
Just to let ya know the events that will take place in the story will not completely follow what takes place in the anime. Hope you enjoy the story.


"Alright men, we're heading back to my home island, set sail!" Vice Admiral Garp yelled.

"Aye Sir!" his crew yelled back.

Vice Admiral Garp was finally able to get a break from his mission to go back to his home island. While he was eating his rice crackers he noticed a small boat in the distance. As they got closer he could see a child lying down in it. Once they were close enough he looked down and gasped. The kid's clothes were torn to shreds, but that's not what caught Garps stare. The kid was covered in blood.

Garp jumped onto the boat and hoisted the kid up, earning a groan in response. He noticed how light the kid was so he moved his shirt to see that the kid was starved and beaten to death. You could see his bones sticking out through his skin, along with cuts and bruises.

"I need a medic here!" he yelled.

In that given moment chaos erupted throughout the crew. For the next few days the crews doctors watched over the boy till he got better, and in those days Vice Admiral Garp decided he would take the child in.

~ Time Skip, 4 Days ~

A groan came from the boy lying in the infirmary bed. It took the boy a few minutes to open his eyes due to the bright light, and when they were open he looked around the room and came face to face with Vice Admiral Garp. It took the boy a moment to process that someone was in front of him and without thinking he jumped out of the bed and ran to the door only to trip and fall down in pain.

"You're still pretty injured, so I suggest you get back in the bed and rest, boy," Garp said.

The boy didn't move an inch from his position on the floor and that was his mistake. A tick mark appeared on Garps face along with a scowl.

"Don't ignore me, boy!" Garp yelled raising his fist.

When Garp yelled at the boy he was poised to hit him on the head, but when he looked at the boys face he paused. The boy was terrified. He was shaking like an earthquake. Garp dropped his fist and sat on the floor next to the boy.

"I'm sorry I yelled," he said, "I won't hurt you. Now, can you tell me your name?"

"... Hakubi," the boy whispered.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Hakubi, my name is Garp. Do you mind telling my why you were wounded like that and floating in the middle of the sea?" Garp asked.

The boy stayed silent making Garp come up with something else.

"What about your parents?" He asked.

"...dead," Hakubi whispered trying to hold back tears.

"Do you have any other family?" Garp asked.

"," he answered.

"Then it's official. You're coming with me to my home island," Garp smiled.

The boy looked up at Garp with a confused look.

"Don't look at me like that. What type of person would I be if I left a kid alone," Garp said.

"...thank you," Hakubi whispered while Garp got up.

"Now go get some rest. We'll be at the island in a few days," Garp said while he left the room.

After a few minutes of thinking Hakubi got up slowly, due to still being in pain and got back into the bed. Before he fell asleep he let a small smile grace his face.

~ Time Skip, 7 Days ~

During the seven days Hakubi was recovering Garp visited him and told him all about the island they were going to. The island he was going to call home from now on, Foosha village.

"Garp, will you be staying in Foosha village as well?" Hakubi asked.

"No, I only come to visit when I'm not on missions," Garp answered.

"Mission's for what?" Hakubi asked.

"The Navy, I'm a Vice Admiral, so I had many things to do," Garp answered.

"What does the navy do?" Hakubi asked.

"We protect the innocent and stop the criminals," Garp answered.

When Garp said that Hakubi looked down and tried to hold his tears in. He was think that if what Garp said is true, why didn't anyone come protect him from the slave traders when he needed it.

"You alright Hakubi?" Garp asked.

"Can the navy save everyone that is innocent?" Hakubi asked.

"... no," Garp answer solemnly, "We can't reach every person that needs help. Which is why we do what we can. It's later, why don't you get some sleep. We should be at the island tomorrow."

With that said Garp left leaving Hakubi to think over what Garp had said. Without even knowing it Hakubi fell asleep.

~ Time Skip, Next Morning ~

When they doct at the port of the village Hakubi followed behind Garp to building called "Party's Bar." Even though Hakubi warmed up to Garp he still had insecurities about being left alone to be taken care of by someone he doesn't know. When they entered the bar Garp was greeted by a women at the counter.

"Welcome back Garp," she said.

"Good to be back Makino," Garp said.

I took a while for Makino to notice Hakubi since he was hiding behind Garp and when she did she asked who he was.

"It's alright. She's the nicest person on the island," Garp said with a smile.

Hakubi stuck his head out enough for Makino to see his face and he blushed when she smiled at him. Makino walked around the counter and kneeled down to Hakubi's height and motioned him to come out of hiding.

"My name is Makino, what's yours?" she asked.

"H-Hakubi," he stuttered.

