RWBY reaction # 3

6 months after Miller's rescue, multiple safe houses were established across Junkyard as Marcus has come to call it due to the fact that it was essentially just a giant space hulk.

"Space hulk?" Sun asked.

"Essentially a planet-sized space station with variable gravity and environments," T.F. answered.

"As large as a planet? How is that built?" Winter wondered.

"Well, in most cases they're really only as large as a moon. Rement's moon being a good size comparison. This one is a collection of semi-breathable air, hundreds of thousands of ships, chuckles of metal and rock, and even organic matter."

"That last one

AND, given the fact that Marcus could sense an Elder Psyker somewhere on the planet, he stayed as far away as possible.

"Eldar Psyker?" Raven wondered.

"Eldar Psyker specialises in breaking the minds of others and manipulating them. The most dangerous Eldar Psykers are Farseers or Machas." T.F. Summarized for them.

In truth, he hadn't done much with his Psyker abilities, only explored Technomancy and his newly discovered Biomancy and warpcraft.

"What's Biomancy?" Ruby asked.

"Give it a sec." T.F. answered.

Biomancy was simple. Taking traits you wanted and rejecting the traits you didn't want. Using this, Marcus had enhanced his skeletal system even further than the normal Astartes, increased his height, muscle density, his vision, slowing his perception of time and sound, and even added a 3rd heart (astartes have 2)

"Astartes have 2 hearts??" Wiess asked not to see the advantage in that.

"2 hearts, 3 lungs, a redundant nervous system, enhanced muselfibers and height. The list goes on." T.F. summarized once more.

Where was Marcus now, sitting in his new armor,

"Whoa...." Ruby and Summer voiced, drooling at the weapon applications of the armor.

Tai shook his head. "Like mother, like daughter."

Working on a new weapon. He hadn't worked out a name yet but he was essentially trying to create a double barrel laz cannon that was worthy of an Astartes

"But a weapon's name is the most important part!!!!!" Ruby cried, being shushed by her sister.

Right now Marcus was wondering about modifications. He could increase the size of the heat sinks and integrate a rotating power cell system with a thermal-couple linked to the power cells to recharge them While not being used and while being used, increasing the ammo capacity as a result.

"Oh no... a weapon nut Jaune..." neptune voiced.

"IS THERE ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT!?!?!?" Ruby yelled, being very intimidating despite her small stature. It helped hta Summer glared as well, placing her hand on Katanas hilt. Neptune looked over and saw Yang cracking her knuckles glaring at him for insulting her sister, as well as Tai.

"N-Nope!" he quickly said.

Another idea was to shorten the weapon's barrel and add another before linking them and creating the firing sequence, creating something like a twin-linked laz gun.

"Isn't that what he's trying to achieve?" Winter wonder aloud.

"Well yeah. I thought of the same thing for Crescent rose but the overheating was an issue. Must bot be with light based weapons." Ruby answered.

"There's also the issue of ammo. Using a twin beral sniper means there's a lot of recoil, but that's a different issue. If you use too much too quickly you're boned." Qrow added in, surprising many in the audience.

Turns out as he was wondering what to do, essentially daydreaming, his technomancy did the work for him.

"Lazy..." Summer muttered in disappointment wanting to see the process in more detail.


Marcus: DIE!

His voice was deep and baritone. Comparable to Optimus actually. Surprisingly for an Astartes so young.

Many recoiled at the volume of the roar and how much fury it held. Sienna smiled. As a Tigress she could appreciate a warrior's fury.

Marcus grabbed an orc, spin-throwing him into a larger one before rushing said larger ork and rammed his Doom Blade into the Orcs' skull. Marcus then jumped away and summoned his Heavy assault bolter, pulling the trigger, holding it down.

The result of this never ceased to awe the audience in Arc's deadly efficiency. Brutal but efficient. Yet holding a code of honor when he fights, as loose as that code is.

One orc after another was ripped apart.

Stoping, Marcus lowered his weapons slightly before sending it into his inventory and began his trek forward. They were guarding this large vault-like doorway. Why?

Khorne Marine: FOR KHORN!

Looking behind him, Marcus grimaces seeing the number of Chaos Marines.

"Is he afraid?" Raven taunts.

"No. hell no he's not. If anything that excites him. He just wants to get his mission done before they can get their hands on whatever is in the vault." T.F. answered.

"From a tactical standpoint it makes sense." Ironwood thought to himself.

In truth, he could handle anything the chaos gods threw at him, even THAT, but he had a mission.

"Ah. ever the soldier boy. I'll drink that." Qrow said, taking a drink. He got elbowed by Summer.

"Qrow we are going to have a talk about your drinking problem." Summer said in a VERY sweet tone which set off alarms for those that knew her.

Turning around Marcus pried the vault-like door open and entered the vault door closing behind him. Whatever was in here was more important than letting a little anger out.

The room was completely dark, it was a good thing he could SEE in the dark.

"Is he faunus?" Sehina wondered.

"No. The Astartes have natural night vision." T.F. corrected.

Marching forward, Marcus ignored the Eldar, Necron, and Tau relics. He could sense it ahead.


"Why do I get the feeling I won't like this..." Velvet whined quietly. Coco placed a hand on her friend's shoulder but was sitily cursing whatever was ahead of Arc.

Stopping for just a moment, the only visible object in the room was a large floating sphere.

[item: Chaos Warp Gate.

Effect: Living Warp gate that hates everything. Can act as a portal to multiple hells]

"How can something hate everything.?" Pyrrha wondered.

"Clearly you've never had a conversation with Khorne." T.F. said dryly. He would know.

Ignoring that information, Marcus marched on.

Orb: (in rage) ASTARTES!!!!

