
Living_Dead_Jinx asked: "Daddy, how do I cope with life :3"

Sonic.EXE: looks like someone has daughter issues 030 *laughs mockingly*

Me: *punches Sonic.EXE in the shoulder* shut up!!!. >///< it's none of your business.

Sonic.EXE: fine... I'll leave you to your human issues.  '-'

Me: good... *looks over to my daughter* Izzy... Life is something that's hard to deal with, and understand. As someone who can slightly relate to the pain you've experienced.  I can tell you that the best way your emotions and life is to let it out in some kind of way... Cutting is an example but it's not a good one. Music can help a lot.  Trust me... It's gotten me through some tough times, but dont listen to music that will make you depressed it will only lead you back to that cold state of mind that can make you cut. Talking it out helps as well, and that's one thing that you do very well, when you talk your problems out to me it also helps keep me sane I'd you know it or not. I freaking love that about you. ≥﹏≤. Also remembering the people who love you can help. I know that you have family issues but that's why you have me ^^. I will always stay by your side no matter what.  I'll be there when you need me, and I'll never abandon you. If anyone hurts you, daddy will try his best to kill them slowly and painfully as they drown in their own pool of blood.  *giggles like a psychotic child* I'll try my best to help you, don't forget that. I might not be your real dad, but I'll sure treat you like it. You deserve the best, and so when you want something or want to talk about it don't feel as if you are a burden, because you're not, and If you are, you're definitely worth it. I love you daughter and nothing will ever change that ♡ *hugs you tightly*

Sonic.EXE : *mumbles something*


Sonic.EXE: *says sarcasticly* yeah sure.... Whatever ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐

Me : Hehehehe ^^ hoped that helped daughter. I always look forward to talking to you every single day.