"Hakubi, what a nice name," Makino said smiling.

"Makino, I need to discuss something with you," Garp said.

"Alright, I'll just make Hakubi something to eat," she said.

While Hakubi was eating at the counter, a fair distance away so Hakubi wouldn't hear, Garp told Makino all about Hakubi and that he needs someone to take care of him. Makino offered to take Hakubi in so Garp wouldn't have to worry.

"Alright, I'll go tell him," Garp said.

When Garp reached Hakubi he noticed that the plate was empty, aside from a few crumbs here and there.

"Hakubi, you'll be staying with Makino for now on, alright," he said.

"Ok," Hakubi said while he whipped his mouth clean, "Thank's for the food Makino."

"No problem," Makino said.

For the next few days Garp showed Hakubi around the village, along with getting to know Makino better since he will be living with her from now on. When the time came Garp had to finally leave.

"Don't forget to check his wounds later," Garp shouted from the ship.

"I won't," Makino shouted back.

"You better behave Hakubi," Garp shouted.

"I will," Hakubi shouted back while waving goodbye.

"Alright, why don't we go get your wounds check," Makino said while she grabbed Hakubi's hand.

Hakubi shook his head yes even though he was dreading what Makino would think when she saw his wounds. They walked back to the bar and went straight to Makino's room. There Hakubi sat on the bed while Makino went to get the supplies. When Makino got back she asked Hakubi to take off his shirt so she could remove the bandages. Hakubi tensed when she said that but took his shirt off anyway. When all the bandages were off Makino gasped.

"How did this happen?" Makino asked.

Makino knew he wouldn't answer when she saw the pain and fear in his eyes. Before she could see more in his eyes he turned his head.

"It's alright. You don't have to tell me," she said.

"Thank you," Hakubi whispered.

They didn't utter another word while Makino cleaned and re-bandaged Hakubi's wounds. For the rest of the day Makino worked the bar and Hakubi sat in his new room looking out the window. There he could see the ocean.

For two years Hakubi has opened up a little bit more to Makino along with helping her out at the bar even though he doesn't like strangers. Through those two years Hakubi even became invisible to most of the village since he was an outsider and he learned the hard way that being alone hurts more than actually being hurt.

During the second year Garp came back with a baby. Say that it's his grandson and that he will be staying here with Makino and Hakubi.

"Hakubi, this is Luffy your new baby brother," Garp said while Luffy was sleeping in his arms.

Hakubi walked up to Garp and took a look at Luffy. He wasn't even a year old yet. After a few seconds a small smile formed on Hakubi's face. He never had a brother before and now he won't be alone.

For the next six years Hakubi and Luffy grew up. Hakubi was now about twelve years old while Luffy was six. Hakubi would be looking out for his younger brother while Luffy just messed around like usual. It was one of those special days that pirates would be docking at the port, creating a small panic from the village. Those that went to see who the pirates where came face to face with the Red Haired Pirates. Luffy on the other hand was curious and wanted to see what pirates were like. Hakubi tried to keep him in check but he ran off before Hakubi could tell him to be carefull. While Luffy stood next to Makino, Hakubi kept his distance from the pirates. He was worried they would try something nasty. For the rest of the day Hakubi stood in the shadows, observing the pirates and looking over Luffy.

"Hey Hakubi, could you help me out with the food?" Makino asked from the counter.

With the mention of his name he had to stop Luffy from trying to jump on him like he usually did every other day. That caught the attention of the pirates that weren't drunk.

"Will you stop Luffy, Makino asked me to help her," Hakubi said while trying to push Luffy away.

Luffy pouted then went back to his seat next to the pirate captain, Shanks. While Hakubi was helping Makino, Shanks kept mocking Luffy on every word that came out of his mouth.

"Hey kid, your name was Hakubi, right?" Shanks asked.

"Ya?" Hakubi said.

"Ever since we came in here you've been hiding in the shadows, watching us. Why is that?"
Shanks asked.

"Because of Luffy," Hakubi said.

"What are you to him?" Hakubi asked.

Before Hakubi could answer that Luffy yelled out, "We're brothers!"

"You two don't even look alike," Shanks said.

"We're not blood related," Hakubi said.

"What about your parents?" Shanks asked.

When Shanks asked that question Hakubi stopped what he was doing and just stood there. He was clenching his fist so hard he broke the glass he was holding, shattering it to piece. Makino quickly grabbed a cloth to stop the bleed.

"Shanks... Hakubi has been left in my care, has been for eight years. No one knows what happened to his parents," Makino explained.

"I'm sorry I brought that up. How's the hand," Shanks apologized.

"Just a few cuts here and there, no stitching," Makino said.

