Chapter no 10

Burhan locked the door behind him and walked towards the bed where nervous Heyam was sitting. He sat in front of her and lifted her veil with a blank face. Heyam looked at him with tear-filled eyes

She whispered sobbing and hugged him tightly

Burhan made her sit straight on the bed again. He took her dupatta off her body making her look at him with wide horrified eyes. Burhan tilted her face to check her neck. He saw fingerprints on her neck. Heyam could see the rage in his eyes

"Where else did he touch?"
Burhan asked in an extremely dangerous voice

Heyam couldn't reply feeling scared. She never felt this scared in her whole life. His dark angry eyes weren't letting her breathe

"I am asking something damnit"
Burhan shouted holding her shoulder tightly and making her hiss

"Whole body"
She whispered looking down

"Show me"
Burhan ordered in the dominating voice

Heyam looked at him with widened eyes and started nodding in no

Burhan called her name angrily

"No no never"
She wiped her tears and for away from him

Burhan took off her dupatta and due to deep blouse he could see the two finger prints on her chest. He felt his heart pounding from anger. His hands were fisted tightly. Before he could do anything Heyam spoke taking her dupatta from his hand

"You're making me uncomfortable Burhan"
Heyam looked at him with tears in her eyes

Burhan screamed loudly fisting the bedsheet

Heyam screamed and sat as far from him as possible feeling scared. He was screaming like a mad person. He held her hand pulled her towards him making her gasp

"Who the hell was that bas....?"
Burhan asked with red anger filled eyes

Heyam gulped seeing him that much angry. She was shivering by now

"Tell me Heyam. Tell me I will kill him in the most brutal way I promise"
He yelled feeling helpless

"I I don't know"
She started crying

Her tears were affecting him more. He felt like killing himself and the whole world. He got up from the bed and started punching the wall wall badly making Heyam stop breathing

Heyam ran towards him and held his arm trying to stop him but she couldn't

"I will kill every man of Buner he must be one of them only he will die. I will kill him. I will kill him Heyam. I will"
Burhan was screaming and punching the wall

"Sardar Saeen please your fingers are bleeding"
Heyam was sobbing by now

When he still didn't stop Heyam hugged him tightly rubbing his back and comforting him saying
"It's ok hmm. It's ok. Everything is fine"

"No Heyam nothing is fine that bas.... touched you. How could he Heyam? He touched you huh? You? Heyam Burhan Khan? My Heyam? How dare he? It's killing me. He's alive Heyam. He's breathing in my reign only and I don't even know who that man is. He covered himself completely so nobody could recognize him. Why am I so helpless? Why I didn't kill him by now? I being a Pathan a Khan couldn't kill the man who touched my woman. Am I so weak? I wanna kill that man with my bare hands or I will kill myself, you, our whole family, fuc.... whole world Heyam. I would destroy this valley"
He was screaming loudly but Heyam still didn't give up and continued rubbing his back

"You're not weak. Don't stress yourself, please. It will be fine I promise"
She continued rubbing his back with her heart beating fast

Burhan pulled away from the hug and sat on the sofa pouring liquor into the glass. He started drinking. When Heyam didn't see him stopping she went toward him and picked up the bottle in her hand. There was whiskey written on the bottle. Heyam couldn't believe what she was seeing. She left the bottle abruptly making it fall onto the table. She started stepping back looking at Burhan who was drinking like no tomorrow. Heyam felt like she would die anytime. She had never been close to a drunk person. She loathed this thing. Heyam started rubbing her hands on her lehenga. She ran towards the door and tried to open it but couldn't as the door was locked. She tried to open the latch but couldn't due to her shivering hands

"Ahh I will bloody kill him"
Screaming Burhan got up from the sofa and started throwing stuff here and there. He destroyed the whole room

Heyam sat on the ground covering her ears and continued screaming
"Baba. Dada abu. Taya abu. Lala, please save me. He's drunk. He's very drunk. Please open the door. I can't breathe. Please somebody"