"IT SPOKE!?!?!?!?!" Nora shouted, now afraid of this object. She could FEEL the demonic energy, even through the screen.

It generates a pulse trying to hold him back, which didn't even do anything. Then it created a 2nd pulse, MUCH stronger than the last which slowed the Astartes if only for a moment.

Then the 3rd god-like pulse sent the Astartes back, he planted his foot on the metal floor, coming to a stop after sliding 5 feet, before pressing further, not at all deterred from his quest.

"Whoa..." Summer voiced the thoughts of everyone. Despite being the 2nd strongest person in the room, she now had he doubts she could defeat this version of Arc.

"Like a Black Knight given a mission by his dark queen." Nicholas thought aloud. "Dosn't stop till the job is done."

"Well, he is a literal angel of death." T.F. reminded the head of the Arc family.

The orb seemingly gave up as he reached behind his back, and pulled out a reticular device with a spike protruding out of one of its ends.

"What's that?" Ruby asked, fascinated by the devices design,

"A power inert device." T.F. anasered. "A Lot like Goodwitch's trump card actually."

Stabbing it, the device it out an otherworldly hiss as the energy was being collected.

"Ouch." Cardin remarked.

"Indeed Mr. Winchester." Goodwitch sounded

The Slayer stared at the orb while in thought. He had Miller move all the base facilities to the Fortress of Doom which was now above this planet. He had ordered them all to be genetically modified and fitted into Astartes armor in the fashion of a Night Sentinel. Construction to expand the Fortress of doom had begun. It would be the new Mother Base.

"A mobile base. Smart. But hard to manage and maintain." Qrow nodded.

Brought out of his musings, Marcus heard a 'gust of wind' his head snapped into the sound's direction but it was just a distraction. Snapping his head back towards the orb as it started glowing bright blue.

"Ah shit." Yang was prompt smacked over the side of her head by Summer.

"Language young lady."

Within a moment, his hand was magnetized to the orb. Marcus pulled but with all of his strength he couldn't' pull away.

It was then he noticed a puddy like sensation around his hand.

Looking at it, he noticed his hands sinking into the orb, his body being sucked in.

"GET OUT OF THERE JAUNE!" Nora cried with Pyrrha now at the edge of her seat, worroring for her crush's safety.

"Interesting." Adam thought to himself

Quickly reaching for his Plasma pistol, Marcus drew it and the ion coils coming to life, now going red.

"Shoot it!" Ruby cried.

However, the very second Marcus armed himself the orb magnetized his torso to it and began to absorb him.

Growling in anger, Marcus positioned his arms so that when it was within the orb he would be able to fire.

Sensing the Orb trying to absorb him he focused his soul's energy as a shield. A risky move since the body was meant to protect the soul, but he had no real choice.

"That makes no sense." Wiess huffed

"Yes the soul protects the body." Willow agreed.

"In your universe, yes, in his no. in his the soul is a fragile but powerful thing." T.F. informed them.

Once his Plasma pistol was within the orb he fired, but here was what he didn't realize. It was a warp gate. Not a creature. Therefore energy has nowhere to go but through and back.

"Don't tell me..." Saffron muttered covering her son's eyes as her wife gasped, being an engineer, knowing what was going to happen.

The releasing energy being sent back forced his plasma pistol back into his inventory and destroyed his hand from just past the elbow down.

His vision turned red around the edges as his health was now critical from taking the DP (Damage points) of an overcharged custom plasma pistol. His Gamer's hud alerting him to his mistake


Remaining health 25%

Health region limited to 75% due to plasma poisoning. Replacement hand required. Can not regenerate.

Self-harm points done: 16,623.

Warp energy damage: 12,412


Warning, total health left: 8%

Damage to fighting capability detected

The system can not regenerate limbs.]

As he was getting sucked in, the effect of poison damage was like an elephant sleeping dart. And therefore a poison type. So the system registered it as such.

Warning, the user will now go unconscious in 5





Statistics corrected. Due to Willpower applied, the user will not fall asleep]

"Realy???" Yang said aloud.

"This ability has FAR too much utility." Sienna thought to herself.

Marcus was completely surrounded by darkness. He could feel a tendral wrap around his arm all the way up, even under his shoulder pauldron.

"Ew..." Wiess and Ruby said aloud.

Then it... disappeared.

???: You... are not worthy of being consumed... your soul, blistered and tormented it may be... is noble... go, my kin. Go god of wrath. Avenge us.............

"Who was that?" Qrow asked quickly

T.F. shrugged. "Honestly, I don't know. Not yet anyway."

Appearing within a blink of an eye, placed in a large area, The Slayer fell to his hands and knees. Still processing what just happened in his mind, trying to understand WHO exactly just let him go.

"I'd be more worried about... oh I don't know, THE FACT THAT HE LOST HIS ARM!!!!" Yang roared.

"He's an Astartes, limbs are easily replaced." T.F. remarked.

Miller (radio): Boss!!! BOSS!! DO YOU READ ME!?!?!? MARCUS!!!!!

Still, on his stump, hands, and knees, Marcus forced his way up to his knee and foot. Marcus pressed the earpiece of his helmet with his remaining hand, activating his comlink.

"How in the hell is he still standing?" Sienna Khan murmured.

"Iron will Mrs. Khan. Iron will." Ozpin answered.

"His gamer ability only allows him to feel a fraction of pain from damage and only for a short time. Yes he felt it, but all he felt was a giant bee sting." T.F. informed them, making many of them cry at the idea of not feeling pain.

Grabbing the damaged gauntlet, Marcus ripped it away and tossed it aside, leaving just the bodysuit portion.

Marcus: I'm ok. Miller. Damaged, but ok.

