
WELCOME to the Astania Book Club: Phoenix Guild!

Who are we?

We are a book club dedicated to getting your book more reads, constructive criticism, and all around feedback. This is our non-structured club, designed for stress-free reading books that you can choose. If that interests you, read on to see how we work!

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1) You can choose which books to read!

2) You do not have to partner with another member, but you can if you wish. Each member can have a maximum of three partners.

3) The minimum reading requirement is 4 narrative chapters of another member's story per month with at least four quality comments per chapter. Quality comments are thoughtful and insightful comments. Non-narrative chapters such as author's notes, character aesthetics, and content warnings do not count. Again, you can choose which book to read.

4) We do not accept random stories, along with stories that cover potentially sensitive or unethical subjects. Please see a list of examples below.

- Any stories that do not abide by Wattpad's Terms of Service and Content Guidelines.
- Glorification of unethical practices. This may include age gap relationships specifically between an adult and a minor (under 18 years old), non-consensual acts, stalking, sex trafficking/slavery, etc. Please note that for the majority of these, excluding age gap relationships between an adult and a minor, it is allowed to be demonstrated in your book as long as it is not in a positive light. However, please provide relevant trigger warnings.
- Any books written with the use of AI. This does not include smaller things such as outlines; rather, full sentences, paragraphs, or chapters written by AI.

5) You can enter up to 3 books, but you will need to do 3 times the regular assignments. Similarly, if you enter 2 books, you will need to do 2 times the regular assignments. For example, if you enter 3 books, you will have to read 12 chapters and leave 4 comments on each chapter. If you enter 2 books, you will have to read 8 chapters and leave 4 comments on each chapter. If you enter more than 1 book, please ensure you can complete your assignments on time.

6) The password to the form is your favorite mythical creature.

7) Add this book to your private library. If you don't have it, you will miss important updates. Also, it is recommended to follow the community account (Aptionia
Nickname: Zoe
Pronouns: she/they
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: Dark Divide
Genre: High Fantasy
Points: 20

Partners for Aptionia: Hi @AziaElga! Would you like to be partners? (request this in the inline comments)

Reports for Aptionia: I've read Chapters 1-5 of Nobody Like You by @AziaElga (staff book) (report this in the inline comments)

Please make sure to tag the people you've partnered with, specify what type of book(s) you've read, and make sure to get your reports in on time. Reports done after the deadline will not count, unless there is a legitimate reason. To avoid this, tell us you can't do your assignment ahead of time.

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This information is subject to change, but we will update the club if it does.