"That's good. Do ya mind if I call you Haku for short, Hakubi," Shanks asked.

"S-sure," Hakubi stuttered.

Hakubi got his cuts wrapped and most of the crew passed out from being drunk. For the next couple of weeks Shanks' crew stayed on the island as a sort of vacation. Luffy also received a nickname from Shanks, one he hates being called.

"Hey Anchor, why don't you have some juice," Shanks said to Luffy mockingly.

"Sure," Luffy said happily.

It wasn't till Luffy took a sip that Shanks started laughing at Luffy about men not drinking juice. Luffy off course got mad like all the other times Shanks made fun of him.

"Why do you constantly teas Luffy all the time?" I asked.

"What! I can't have any fun," Shanks laughed.

It was during that time that bandits choose to step foot into the bar. They demanded that they wanted sake, but Makino stated that she was all out since Shanks and his crew were finishing off what was left of the sake. In return Shanks offered them a glass of wine. The leader of the bandits was so angry he grabbed the wine bottle and smashed it on top of Shanks' head. While Shanks was on the ground the bandit kept on insulting him and his crew. Luffy got angry since Shanks wouldn't fight back, so when the bandits left he yelled at Shanks stating that he was a coward. Hakubi on the other hand stood clear and made no move to intervene. He knew Shanks didn't fight back since it was a meaningless fight. Since no one was paying attention Luffy ate Shanks' devil fruit, causing an uproar.

As the day came to an end Shanks and his crew left, leaving on another adventure. They would soon return one last time till they had to leave for good. In that time Hakubi tried to teach Luffy how to control his devil fruit powers. With it being Luffy, Hakubi had his work cut out for him. The closest he could get Luffy to controlling his power was stretching his limbs.

~ Time Skip, Later that Week ~

While Hakubi was out, Luffy stayed with Makino at her bar. It was the day those bandits choose to come back. As they walked in they insulted Shanks' crew again, infuriating Luffy like last time. The bandits got angry when Luffy yelled at them, resulting in Luffy being dragged out. While the bandits leader held Luffy down with his foot people gathered around, like Makino and the Mayer who were both worried and trying to bribe them to let him go. That's when Shank's and his crew showed up. A fight broke out against Shanks' crew and the bandits. When all but the leader of the bandits was left he used a smoke bomb to escape with Luffy. Shanks started panicking when he noticed that Luffy was also gone.

While this was going on Hakubi was walking by the shore. That's when he noticed the bandit from before caring Luffy on a boat. Hakubi started to get worried, since he couldn't do anything. That's when he shouted Luffy's name, catching the attention of both Luffy and the bandit. Within a blink of an eye the bandit threw Luffy into the sea. This made Hakubi even more worried. While Hakubi was hyperventilating he didn't notice the sea king eat the bandit whole and look at Luffy. He did notice the red blur that went right past him into the water, swimming towards Luffy. That red blur was Shanks. Right when Shanks reached Luffy the sea king bit off Shanks' arm. As Shanks was swimming to shore with Luffy in his arm, Hakubi could hear Luffy crying. When they got out of the water Shanks gave Hakubi an emotionless face with a hint of disappointment.

"Why didn't you try to save Luffy, Hakubi?" Shanks asked.

"..." Hakubi tried to say something but couldn't in fear as to what Shanks would think of him.

"Please don't be mad at Hakubi. There's a reason why he didn't help me, he can't swim," Luffy said while he wiped his eyes.

"Then why don't you learn," Shanks said sitting down with Luffy in his lap.

"... I can't," Hakubi said looking down.

"Of course you can, you just have to try," Shanks said.

"That's not it," Hakubi said then took in a small breath, "I ate a devil fruit."

It took Shanks a few seconds to receive what Hakubi said and when it did he felt guilty.

"I'm sorry if the tone of my voice hurt you. I assumed something else without thinking," Shanks said.

"It's alright," Hakubi said.

In the distance you could hear Shanks' crew calling out. When they reached Hakubi and them they all went nuts when they noticed Shanks' missing arm. For the next few days Shanks was recovering and when they were ready to depart Shanks gave Luffy his hat, making a promise that Luffy would need to return it when he becomes a famous pirate.

"Look out for yourself as well Haku," Shanks said while waving.

"I will," Hakubi said waving back.

A couple weeks later Garp comes back and learns of what happened, so he decided to take both Hakubi and Luffy to live with bandits in hope of changing Luffy's mind on becoming a pirate to become a marine.


Just to let ya know it will be awhile till I update cause I'm going to be house sitting for my grandmother and she doesn't have internet. Please comment, I love to hear your thoughts.