But nobody paid heed to her screams. Her body started jolting and after fifteen minutes she fell onto the floor unconscious. Burhan wasn't in the sense to notice that. He fainted and fell onto the nearby sofa

At 5:30 am,
Burhan groaned and opened his eyes slowly with heavy pain in his head. He rubbed his forehead and got up slowly. He took a hot shower relaxed his muscles and took a lemonade out of his room fridge. After drinking it he became normal. He looked at the condition of the room and remembered what happened yesterday. He abruptly turned to see an unconscious Heyam on the floor. He got up, ran towards her, and picked her up in his arms. He made Heyam lie down on the bed and started rubbing her hands and feet. When she still doesn't gain consciousness. He sprinkled water on her face. She opened her eyes slowly. After processing everything she pushed Burhan and sat on the bed looking at him with widened fear-filled eyes

Burhan tried to touch her but she pushed his hand

"Babe listen to me once"
He cupped her face in his hands but Heyam jerked his hands off her face. He could see the fear on her face and this hurt him beyond

"I am fine now"
He spoke softly with guilt evident in his voice while caressing her hair

"Tha that"
She couldn't speak. Burhan held her hands in his and assured her blinking his eyes

"That wasn't apple juice Burhan. There was whiskey written on it"
She said giving him an unbelievable look

"I know"
He started looking down

"You lied"
She said with a shock. She was that person who used to say she would bear anything except lie and that's what her husband gifted her on the first night

"Look I didn't want to scare you. I know how you are"
He said placing his hand on her cheek but she jerked it again angrily

"Heyam stop this"
He said looking down gritting his teeth

"Or what will you do? Beat me like the usual drunken people"
She shouted

"I would never do that Heyam. Stop assuming things in your little mind"
He screamed more loudly

"Stop screaming Mr.Khan"
She screamed but deep down she was scared

"Heyam Dada Jaan and Dadi Jaan must be awake please stop shouting and sleep for an hour or two then you have to wake up too"
Burhan said in a dark voice fisting his hands. He never imagined a girl talking to him like this

"Let them also know the deeds of their beloved grandson. The Sardar Saeen of Buner Valley. Such a cheapster you are"
She screamed with tears rolling down her eyes

Burhan pulled her towards him and started kissing her without warning. He poured his anger into the kiss but made sure not to harm her lips. Heyam couldn't process anything. She started slapping his chest due to lack of breath. Burhan got away and both of them started breathing heavily. Burhan attached his forehead to hers and started caressing her hair seeing her confused state
"Relax and take a rest"

He made her lie down on the other side of the bed and lie down on the right one. Heyam turned to the other side and now Burhan was facing her back. He smiled and hugged her tightly

Heyam tried to get away but he kept his leg on her too making it impossible to move. She was feeling very shy due to his closeness. She couldn't even dream about this. She hid her face in the pillow making Burhan smile. Heyam sighed and slept closing her eyes with red cheeks and tears flowing down her eyes

"Sardar Saeen"
Burhan heard someone calling his name and knocking on his room's door

"Hmm let me sleep"
He groaned and turned in sleep lying down on his front

Heyam who was sleeping peacefully felt something very heavy on herself. She couldn't breathe. She tried to move with difficulty as she felt her bones would break and she would die

Burhan muttered angrily feeling movements beneath him

"Sardar Saeen Khan is calling you outside for breakfast"
Hearing Harun's voice Burhan groaned and opened his eyes. He could still feel little movements beneath him and a muffled scream. He got up and saw Heyam trying hard to breathe

"Oh, I didn't realize. I am actually habitual of sleeping like this"
Burhan made her sit on the bed and made her drink water as she was coughing. Heyam placed her shivering hands on his hand holding the glass but Burhan didn't change his expression