"You're a little more than damaged, pal." Qrow chuckled.

Ocelot: Your vitals went crazy for 10 seconds. What happened?

Marcus: Hell if I know. My right hand is gone... any suggestions?

Ocelot: Got it. We'll send a bionic hand to meet you there. You need to cauterize the wound. Can you do that?

Marcus: Ocelot. The gamer system, remember? Blood loss doesn't affect me.

"Really?" Coco asked, looking at the resident gamers. Ruby and Yang nodded.

"Yeah, in games blood is more of a visual effect." Yang remarked.

Ocelot: Right... forgot... sorry. Anyway, V.E.G.A. is spinning up the portal now. It should appear above you. Wherever you are....

Looking up, Marcus indeed saw a blue portal form, and a bionic hand drops out of it. Once the object makes it through the portal, VEGA closes it.

"That looks more advanced than anything Atlas has managed." Ironwood said with narrowed eyes.

"That's because it is." T.F. said smirking at the general trying to wrap his head around it.

Marcus examined it for a few seconds.

It was identical to the 'rocket fist' as he called it from MGSV. simple name, easy to remember.

Taking a breath he shoved the Bionic appendage onto his wound.

The effect was instant.

Marcus felt the neurons and nerves meet, and make bonds. Within a few seconds, he had his hand back... replaced actually...

Ocelot: The techies here say that's made of hell forged steel. FAR tougher than cerminte that the Astartes use for their armor.

Marcus could feel it just like the original. Taking a few moments to get reacquainted with the 'controls' he flexed his fingers and rotated his wrist.

"Huh. that's cool." Coco remarked.

"I admit the appendage is fascinating but this.... Is brutal. He just lost his hand!" Wiess retaliated.

"So? You get knocked down, and you get back up again." Sun said, remembering his father's lesson to him.

After a few minutes, Marcus looked up seeing the bright tan ceiling above him. He was in some kind of lumiesent cavern. And could FEEL the Elder he had been trying to avoid was MUCH closer.

"That's not good." Summer said, hoping he'd avoid this Eldar.

Only way through was forwards and there was no chance for evac. Not while the Elder could follow him through the portal. Marcus needed to tie up this issue before he called up an evacuation portal.

"He's right. To call in evac with the enemy so close is too dangerous. Too risky. A saboteur could easily make it into the base and slip behind him." Ghria nodded. He had been in a similar station with a Nuckleeve once.

However that's when Marcus noticed... his Heavy Assault Bolter was gone!!!

"NOOOO!" Ruby and Summer cried.

"Don't worry. The system replaced it with a weapon of the same level." T.F. said rolling his eyes at the drama queens, having a similar expression to Raven and Neo at the moment while Penny simply stared at the symbol on Jaune's shoulder.

The symbol of the doom slayer...

She had seen it before, but where she couldn't quite remember.

Damn chaos monster must have taken it before teleporting him here.

checking his inventory everything was in place. Nevermind. Its design was just changed. It looks like a standard bolter now. Eh. details. A bolter is a bolter either way.

Marcus began his march as the 'system' informed him of some of his hidden abilities with Technomancy such as the ability to reform his armor into objects and mounts. Even how he could manipulate and add function to his new Bionic hand.

Banishing those thoughts, Marcus summoned his plasma pistol to his hand and placed it on the magic holster on his upper right leg and then summoned his bolter into his hands.

His footsteps were like earthquakes, his stride vast, his courage, limitless, examining the seeming tomb world, coming up with theories as to where he was. Giant skeletons bound to thrones, thousands of them making up a roofless catacomb, the area lit up by a yellow sun.

For he alone was the Hell Walker. Now fully unchained, and believed to be in hell.

However, only now did he think of a world that held the properties of the warp yet he seemed to be in real space that matched his knowledge. One that made him cringe.

The world of sorceries.

"Is that a bad thing? An eldar world?" Salem wondered.

"No. The World of Sorceries is the home world to the traitor legion of The World eaters. They are obsessed with worshiping their chaos god and will go to any length to serve them. In this version of 40k, the World Eaters were one of the most powerful and largest legions in humanity's back pocket. But the Primarch, and by proxy her legion, went rogue after a city she built was burned to the ground and was promised knowledge and vengeance.

Home to the traitor legion of the world eaters

If he was right...

Then these traitors would learn the true meaning of the word.....


"I am confused. I thought he was humanities guardian?" Pyrrha wondered aloud.

"He is. From inside and outside threats." T.F. emphasized. That led to a dark resiliation.

Elsewhere a light blue cyan light glowed in a dark environment. The environment itself was rocky and filled with large skeletons bound to thrones.

"So whatever this is, it's deeper down?" Willow guessed.

T.F. nodded.

It had been imprisoned here for a very long time.

These monsters had trapped it here, but it was a patient being, a war veteran and a combat-Farseer.

"Oh no... an Eldar..." Ruby groaned.

60,000,000 years ago, this being gave its life to buy humanity and the True Eldar empires time. For in its time, the Eldar, unlike the many other empires that had conspired to destroy humanity, stood by their cousins. They stood together, viewing each other as comrades. Brothers. Sisters.

"Such a wonderful past. I wonder if that can occur there and happen for the faunus again." Kali wondered. Ghria placed a hand on her shoulder in assurance.

This of course was from a time long before humanity's goddess-empress rose to power. Or at least was seen as a religious figure as she truly was a goddess.

But... it... the light... could feel it. The heavenly god's disappointment in its kind.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Tai asked.

"You'll see." T.F. answered.

Just how far has the Eldar descended????

It could remember fighting alongside Hera, so long ago, commanding entire legions to protect Humans and Eldar. Fighting beside someone it considers to be its best friend.

