Another tag-

I know, I know, this is not a tag book, but I have no where to put these so sorry ;w;
Thanks to ShadowUndertale0 for the tag!

1) Are you pretty to yourself?
Most of the time

2) Do you feel alone even when you aren't?

3) Are you depressed?

4) Do you starve yourself?

5) Do you have anxiety?
I'm not sure...

6) Have you attempted suicide?

7) Do you shut out the ones closest to you?
I try not to :3

8) Are you abused?

9) What hurts you the most?
Feeling useless, selfish, etc

10) Are you a loner?
I'd say I am

11) What's your sexuality?
I'm straight

12) Are you confident?
Uh... depends
I can sing on stage, sure, but anything else?
Nope. End up a shaking wreck.

13) Are you bullied?
Not anymore

14) Do you hate yourself?

15) Are you important to yourself?

16) A picture that represents me:

Tag time!~

I already tagged the person who tagged me :3

One more thing before you leave!

Please, go follow KCTales9 because they did some amazing fanart for Flight and they DESERVE recognition.

(I would put the photo but Wattpad is being picky about letting me upload pictures ;-;)
