Sacrificing his life for you.


-warning: pretty depressing-

You hugged Asra tight, He saw how scared you were so he kept you close to him.

"Don't be scared, I'm here." He ran his fingers on your hair, calming you down for a bit.

You look at Lucio who had a sword in his hand and laugh.

"Your right.." I faintly smiled

"WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT!?" Lucio said as he pointed his sword towards me.

"The fact that you're weak makes her laugh, so what?" Asra said

"WHY YOU LITTLE!-" He ran towards me.

I quickly and calmly cast a spell on me and Asra, A shield appeared in front of our eyes.

"Ah, your getting better~". Asra smiled and turned back to Lucio

You felt a heavyweight on your arms like you couldn't hold on to your spell any longer.

Asra can see it
"Just relax, Lucio will attack you if the shield fails to stand." He holds on to my shoulders, comforting me.

I take a deep breath and relaxed right away, Lucio took his sword and threw it to our shield. As soon as the sword hits the shield, A tiny crack forms on the shield. The sword breaks in half, and Lucio groans loudly.


My shield disappears, then me and Asra make a run for it.

"Run!!" He grabbed my hand and we both ran.

We ran, and Lucio takes half of the sword. And threw it towards me.
Asra looks back, and went behind and took the hit. It went through his stomach and he falls to the ground.

You look back at him and fall to the ground.

"Asra!" You sob and ran to him

"I-I'll be fine..just make a run for it." He groaned and smiled

"N-No! It's not O-Okay!, Come on let me heal you!" You whimpered

You saw Lucio try to aim for you again, he threw it at you and you dodged it.

"You did this. You will pay." Asra and Lucio's eyes widen their eyes at me

You quickly took out the card And took the Devil's Card. It turned black, and you looked at Lucio coldly.
And showed it to him.

"Is tHis YouR cArD?" You smirked

You cast a spell and hexed Lucio, becoming the invisible goat again.


"No..what have you done." You growled at him

You look at Asra, still holding his wound blood dripping. You went up to Asra and tried to heal his wound.

You tried your best but your magic healed 50% of his wound, still bleeding.

You monster...