"So this person has history with Jaune's sister?" Ren asked. T.F. nodded in conformation.

It then led an attack on the eye of terror to give Kaldor Drago the time to get his grey knights into the eye of terror followed by a flash of light then... nothing.

It would not simply sit by and watch as the hungering star gods gave in to their desires and slaughtered millions!!!


"At least this Eldar seems to want to do something about its situation." Adam remarked silently.


An imperial legion marched into a portal. Hundreds of thousands of Krieg corpsmen and Astartes.

"That's... a huge army..." Penny remarked, Neo nodded.

"Why's the army so large?" Neo wondered.

Marching into the portal, the structure of the legion was fascinating yet terrifying for Hera to watch.

They noticed the far off look in Hera's eyes. The look of someone who's lost so much. A person in pain. Raven, however, saw a survivor.

The first of the cycle would be a row of 10 Krieg. The butts of their guns resting in their palms, the end of the body near the barrel resting on their shoulders, followed by a row of 10 Astartes. All of these Astartes are wearing custom armor. The only thing that identified them as the same legion being the Slayer's symbol. These Astartes would be followed by a row of 10 Grey Knights, followed by 10 more Krieg.

"So that's what those grey guys are!" Nora said in loud realisation.

Their footsteps were like a rhythm of thunder. A rhythm of approaching death.

Even Hera, Warmaster of the Imperium had to admit. She was VERY intimidated by this legion.

All of these people... were from the Krieg Solar system and other nearby systems. Dozens of planets razed dozens of times by Dark-Elder, Elder, Necrons, and even Orks.

Hera: (muttering to herself) Those poor souls. To suffer so much, yet to keep fighting... why... they have every right to throw themselves into the jaws of death.

In truth, Hera was surprised that the Krieg Korp allowed this. For others to be trained in their ways.

In a way, the Krieg Korp viewed this as another to be a part of their legacy, and their redemption.

"Long as they have one." Qrow shrugged. He'd never have one. Qrow glanced at Ruby. Not directly anyway.

But they were different from the average Krieg.

"Different how?" Salem wondered.

Yes, they were suicidal.

The younger members of the audience winced.

Yes, they were willing to die so that the Imperium could win.

Raven smirked, having respect for this legion now.

Yes, they would equip a bayonet to fight an enemy titan on a good day.

That alone shocked the audience. A titan? That sounded... stupid...

Yes they were trench warfare experts

Ironwood now knew what kind of unit this was. And he smirked. He always liked people like this. The kind that saw the mission and civions as a priority. On rement, trenches were used as a way for not only warfare but to safely evacuate civilians.

But they didn't throw themselves blindly. ALL of them fought together in perfect sync, even if they hadn't met before.

A group of 5 Krieg from this legion could match a single 'standard' Astartes.

"That's.... Wow..." Yang said, surprised, and quite frankly terrified.

Why was this?

ALL members of this legion, Astartes/Sartorius and human, are Psykers. Combat-war-front level. All thanks to their gene-seed doner.

"Marcus?? I mean Jaune?" Pyrrha guessed, correcting herself. T.F. chuckled.

"You guessed it P." T.F. nodded.

Members of this legion that were human didn't cower at the sight of an Astartes, they viewed them as comrades and brothers and sisters, the Astartes of this legion viewed the normal humans of this legion as 'little siblings' in kind.

Their bonds were what made this legion so dangerous. In truth, if Hera was in the place of the inquisition, she'd do the same. But she's not.

"Inquisition? Why would they hate this legion?" Willow asked.

T.F. sighed. "You'll see."

And that made the Inquisition's attempts to whittle down their numbers a nightmare.

Summer smirked at Raven. "See. having attachments does help."

Raven gritted her teeth at her former partner's statement.

The legion's recruiting method made things difficult for the Inquisition's efforts too.

"How in the world could they recruit that many?" Ironwood wondered.

As for the Fascinating-terrifying bit: It was fascinating because of how they naturally structured themselves. It was terrifying because of how organized they were due to their sense of brotherhood and their 'laws' which they prioritize over the Imperium's. Something the Empress forced the inquisition to allow. In addition, they had the slogan 'if you're not cheating, you're not trying'.

Raven smirked at Summer's and Tai's face. "And that is how you win a war. You should take notes Ozpin."

Ozpin and Salem rolled their eyes. She was a child compared to them. She still had much to learn.

This was a common lesson taught to the newer members of the legion. Just today alone they had taken in over 100,000,000 orphans, 20,000 of them qualifying to be 'standard' Astartes' 50,000 qualified to become grey knights, 20,000 were females that qualified to be Adeptus Sartorius, and the rest.... Became Krieg Korp.

This seems to be an endless cycle as the largest legion in the history of the universe was deployed all at once for the first time, through a portal that leads directly to the home of the World Eaters

The Empress had found their Primarch.

The Empress had found the 2nd legion's primarch. Their king. Their father.

Each and every one of them, even the Grey knights and Krieg were enhanced with the DNA of their Primarch. Granting them his traits, which explained their Psyker abilities. But with these blessings came a fear.

The possibility that their primarch would scorn them like everyone else!!!

"Yup. That's definitely Jaune." Sun said before chuckling.

The inquisition had an issue with the Night Sentinels because of how they were structured.

And given the fact that they viewed anything they believed would 'weaken' the imperium, they deemed it unacceptable. But they couldn't' just execute a whole legion. Especially if they were a favored legion of the Empress and The Warmaster.

"They have that high of authority?" Winter asked. T.F. nodded sadly.

The Inquisition often used The Sentinals in small squadrons as suicide soldiers, hoping to widdle down an army they couldn't manipulate before their primarch was found.