"Ahh my body. It hurts"
She whimpered touching her body parts

"Why? What happened?"
He asked worriedly

"Because you slept on me as if I am a pillow"
She said innocently

"Ohh it's okay"
He caressed her hair

"No, it's not"
Heyam murmured in barely audible voice holding her shoulder

"OK leave it and get ready we have to go downstairs"
He said getting up from the bed and taking his clothes out of the wardrobe

Burhan sat on his chair and felt everyone ignoring him nobody greeted him except youngsters. He said salam to which they replied half-heartedly. He could feel Hamza was not very happy but pretending just for his sake. Hamza was the only reason he was able to bear their behavior considering at least he trusted him

"Sardar Lala that girl can join the college from today onwards"
Saad said engrossed in his breakfast

"It's Bhabhi for you if you can't accept her your sister Saad"
Burhan didn't like Saad calling her like this

"I thought you would become normal after having her in your bedroom but seems like it would take some more time to fulfill your Des..."
Yahya Khan said in a rough voice looking into Burhan's eyes

"Stop it Dada Jaan she's my wife and your granddaughter"
Burhan put his fist on the table hardly making all of them silent

"You left my virgin granddaughter for what? For the girl you already bedded"
Yahya Khan screamed

"For Allah's same Dada Jaan stop. She's pure. She's purer than your that granddaughter. I haven't done anything like that. You can say whatever you want to say to me but not a word about herself. I will not bear anything against my woman"
Burhan screamed pushing the glass onto the floor and breaking it into pieces

"How the hell are you talking to your Dada Jaan Burhan"
Zahid Khan glared at his son

"Didn't you hear what he said? I am not shameless to bear such words for my wife"
Burhan said fisting his hands

"OK baba and Lala, please stop"
Adam said engrossed in breakfast

"Oh, I should go to my room. My clothes are not here"
She said looking at Burhan's wardrobe

Heyam went towards her room but it was locked she tried her best to open it still it didn't open. She got worried as she didn't want to go like this in front of anyone. She knew every girl must be at the breakfast table so having no choice she started heading toward the dining room

Heyam went towards the dining table hissing as Burhan had 84 kg weight due to his 6'5 height and Heyam was just 43 kg so she could still feel pain in her body. She went towards the table and sat on her chair hissing ignoring everyone's glare

She started having breakfast not sparing a glance at them. She was engrossed in her breakfast when she heard Rubina Khan say
"An outsider can never behave like a Sardarni that's why we wanted to marry Sardar Burhan in our family. The girl who can't say Salam to the elders will be the Sardarni of Buner Valley huh? And look at what this girl is wearing"

She whispered but still didn't look up as she didn't want to even look at them who called her characterless

"Huh, we are not Sardar Saeen who wants to see you all dolled up. We know your reality. This girl doesn't have a sense of what to wear to her wedding's first morning. Stupid much. Stop behaving so childish. Now you're married. Take all the responsibilities of Sardarni from now onwards. You will look after all the maids working in Haveli. You will prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And about Sardar, no maid will do any of his work as now his wife has come to take his responsibilities"
Ayesha Khan said angrily

"But Tayi Ama I have to study and go to college. How can I?"
She got nervous hearing her

"Shut up you charactless woman. Now you will answer back to us. Look at yourself. You're so proud as if you're very beautiful. My daughter is much more beautiful than you. I know you impressed Sardar Saeen. Girls like you have to present themselves to men to get married otherwise how can they get married? The way you're hissing shows why Sardar Saeen married you. He just has one motive behind this marriage always remember that and look what you are in his opinion and everyone's opinion"
Halima Khan screamed and Farkhanda and Rukaiya looked at Heyam disgustingly

"I am not characterless okay. You think whatever you want I don't give a damn okay. You're showing how cheap mentality you have. Dirty people have dirty minds only"
She screamed with tears rolling down her cheeks

"Shut up girl"
Rubina Khan slapped her hard making her sob

She ran towards the room and fell on the bed hiccuping badly. Burhan who came to take his shawl into the room saw her running and falling onto the bed hiccuping. He got worried and came towards her. He sat beside her and placed his hand on her shoulder asking worriedly
"What happened Heyam? Why are you crying"

"Heyam I am asking something?"
When she continued crying he asked again

He said sternly but she didn't pay any heed

Burhan made her sit up and picked her up in his arms making her gasp and hold his Kurta from his shoulders. He made her sit in his lap and asked lifting her face up
"What happened?"

