sky was truly relentless.

And not knowing how to properly land - you basically tucked and rolled.

You grit your teeth as you collided with the ground on your side; tucking your wings close to you to avoid any damage to them.

You finally skid to a stop as you jumped up - whilst ignoring the pain and dirt that trailed from your leg, and to your neck.

Your wings faded away as you patted your clothes - impressed that you suffered no road rash... but you were going to be sore.

Still trying to brush the trails of debris from you, you then had a chance to look around your surroundings.

You didn't see Hawks' red feather that was following you - that was good. But what wasn't good - was the building that stood before you... you recognized it instantly. And at that point - you welcomed that crimson feather that was following you over this 'abandoned' place.

The depleted warehouse building had definitely seen better days. Even better than the day that it was used to manufacture and store Nomus.

How the heck did you end up way the hell out here?!

You were so consumed in your own emotional thoughts that you failed to even pay attention to where you were going. You put yourself in this situation - no excuses.

You inhaled deeply, the sounds of the busy streets were nearby, and yet seemed so far away. This place was obviously avoided - even within a 4 block radius - it seemed so dark and quiet here.

You just stood there, half in a daze - and half trying to figure out how this timeline was going. But maybe that's just it... you needed to stop thinking of this world as the anime that you watched on your television. This was real... and everything wasn't going to be the same, right?

But your train of thoughts were soon disrupted by the faint footsteps that seemed to be approaching from your side.

Your gut twisted, and your instincts screamed at you. Something wasn't quite right.

And as the figure finally came into view, you had wished you listened to your body's warnings.

A tall, pale young man of a slim build made his way towards you. His black hair was crowned in spikes which dangled over his stunning hooded turquoise eyes.

A light breeze wisped his long black coat behind him, only to reveal more of his most striking features... the undoubtedly recognizable patches of scared purplish skin that covered his lower face, neck, under his eyes, and arms - and appearing to be attached to the rest of his flesh by multiple crude surgical staples.

The pit of your stomach rose to your throat... This man was dangerous, and of course, just your luck - you had to run into one of the Leagues most notorious.


"Fuck. Son of a bitch. Why me?" You mumbled to yourself. "I had only just come here - so why me? First a hospital, and now I'll probably be burned to a crisp. Well... it was nice knowing you, World."

"Do girls always talk to themselves like that?"

Dabi's raspy voice took you by surprise. To see this man in the flesh - to hear him speak to you... His voice alone could burn your insides, and not in a good way.

The unintentional fear rose up within you, your blood only reacting to your reception - as then your veins began to faintly glow it's bluish hue. Faint, but noticeable.

Dabi stopped but a few feet from you when he noticed your lightning-like trails across your skin; cocking his head to the side as if to observe if you were a threat or not.

You couldn't move, as this was all a little too much for you to comprehend at the moment as you watched Dabi's eyes dance from side to side, watching as your illuminating veins slowly faded back to normal.

"I got what we came for, grouchy! Can we go now?!" The petite blonde female skipped towards Dabi holding up a sack that apparently contained something bulky as she carelessly slug it over her back. But as her bright yellow eyes followed what Dabi was focusing so hard on, she widely grinned - exposing two pointed canines that were almost cat-like.

You gulped. The infamous Toga. Gosh... you were lucky. The sarcasm bled throughout your every thought.

"Oooohhhh. You are very pretty!" Toga expressed; taking a step closer to you.

But Dabi's arm shot out in front of Toga; blocking her from approaching you any closer. He was being cautious. What was a young girl like you whom glowed a mysterious hue - doing out in a place like this? It didn't sit right with him. Were you a Hero? Because only Heroes would patrol this area from time to time.

The awkward silence started to become unbearable. Should you make the first move? Should you run? You weren't trained in combat to fight against Quirks. You should run.

But before you could take any form of action, a black pool of liquid formed out of thin air.

This was new to you, and your curiosity kept your feet planted where they were.

From this inky-like pool that manifested itself out nowhere - emerged the one person that you wished to not come across just yet.

Tomura Shigaraki.

Now you felt like you wanted to vomit - as the bile of nerves rose to your throat, threatening to projectile at any moment.

The slim man was even paler than Dabi. His skin wrinkled and dry. You couldn't see most of his face, as it was covered by that signature hand of his Father's - only one of his fire-red irises peered through the fingers of the decaying-looking palm that rested upon his features.

His grayish-blue hair hung in varying lengths - dangling over his face in uneven waves. And as he fully materialized from the pool of melted ebony, he was noticeably breathing heavy - as his fitted black shirt heaved up and down with every inhale and exhale that he took. He was angry looking.

"You two." Shigaraki acknowledged whilst motioning for Toga to open the bag so that he may look inside.

"Don't trust us that we'd get it?" Toga playfully questioned him.

Shigaraki's eye squinted irritably at the young blonde female. "I don't trust that you would acquire the right thing." He corrected.

Confirming that it was indeed what he had asked for, Toga closed the sack and flung it upon her back once again - only for the crusty-looking man to notice that Dabi was still piercing his eyes into your soul.

"And what's this?" Shigaraki questioned. His tone laced with as much decay as his Quirk did.

"It seems that we have a very unlucky bystander." Dabi responded.

Dabi had already concluded that you weren't a Hero, or you would have already picked a fight. But what was still unclear to him... how dangerous were you?

There wasn't too long of a hesitation from Shigaraki. "Kill her."

Dabi only smiled as he raised one palm pointed outward - a blue flame engulfed his hand at his disposal.

That blue flame was absolutely beautiful. But you shouldn't be admiring a flame that was about to become your demise. You should probably run about now.

"Too bad." Dabi spoke to you. "I liked your blue tint. Matches my flames." Dabi then twiddled his fingers against the flames he held. "I wonder if your blood will be the same color."