And worse of all (in the eyes of the inquisition), their Psyker network, made them immune to the whispers of The Warp, and therefor, the Inquisition couldn't send them into the warp to 'assist' the grey knights resulting in the death of all squadrends sent in.

And when the Grey Knights led by Kaldor Drago got overrun...

The Empress sent the 2nd legion, and the 2nd legion always returned... always.... Just as they always answered the call of the Imperium in defence of its people.

"Wow..." Sun, Neptune, Ruby, and Yang whispered.

They may have lost 10 or 20 soldiers when fighting so close to a Chaos gods castle.... But the casualty rate was always something like this.

Battle statistics:

Night sentinels casualties: 3% +12%

Chaos casualties: 97%

The extra 12% could be explained. The Night Sentinels believed that once the body was dead it was worthless. The soul was gone. Which is why they naturally hated Slaanesh for what she did to the Eldar on 'red day'.

Eldar being enemies aside.

This revealed to Hera and the Empress that despite their ability to Rip and Tear their enemies apart... and turn the tables on their enemies, The Sentinels were still human.

That said: given the Sentinel's beliefs they turned corpses, formerly friend or foe didn't matter, into drones. These drones would act like rabid animals. Charging at the sentinel's enemy using enhanced accuracy and speed, and when they got close, they would explode.

Because of this, before the Night Sentinels even fired the 1st round, the forces of Chaos or whatever enemy they faced usually lost 65% (at the very least) of the forces that were being used in the battle.

Many in the audience shivered at the thought of fighting such an enemy

Then the Sentinels would fight.

At that point, it was not a battle... it would be.... It would turn into mop up. The Sentinels always had an overwhelming advantage. Their tactics ensured it.

The Astartes could use both Psyker powers AND rip their enemies in 2, and the humans were nimble and had the very same Psyker abilities.

And yet the Inquisition still tried to cull their numbers.

"What a waste of resources...." Ironwood muttered, disliking the inquisition heavily right now.

Hera: *mumbling* Such a waste of effort trying to dispose of such valuable soldiers.

But The Sentinels always came back. Covered in blood and gore. Happy and healthy. Celebrating victories and sparing with one another. Congratulating each other on new kill counts, scars, and trophies.

In the end, the Inquisition's efforts were useless. The Night Sentinels were under the protection of Warmaster Hera and The Empress directly. They were never sent on missions they couldn't handle alone.

Why were they truly targeted by the Inquisition? The answer... was simple.

They had no commissar. No recognizable command structure. No 'acceptable' code of honor. And the way they recruited even made the Empress cringe at how ridiculously effective it was. No army should grow this fast. The reason they were targeted was this.

The Sentinel's primarch was a threat to their agenda.

So the inquisition attacked those who threatened their agendas, whatever they may be.

"In short there is a threat to politicians." Ozpin summarized. T.F. smiled and nodded.

To The Sentinels, glory was worthless to the dead.

Raven smiled a little more. She really did respect this legion.

To them, Honor was only found in victory, not in how it was achieved or who completed their objective first.

To them, the priority was protecting the people (mostly children) of the Imperium.

Gylinda sighed in relief. At least they protect what mattered. The people.

To them, victory was who had lost the least and gained the most.

Their future: Foundlings as they called them; were orphans of war (regardless of race but if they're not human they are called: The Redeemed). Taken in by the Night Sentinels and trained in 'The way'.

And now their king was found.

In truth, Hera had hoped her brother would be found, but now she questioned if she wanted to meet him. If his children were like this thanks to his gene-seed, just what would he be like?

Hera shook her head, shivering at the memory of The Night Sentinels stripping away valuable metal from the fallen Chaos marine's armor and repurposing it. How each Astartes wore different colored armor. All of the astartes personally customize armor to fit their self-discovered roles. How each of them had their own individual specialization to different degrees, how one of the Night Sentinels used a Khorne Marines skull as a teacup while telling jokes sitting at a campfire

Marcus must be a monster in combat, and in long term conflict

That train of thought was halted when Hera stopped herself, remembering their gentle nature to the civilians, soldiers, and other Astartes, which had earned them a positive and negative reputation. Their reputation can be summarised by one of Hera's daughters.

"There's nothing more heartwarming than a Night Sentinel caring for a child or a cousin. But the only thing more terrifying than a Night Sentinel at work is an excited or enraged Night Sentinel at work."

Back with Marcus

Marcus, grabbed a large scraped Ramming Drop ship and pulled.

The dropship was pulled to the left, giving him entrance to the cave where he sensed the Eldar's pressure.

Behind him, were hundreds of dead Chaos corrupted World Eaters. Each of them killed from some horrific 'glory kill'.

Heads twisted into the wrong way, a blade wound to the heart, being sliced in 2, sliced into 3 pieces, their own femer/other bones embedded into their skull, missing arms, legs, the list goes on.

Many members of the audience gagged while Summer and Raven shared a drooling expression that unnerves many in the audience. Including Salem to some extent.

Stepping forward, the floor broke and Marcus immediately found himself, sitting on one knee and looking around, Bolter at the ready.

Marcus was glad that he had his Bolter out because he had fallen into an area, directly in front of a group of Chaos marines. 4 in total.

Acting first, Marcus charged forward, arming himself with his new experimental weapon. It was in essence a metal-gun. A double-barreled Super-Laz sniper with a short-range scope.

Firing the first blast, Marcus grabbed the front of the Chaos Marines torso armor, throwing him over his shoulder, following the range of motion and slamming/throwing the Marine into the ground, snapping his neck. Next, he aimed the giant Laz-sniper with one hand and fired twice.