"I don't wanna live here"
She said with angry tear-filled eyes

Burhan asked coldly

"I just don't"
She said trying to get off his lap

"I am asking the reason"
He asked angrily holding her still in her place

"Leave me"
She said lowering her gaze

He raised his eyebrow

"Look at what you're doing"
Heyam muttered angrily

"You're my wife"
He announced tightening his grip on her waist. Heyam felt her heart beating fast hearing wife from him

"Now tell me"
He caressed her hair

"Halima Phupho called me characterless. She said that I trapped you by by. I can't even say that. She's very bad. All of them are very bad. I don't like them"
She said hugging him tightly

Burhan said trying his best to control his anger

"I told her that Dirty people like her have dirty minds only"
She said proudly

"Heyam! Is this a way to talk to elders? I know she did wrong but you could have answered in some other way too. You could have come to me. I would have made sure she doesn't talk bad about you. I would never appreciate this okay? You're now the Sardarni so behave like one"
He shouted making Heyam flinch

"I wanna live in separate home"
She sobbed getting away from him

"This is impossible. I am the Sardar and I can't leave this Haveli. If someone says anything to you then tell me rather than doing the same thing"
Burhan glared at her and Heyam couldn't look into his eyes. His glare was enough make her tremble

Seeing her condition Burhan sighed and pulled her into a hug. He placed her head on his chest and kissed her hair caressing her back saying
"It's okay babe"

"I trust you. I am there for you. If somebody says anything to you then do tell me. I promise you they won't be able to talk bad about you again. Hmm. You're strong right. You're very sensible. I know my Heyam is perfect for being a Sardarni"
He said kissing her hair continusely

Heyam nodded and wiped her tears

"Now give me a smile"
He said holding her chin and lifting her face

Heyam smiled brightly showing her dimple on left cheek. Burhan got lost in her and kissed her dimple making her close her tightly and clutching his outta. He straightened himself and kissed her forehead. He kept his lips there for two minutes. Heyam tried to get away but he hugged her and laid down on the bed making her lay down on himself. They were laying like this from past five minutes. Suddenly the door got opened and Raima barged into the room screaming Heyam's name but stopped on her place witnessing the scene in front of her. Burhan his eyes and both of them got away from each other abruptly. Heyam started adjusting her blouse as it had deep neck. Raima was continuously glaring at her as if she will murder her. Burhan got up from the bed and went towards Raima angrily

"How dare you? Who allowed you to come into my room huh? Do you know what you did? You entered a non-mehram's roon now you will get punished. I will send you back to your haveli today only and you will never come to this haveli again"
Burhan screamed making both the voice scared. His voice was already very dark and anger added more to it

"I am so sorry Sardar Saeen but please don't do this. I just came to call Heyan because Nani Jaan is calling her to do her nose piercing before the Walima ceremony"
Raima justified looking down

"Where were maids that you had to come here huh?"
Burhan screamed again

"The maids are busy in arrangements and Nani Jaan that she wouldn't listen to maids as she's angry so I had come here"
She said making innocent face

"Go she's coming"
Burhan glared at Raima who nodded her head and left immediately

"I have to change"
Heyam whispered thinking Raima saw them in that position

"I will get your room unlocked. Halima Phupho locked it last night"
He said brushing his hair and left

Heyam was reciting Durood whole time while coming towards hall. She always wanted to get her nose pierced but was scared at the same time. Faisal Khan didn't allow her saying she's so young for all of this. But now she was excited plus scared at the same time. She decided to act sober

