Chapter 2

Asteria waited for the medic troops to do their job and stay out of the way as they treated Ashoka.

She had never met Ashoka but she knew who she was. She wanted to check on her and maybe try to contact Anakin to give him an update on his padawon. She concentrated on Anakin through the force, he had nothing but worry and sadness around him.

After a good 20 minutes the room had cleared out of all medics allowing Ashoka to rest. Asteria got up and made her way into the room to see Ashoka awake now and trying to meditate. Ashoka sensed someone coming in and she opened her eyes to see someone she had never met before.

"Hello, do I know you?" Ashoka asked Asteria with a confused voice.

Asteria smiled and said "Hi Ashoka, I'm Jedi knight Asteria Salvatore. I know we've never met but I'm a close friend of Anakin's and wanted to check on you."

Ashoka remembered the name from some of Anakin's stories and relaxed her shoulders realizing she wasn't in any danger. Ashoka smiled and said
"Hello Asteria, Anakin has told me lots of stories about you and him, it's nice to meet you ."

"It's nice to meet you too Ashoka. What happened to you? Are you okay?" Asteria asked concerned.

Ashoka signed and said
"I'll be fine. Master Skywalker was being arrogant as usual and lost control of his cruiser. I came to his rescue, also as usual and I ended up crashing my own cruiser. All for him!! I had just finished painting the sides of mine to make it more "me" and it all got ruined because master Skywalker wasn't paying attention."
She crossed her arms and huffed.

Asteria smiled in amusement. She could tell Ashoka was full of light and adventure, she was just like Anakin when he was her age. She cared deeply for her master and appreciated his lessons. She was glad she finally got to meet Ashoka, her and Anakin's battalion have become heros of the clone wars.

"I'm sorry you lost your cruiser Ashoka, I know it's nice to personalize something as your own since we don't have many personal possessions. I heard the medics on their way out and I unfortunately don't think you're going to be going back out in the field anytime soon. You're badly injured and the council wants to keep an eye on you for quite some time." Asteria told her.

She sensed Ashoka's disappointment as she slugged down in her bed. Ashoka loved her missions with the team, Asteria wished she could be out there like Ashoka.

"I'll leave you alone to rest, you need to. I'll visit you tomorrow and whenever I get a chance to after that Ashoka. It was nice to have met you." Asteria said as she walked out.

Ashoka didn't respond, she was too upset. She felt a little rude for not thanking Asteria for taking the time to visit her. She appreciates her committing to seeing her every day so she wasn't alone.
She returned to her meditation before finally resting.


Asteria made her way to the courtyard in the temple. Not many people were out. A couple younglings were playing a card game at a table far away. She thought now might be the perfect time to contact Anakin. She wanted to call him multiple times in their time apart to tell him little exciting things that were happening around the temple, but she knew he was extremely busy leading a battalion in the war and didn't want to bother him.

She took her comlink out and decided to finally contact Anakin, she dialed him and waited for him to answer. It rang for quite some time and she didn't think he would answer. She almost hung up but the call was starting to connect.

"Well hello stranger, haven't heard from you in months" Anakin said with a smile when he appeared on her link. She was so happy to see him and hoped he had some time to speak.

"Anakin! I'm so happy to see you I'm glad you're okay. I visited Ashoka today and she told me what happened. She seems okay but the council wants her to stay for a while, I'm so sorry Anakin I know you're worried."

"I know it was all my fault, I try to show off and she always pulls me back and saves the day, but I messed up this time. I got my padawon injured and I'm down a Jedi in my team." Anakin said while shaking his head.

"I wish I could help you Ani."

Anakin thought maybe he could contact the council and ask if Asteria could step in for Ashoka while she's out. He wanted to see his longest friend again, but he also knew she might not be as much of a help since she hadn't seen much battle.
She was trained by someone on the high council though, she probably knows more techniques than him and Ashoka combined.

"You know what Asteria? I'm going to contact the council I'm going to have to call you back later. It was nice seeing you again!"
Anakin hung up before Asteria could say goodbye.

"Boys" Asteria said as she rolled her eyes.

She got up to head back inside the temple when her comlink started ringing again.
Assuming it was Anakin she answered and said,
"Yes your excellency?"
"Salvatore, we need you to come to the council immediately." Master Windu said on the other end.

Asteria's face went pale from embarrassment for talking to master Windu the way she did thinking it was Anakin.

"Yes master I'm on my way." She said and hung up.

She started walking towards the temple once again. She was nervous, what did the council want from her? Was she in trouble? Was she going to be sent to help master Kenobi?
She then became excited thinking she would go out on the field again and picked up her speed.

She made it to the council room and entered. All the council members were sitting in their sets waiting for Asteria's arrival.

She walked in the middle of the room nervously and bowed her head respectively for the Jedi masters as master Windu gave her a smile.

"How may I help masters?" Asteria asked.

"As I'm sure you know, commander Tano is injured and out of the field and will be for many rotations." Said master Plo Koon.

"Yes I saw her earlier today, may the force be with her in her time of healing." Asteria said.

"General Skywalker has requested your assistance with his squadron while Ashoka is gone. How would you feel about joining the 501st?" Master Kenobi said with a smile knowing she would be excited to help in the war.

"Of course master, I'd certainly like to help the republic win this war in any way whatever you need from me, I'm ready to go out and fight-" Asteria was interrupted by master Windu,

"I'm not sure our knight Salvatore is ready. I think she should stay here and help from the sidelines here at the temple"

"Master Windu you know I'm ready. You trained me yourself, you know I'm capable of helping. I'm tired of watching my brothers and sisters put their all into the war and I get to sit back and watch. It's not fair, I was trained by the best for this master. Please let me assist general Skywalker." Asteria expressed.

Master Windu knew she was right, but was not pleased with her putting him in his place. He sighed heavily with his eyes shut. When he opened he saw his apprentice looking at him desperately. He knew he needed to let her go and do her duty as a Jedi knight. She was no longer a youngling who needed her master. She was an adult who was ready to fight.

"Get your belongings together. Meet us at the loading dock in an hour and we'll have the clones assist you to general Skywalker's current coordinates. You do understand you're going to be assisting the most reckless general?" Master Windu said

Asteria smiled and said, "I understand master, this is what I was trained to do."

"Meet you in and hour we will." Said master yoda.

Asteria had the biggest smile on her face as she bowed and thanked the council and sprinted out of the temple.

The council all looked at each other smiling from Asteria's excitement, except master Windu. He was worried for his former apprentice

A/N: Rex will be coming soon!!
Thanks for reading 🙏🏻