The first bolt one practically eviscerated the armor of a chaos marine, the next shot penetrating all the way through the Chaos marine causing him to look down at the hole in his chest before he fell over.

Jumping into the air, Marcus used [Dash] which was the same as Doom Eternal placing him right above the 3rd Chaos marine.

Landing on the Chaos Astartes, the agent of chaos fell to his back but didn't have time to collect himself as a boot stomped down, crushing the Cerimete/adamantium helmet and rendering the insides of his head into mush.

snooping around, Marcus fired his Super Scatter Bolter causing a bloody creator to appear in the Chaos Marines chest as he fell back dropping his weapon, dead the moment the damage was applied.

Flashback quote: 'For he alone could gain strength from his fallen foes'

Marcus nodded, remembering that quote from the testaments of Doom 2016. How appropriate. After All, he absorbs the souls of those he kills to heal.

???: (in Marcus's head and out loud) Well met warrior. Your prowess is to be expected from the Champion of Humanity. Join the Bloo-

The voice was interrupted by a trio of beeps following a black screen appearing before Marcus with red text.

[gamer's mind + [Armor Warp whisper suppressors] has rejected the whispers of Khorne]

Yang and summer laughed. "Shut down!" Yang cheered. Raven smirked. To be shut out like that must be annoying if you were attempting to tempt someone psychically.

That brought back memories of Raven and summer pranking on Beacon. Back when she had a rather large moment of weakness.

It disappeared when he was finished reading it.

Marcus: The ability makes me immune to the whispers of the warp. Something to note I suppose.

"Just something to note! That must be a serious boon." Neo remarked. Roman nodded.

"Yeah, no con-man in my head sounds good too." Roman agreed.

The audience all had their own opinions, but they all followed along the lines of how useful the ability was.

continuing his walk, Super Scatter Bolter in hand. Marcus then heard the sound of an intercom.

???: My brother, my fellow Primarch. Join us. Join the World Eaters.

This was the voice of Fury Angrius. Primarch of the World Eaters, and Marcus's sister.

"Huh. so I'm not the only one with an asshole for a sister." Qrow remarked.

"Qrow... we will definitely be having a discussion about swearing in front of my children." Summer said in a devilishly sweet tone.

This made shivers go through all in the audience. She really was the 'Red Wind of Destruction'

Marcus: I am the guardian of humanity. To join you, and surrender to the demons.... It goes against everything I am... I will not stop until every demon, every chaos labeled being is dead, and their head crushed under my boot. You failed to resist the warp, as did your sons and daughters, now... you are not my sister. You are my prey.

Ruby couldn't help but wonder if she'd have a similar opinion if Yang ever fell and became a She-Grimm, the same for Raven about Qrow becoming a Man-Grimm

Fury sighed

Fury: I was afraid of that. Perhaps a Warmup then. Succeed and I will give you the information you will need to kill the chaos gods permanently. Out of respect for you, brother.

"That's not respect. She's defecting." Winter corrected.

"Yeah, but why?" Qrow wondered.

"What could she possibly have to gain by betraying a god?" Raven muttered to herself.

The sound of cages opening and the enraged Orcs echoed through the air.

Yang smirked alongside Neo. "bring it." they said at the same time.

Sighing, Marcus shot into a neck breaking speed sprint, running forwards taking aim and firing, swiftly reloading his super shotgun with practiced hands.

POV change

It had to admit. The being that it had been watching was more powerful than It ever imagined. It could feel the presence of divinity within the being's soul. The presence of a warrior. The presence of a guardian, and the presence of an avenger.

It watched as the being decided into range, tapering its weapons to... somewhere and fire engulfed the being and began ripping and tearing its way through the Bioweapons.

Personal safety did not matter, hiding was no longer an option. It was time to make contact.

"Let's hope this goes well." Summer remarked.

POV Change

Marcus ripped the head off of an Orcs body throwing it with such force that it collided with the next Orc killing it.

Stopping for a moment, Marcus let out a roar of rage that seemed to make even the Orks stop and think.

Holding out his arms he walked in a large circle, snarling and growling like a beast.

The Orcs, one by one went back into their cells.

There was something different about this one. Each and every Orc in the room knew that. And the unknown, brought fear.

Once all the orcs were in their cells, the Cell doors closed leaving him alone once again.

Deliberately calming himself down the flames extinguished.

After a few moments, Marcus heard a voice.

???: Greetings warrior. I wish to speak with you, but know that I mean you know harm.

Ozpin narrowed his eyes. That on the basic premise alone ment the voice could not be trusted.

Marcus jumped when hearing that voice in the back of his head. It was musical and silk-like, caring kindness and compassion within it.

But given the fact that this was the 40K universe, Marcus automatically distrusted it and continued his trek, moving closer to it, entering a cell without a door. At the bottom of it was a small gem.

If he was dealing with Eldar, this was likely her spirit stone.

But there was a problem with this statement. He could sense that it was in disrepair, meaning the soul he was dealing with was damaged, yet somehow mostly intact.

Spirit stones can only be damaged by age.

But none of them are yet.....

Meaning this is likely the oldest spirit stone in the universe.

Reaching down, Marcus picked it up and examined it before packing it in one of his pouches.

Feeling a pulse of psyker energy, Marcus snapped around, Super Scatter Bolter at the ready looking left and right.

The energy in the 'air' changed, as though it enjoyed a good harmless joke.

Tsking in annoyance, Marcus walked out of the cell and stopped in after about 7 steps, looking left and right slowly.

Eldar: Peace warrior. I do not come to harm you. Merely ask for your help in these troubling times.

Looking left and right, Marcus slowly turned around inspecting the area, waiting for Chaos Marines to inevitably interrupt their conversation.