Heyam sat down in the lounge and saw Yahya Khan, Hamza and Saad sitting there. She was busy reciting Durood and last four surah's. When she saw Rubina Khan walking towards her with a needle and thread. Heyam gulped hard. Fear was evident on her face. Rubina Khan came and lifted her face. Before the needle could touch her nose. She pulled her face back saying
"One minute please one minute"

After exact one minute Rubina Khan held her face again but as soon as the needle came towards her face she pulled her face away saying fearfully
"Recide Bismillah first"

"I already did"
Rubina Khan said angrily

"But I didn't hear"
Heyam said innocently

"You wanna get slapped again"
Rubina Khan glared at her

She nodded in no immediately

"Then keep quiet and let me do it"
Rubin Khan said gripping her face a little tight and was about to insert the needle in her nose when Heyam pulled her back again

"But you didn't recite Durood. Recite the Durood and last four surahs of Quran then only I will let you do it"
She said adamantly

Rubina Khan slapped her forehead and sighed reciting all of them loudly. She again came again held her face tightly. Heyam saw the needle coming towards her nose. She yanked her face back again and got up from the sofa saying
"Recite Surah Bakra (longest surah of Quran) first"

"Hamza and Saad hold her so she can't move"
Before Rubina Khan could say anything Yahya Khan ordered

"No Dada abu I will not move now. Dado you do it"
She said sitting back on her place

Rubina Khan sighed and as soon as she was about to do it Heyam laid down on the sofa hiding her face in cushion making Shazia Khan laugh

Hamza looked at his mother lovingly who laughed after a long time

Yahya Khan eyed both of them who nodded and went towards Heyam. Hamza made her sit on the sofa holding her shoulders. His grip was so tight that she couldn't move. Saad held her face in his hands making it impossible for her to resist

"Please please leave me. I won't move I promise. I can do it myse Ahhh"
Rubina Khan pierced her nose before she could complete and started making her wear nose pin

Tears ran down her face. She was just feeling immense pain in her nose. Her vision got black as soon as Rubina Khan pierced her nose and she fainted. After wiping the blood Rubina Khan said to her grandsons
"It's done you can leave her now"

As soon as they left Heyam fell on the sofa making all of them gasp and Rubina Khan face palmed herself. Aleena ran to get water from kitchen. Hamza made her lie down properly as she was about to fall from sofa

Aleena sprinkled water on her face. Heyam opened her eyes slowly hissing with pain. Aleena made her sit and drank water. Heyam lied down on the sofa again and started crying not caring about the surrounding

"Yes yes I am very cruel person. What a cruelty I did with you"
Rubin Khan said sipping the green tea

"And she's our Sardarni"
Farkhanda said when she continued crying for half an hour but Heyam heard it

"Then you become the Sardarni huh?  But for that you have to get your nose pierced too which I will do"
Heyam said angrily and ran behind Farkhanda holding needle in her hand

Yahya Khan chocked on his sweet seeing her act and Hamza held her hand stopping her from piercing Farkhanda's nose. Farkhanda ran from there saving her life. Hamza sighed and sat back on her place while Heyam stomped her foot saying
"Argh don't think you're safe miss Farkhanda I will pierce your nose when you come back to haveli and we will see who's more strong"

"Heyam go into you're room and you're also not safe because I am gonna tell all of this to Sardar Burhan"
Rubina Khan glared at her

"I was just joking"
She fake laughed and placed the needle on the table remembering how he scolded her in morning to behave like a Sardarni. He was the only person she was actually scared of

"He would like to joke too"
Rubina Khan said sarcastically

"Only I am wrong here"
She went into her room angrily

Author's note:
I am soooooo sorry for updating late. First I had an exam. I know I promised after that but then I had to go to Lahore. I have flu but I didn't want you guys to wait more so I wrote. Ignore the mistakes as I wanna update asap