"Oooohhhh! Let me find out, please?!" Toga begged.

And without warning, Dabi flung his ball of flame towards you.

You had no time to think, only react. And your power did that for you.

You whipped your hand up and flicked your wrist. It sounded like a huge rubber band had retracted - a bass drop in the heaviest of electronic music as an invisible barrier blocked the incoming attack.

And it hurt.

But you hid the pain well, and stood your ground.

Toga gasped. Shigaraki inched closer. Practically dumbfounded that you had blocked such an attack.

But no one looked more surprised... and pissed off as Dabi did.

He instantly retaliated with another attack. And then another. And another - with you blocking each and every assault he bestowed upon you.

Shigaraki then raised his hand for Dabi to stop, and to his disappointment, he lowered his hands.

Shigaraki then took a few steps towards you, only for you to finally take a step back. But the man quickly lunged at you. He was so quick that you defensively put your hand out - only for him to grip your fingers with all five of his.

And nothing happened.

You silently choked. You should be dead.

Shigaraki released you as he slowly pulled the zombie-like hand from his face to get a better look at you. His face said it all. He was astounded.

"Who are you?"

His question rang in your ears. Now would be a good time to run.

With no more pausing, you sprinted in the opposite direction of the trio as fast as you could.

Shigaraki squinted his eyes without moving. "I want her. Alive."

Dabi growled and Toga cheered.

In the midst of running for your life, you gripped your hand that Shigaraki had touched. It fucking HURT.

Your power had enough time to shield you from his Quirk. What should have been instant death - was but a flesh wound. But if that man would have held on for a little bit longer... the outcome may have been fatally different.

The thought of that triggered your flight response. Not even to fight. Just to get the hell out of there!

As you wiped the droplets of blood coming from your nose - a ball of flame hurtled directly past you. You flinched the other way - the heat from it practically charred your skin.

You looked behind you to see both Toga and Dabi hot on your tail.

Toga then whacked the side of Dabi's arm. "Boss Man said to take her ALIVE."

"A little burn won't kill her." Dabi smirked. But the lust to burn you alive seared in his eyes.

You felt like your lungs were about to explode, and your legs forming into jelly. You didn't want to use your powers due to the danger that you could inflict upon yourself - not even wanting to risk your wings. Not if the situation became absolutely dire. Although... this did seem pretty dire!

But as Dabi caught up to you, he threw his flames at you again - and you had no choice but to engage.

The constant blocking of fire and knife from the two Villains was almost like a dance. Either your invisible shield took a blow, or your military training kicked in to avoid the two foes at any cost.

Dabi stopped for a split second, analyzing your tactics and current state.

You were breathing hard, your nose was bleeding, you cradled your arm here and there and yet... he knows that him nor Toga had even laid a hit on you. You also weren't engaging in combat. Just trying to avoid them.

It was then that you felt like you should give up. Because these two were actually after you, and for what? Were they to take you in alive? Because it did seem that Dabi was only hurtling small balls of flames to hurt you enough to keep you immobilized. Not to kill you. Because you've seen what this man was capable of.

And if that were the case, maybe if you surrendered to capture, you could just find a way to escape sneakily. Because if this keeps up, the possibility of you being killed was very likely. Either from Dabi and his now personal vendetta against you... or from yourself - extending your power to a limit that you could not handle.

Dabi smiled at your sudden change in demeanor. His staples stretching with his scared skin as he then took his chance and lunged forward - whilst grabbing a firm hold on your throat.

Dabi pushed you harshly against the cold brick wall behind you; his grip not loosening one bit. You could feel him igniting his Quirk in his palm and against the soft flesh of your throat.

He wanted to burn you one way or another, and the stinging pain of charred flesh invaded your nostrils.

"Little Mouse." He smiled as he leaned in to your ear. "I've got you."

You swallowed hard, but didn't give in to his intimidation as you gently strained against his grip; the sensitive skin on your neck now protesting to the small burn forming upon it.

"Your Quirk hurts you." He continued - earning him a quick glance from your E/C eyes, but you quickly looked away.

"Or..." Dabi pushed his theories. "You don't have full control over it. Maybe both."

This time you froze. Your muscles tensed, and you met his piercing glass eyes head on with yours.

"I'm right, aren't I?" Dabi mused.

"Can I please cut her already?!" Toga impatiently cried from behind him.

You stayed silent, and wanted to turn the tables on him quickly. But how?

A sudden thought occurred to you. This reckless move could either be the death of you, or buy you some time.

You then locked eyes with the man in front of you; his face looked completely absent of any compromise - but you had to try. The infliction on your skin was now becoming unbearable.

As you reached up to gently cup the scared flesh of his chin, your eyes took on a more tender approach as you whispered, "Touya."

Your compassionate gesture had already thrown him off, but as soon as that one name slipped from your lips, Dabi instantly stopped inflicting the pain upon your neck. His eyes widened, and frantically searched your entire face for whatever God knows he was looking for.

But that lost look of his quickly turned into rage.

"How di-..?!!"

But before Dabi could finish, you were then swooped out of the Villain's grip so fast and so harshly, that it felt like you were hit by a freight train.

You coughed to regain your breathing, but soon noticed that you were being heaved high into the sky at speeds that you didn't know you could endure.

Your instant reaction was to grip on to whatever... or whoever had a hold of you - as you wrapped your arms tightly around someone's neck for support, and squeezed your eyes shut.

"It's okay, Kid - I've got ya."

The voice was soft and comforting... and all so familiar. The light scent of amber and musk invaded your nostrils, despite of the wind hurtling around you.

Strong arms held you close to a broad and firm chest, and the wings... the bright red feathered wings flapped behind you as you dared a peek from under your eyelids.

You knew you were safe. For now...