Marcus: You will have to forgive me if I do not believe you, Eldar. But the idea of one of your kind trying to have a peaceful conversation with one of my kind is as laughable as it is foolish.

Raven smirked and pointed at the screen. "You see Yang. THAT is how you treat your enemies."

The energy changed.... Now confusion and worry now filled the 'air' as it shifted rapidly.

Eldar: What do you mean? What has happened to my kin that Humanity would no longer fight alongside them?

Memories of the dark Eldar filled Marcus's mind. Memories of slavers and tortures touring humans and ALL other races simply for dark pleasure and enjoyment....

This is one of many reasons why humanity's war is endless... why their crusade is eternal.

If Salem could. She would use her magic to help this humanity. They were most certainly worthy of it.

Marcus snapped.


Sienna scoffed. Not believing it about this Arc. Another racist.

"Sadly he's right. Humans once trusted the other races, and seemingly overnight, all of them, save the eldar, turned on them." T.F. justified, which shocked many of them, making Sienna start to rethink what she thought she knew about this Arc.

It was true. It was the betrayal of the Eldar that caused the fall of many of the original 13 Primarchs. In truth, Marcus was lucky to be in stasis at the time.

Yes, technically Marcus is the Fourteenth OLDEST Primarch out of 20.

Less than half a second after his words registered in the Farseer's mind. He was lifted from the ground and slammed into the wall, forced to drop his weapon as the psychic grip was firm on him yet not painful. Whenever he used his massive strength, the Farseer matched him all too easily.

"She's really strong." summer said. She couldn't help but get excited at the prospect of fighting someone so strong.

Eldar: Forgive me for this will be rather painful.... But I must know what has happened to my kin to warrant such rage.

After a moment, allowing the statement to register in Marcus's mind that she didn't want to do this, he felt the pain of a thousand molten needles enter his mind and then it multiplied 1,000,000,000,000

Even Raven flinched at the pain that was implied.

If he was human, this would have killed him. But he is deity now. A human, once mortal.

Marcus's cries of pain could be heard throughout the open areas of the complex.

Why is the gamer's mind allowed this.... He would ask later. For now, he just was thankful that Gamer's mind dulled the pain of a 'plot moment.'

[The Eldar has a stronger mental strength than the creator of this system. Therefore she is capable of penetrating Gamer's Mind]

"That's... scary. Very scary." Ruby remarked meekly. The rest of the audience, save Neo who grinned at the show of pain.

Oh... that's wonderful

Qrow chuckled. "Somehow I don't think sarcasm will help him here.

Suddenly the molten needles of pain.... Receded instantly. The energy felt as though it 'stumbled' away in shock and pain.

Eldar Farseer: so far... to fall so far...

"Hmph. Now I get why humans of this universe don't trust aliens." Yang remarked.

She had seen visions of the Dark elder, and to see that the normal Elder had become nothing more than pirates much like their dark brethren, but with a modicum of honor and the kindness to put down their prisoners.

In truth, the subtle sound of sobbing could be heard if one listened close enough.

Marcus: The higher the pedestal the harder the fall witch!!!

Salem winced at that.

... How true that was...

Marcus's tone was not missed by the Eldar. The pressure holding his body in place increased 100 fold for a moment causing his Hell-forged steel armor to BEND for a moment before it came back into place after a few seconds of pressure returned to its previous state.

".... Such power..." Raven muttered, jealous of this being.

Eldar Farseer: (remorseful and regretful) there is more truth to that statement than you will ever know....

After a moment, she spoke again.


Raven scoffed. "Of course such power was granted to fools."

She was punched out of her chair by an angry summer, looking up to the still weakened rose, even in her weakened state, she still could beat Raven to death in 4 to 5 punches. Aura or no.

And that's why Raven respected Summer. She may seem weak minded, but in truth, she was anything but.

Her confusion, fear, and regret threw Marcus for a loop for a moment. However he went back into poking and prodding at her, using his Psionic abilities, hoping to find a weak point to break, but it was like a sheet of raw steel. No chickens in the armor.

His attempts caught her attention instantly.

Eldar Farseer: you won't find any flaws in my techniques. I have had over 10 millennia fighting the old machines to perfect them. I am the best farseer, even among the rest of my kin, in all aspects. Power, technique, and efficiency.

Marcus: Everything has a weakness... I just have to find it....

Willow smirked. How true

The pressure increased subtly around the cheek of his helmet as though the energy was caressing it.

Eldar Farseer: so young... yet so old.... You are powerful. I will give you that, but your technique is raw and unrefined. You have much to learn, God of wrath.

Marcus froze for a moment.

So... she figured out what he was... in such a short amount of time??? How?

The voice chuckled, though it was a humorless and cold one. However, what she said earlier just clicked in Marcus's head. 'I have had over 10 millennia fighting the old machines to perfect them. I am the best farseer, even among the rest of my kin, in all aspects. Power, technique, and efficiency.'

The only way an elder of that age from a spirit stone is that powerful would be if they were from-

Marcus: (whispers) The war in heaven.... (looks up to the center of the room) You mean to tell me you're a veteran of the War in Heaven???

If that was true... the power this Elder had in the Psyker arts would but Tzeentch to shame. Most elder Farseer's were powerful, but the texts he had found over the past 6 months proved that there was 1 Eldar farseer, a female, who was stronger than all the chaos gods. And was said to be mentored by The Empress due to her compassion towards humanity.

After all, the empress left a few logs with his ship that had crashed back on Junkheap.

Eldar Farseer: hmm is that what they call it now??? Then yes. According to our guest link then I can confirm that I was active during that time period. This document that you memorized is not very detailed. Only that it happened and that it was a very long time ago. But to delve deeper into your mind would betray the very values I hold.

