Christmas shenanigans

Woop Dee doo. I'm updating


Ezio- He always gets quite festive during this time of year. He takes any chance he can to hang mistletoe in every doorway he can, and then proceed to drag you through those doorways, just so he can steal a kiss from you.

Connor-  Two words. Christmas trees. Connor loves them. Every year he insists that you go out with him and get the coolest tree possible. Then you spend all night decorating them, it always takes a long time because Connor has a habit of getting tangled in the lights. You always help Connor out of the lights but not without taking a picture. You've started a little photo collection just of Connor tangled up in Christmas lights, you call it proof that humans can be Christmas trees too.

Jacob- The gag gift exchanges. It started out as a joke one year when you bought him a shirt saying 'professional moron'  And a note saying "for my favorite moron" He decided to get his revenge by giving you a poop emoji pillow with a card saying "for the cutest little shit in my life" each year now you give each other little gag gifts and Jacob will wear them proudly.

Desmond- Desmond likes Christmas but he's not always the most hardcore festive person. He loves to just sit back and bingewatch cheesy Christmas movies while cuddling when your at home. But when you go to Christmas parties he has a tendency to drink a bit too much... Then proceed to steal all the alcohol he can and "experiment".. Which always leads to him having a hangover the next day and you having a ton of incriminating stories to use for later.

Haytham- Aside from the occasional Christmas party thrown by coworkers, family, and some friends. Christmas with Haytham usually means snuggles by the fireplace and movie marathons. You have a tradition though, a staff Christmas party held each year in the library. You and Haytham always go to it and everyone takes turns playing a game called " Who can spike Haythams eggnog without him noticing? " and he has no idea that it's you who manages to win every year.

Shay- Ice skating. Every year without fail Shay brings you ice skating at least three times before Christmas. He's an amazing ice skater and he loves teaching you how to skate with him. Shay also has a tendency to insist on building snowmen and starting snowball fight's. So technically Shay is like a snow loving child with a hot AF accent, a deadly combination.

OK sorry. Its bee n a while because of school, slackness, sicknesses, and friends being butts. So sorry and here u go