Marcus scoffed.

Marcus: Why ask? You've already invaded my mind.

Glynda sighed, being a fellow 'Psyker' she could understand the woman's frustration. "He has a point."

The pressure increased around his throat and he was pressed deeper into the rock wall. A fury could be felt throughout the room.

Eldar farseer: And I would not have been forced to have you COOPERATED!!!

Marcus grunted.

Marcus: Yet here you are. Doing the very same thing you claim to be mourning what your people have become, witch.

The air changed to that of realization, morning, regret, sorrow, and panic.

Ozpin felt sympathy for this being, she was scared and acted like a cornered animal, despite all her power.

The pressure on Marcus's neck was released instantly after the realisation and sobbing could be heard.

Then the pressure holding him in place replaced and Marcus fell onto his ass.

Eldar Farseer: (sobbing) I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry. This is just so much. We were the children of the stars. We developed our space-transit gates alongside humanity!!! We defended each other's civilians! And now I learn that my best friend is now my mortal enemy!?!?!? That she blames me for the Eldar's fall!!! I just....

She stops for a moment as Marcus gets up and starts towards the voice in the center of the room.

"Hmph. he's not attacking her. What a weak willed fool." Raven scoffed.

"Mrs. Branwen. You would do well to remember that this being has no body, and his Psyker skills are nowhere near hers." Ozpin reperined in a tone that made Raven afraid.

Eldar Farseer: please warrior, let me show you how total our fall really was.

Rather than the tendrils of pain, it was more like a video was left in an inbox.

"That's... one way to describe it." Sun remarked.

Watching the events, Marcus marveled at the cities and warriors the Eldar and humanity built together, at the number of lives they saved. How the Old Eldar power combined with 30K humanities power (pre-Isisa Heresy events) made the chaos gods quake in their skin.

Now, Marcus saw the Old Eldar and the 'modern' Eldar as 2 different empires. The Old Eldar was a time where Marcus would have shared a drink with anyone of their warriors out of respect, but now, there is nothing more than pirates, dark cultists, and murderers.

"Such change... to think humanity almost fell to that level as well." Glyinda said sadly.

"Humanity HAS fallen. They just like to look good about themselves." Sienna remarked angrily. "The Faunus haven't even been given a chance to rise even today. To equality. And when they hurt our children, we hurt their adults back."

Ghira and Kali looked down sadly.

A fury now burned within Marcus's heart, alongside his hate for the demons, he now sees that the Eldar empire is dead, and all that is left... are pretenders and the wolves within... holding the old Eldar virtues...

If there are truly wolves among them.... Should he not set them free?

Raven smirked. "My opinion has changed."

Summer, yet again, punched Raven out of her seat. Damn near killing her

Eldar Farseer: (sadly) And now warrior, you see how total our fall truly was.... To fall so low that we would create 2 ruinous powers....

Marcus was debating destroying the spirit stone just to spite her... however... he couldn't help but squash the idea in his head. This was an Eldar who fought for both her people and humanity.

He just couldn't bring himself to trap her here for eternity.

His thoughts were interrupted by the Eldar once more.

Eldar Farseer: Warrior, I know that I have wronged you, but I ask of you, a boon.

Turning to the side, Marcus sighed.

Of course, she would ask that.

Marcus cursed his bleeding heart.

"Having a bleeding heart is't a BAD thing." Ruby insisted.

"In war, it'll get you killed." Ironwood said bitterly.

"I disagree." Summer said, catching their attention. "Having a kind heart in a dark time isn't a weakness. Its courage."

Marcus: Ask. I make no guarantee of granting it.

The Eldar seemingly acknowledged that much.

Eldar Farseer: Thank you, Warrior. I ask this of you. Let me stand beside you as warrior-servant and teacher for your ability to access the sea of souls.

According to Marcus's knowledge of Eldar culture, being a warrior servant is life-long enslavement to someone of their choosing because of making a horrific mistake.

Salem didn't like the idea, but even she had to admit. The idea has merit. So long as it was self imposed.

Neo however, forever the pervert, was thinking of all the kinky things this Jaune/Marcus could pull.

However he didn't seem to be that kind of guy.


In truth, Marcus was conflicted. He truly, genuinely hated slavery. But here he was, forced to do so if he wanted to save this Eldar. An Eldar that the Imperium should respect, given the fact that this Eldar once fought for humanity's safety as well as her own empire....

Marcus: Why chose to be enslaved to someone such as me? We both know that if I accept, you will be my lifelong slave.

Eldar Farseer: (Smartass tone) Given my current state, Familier would be a better word.

And there's the Eldar knowing/smartass tone.

"Wow. way to kill the mood." Tai muttered.

Eldar farseer: In truth. My people are no longer my own. They have fallen too far and have come to rely on their primitive urges of greed and sadism. My people fought alongside humanity, our empires had sworn to fight alongside each other, but my people betrayed that oath. As the last true Eldar, their mistakes and failings are now my own. In order to redeem the Eldar empire of old, I must serve for eternity. I will aid you in any and all ways you deem necessary. If you wish to use me for pleasure, I will accept, if you wish for a companion in battle I will accept. If you wish for a teacher and only a teacher I will await you in silence and wait for you to be ready to receive my lessons.

Sienna and Adam didn't like that. Those were the words of a traitor.

How much detail and passion she put in that statement made Marcus cringe. He wasn't one for forcing his will onto others. He just rips and tears till the job is done and waits till the next group of demon-related problems pops up.

But it all boiled down to one question. It wasn't a question about slavery, it was a question about abandoning someone who fought for humanity, races aside.


Marcus: I-

The screen goes black

"OH COME ON! Yang roared in iritation.
