
 Kayla: "Ok, ready for some more fun you guys?"

Talon: "Sure Kayla"

Penny: "Not really.. but ok"

Kayla: "Ok, Penny, you have to put on Talon's rocket boots"

Talon: "My rocket boots?.. I don't really like to share those you know.."

Penny: *thinks for a sec then smiles* "Talon, it's a dare. Now give me your rocket boots"

Talon: *sighs* "Ugg.. fine" *takes off his boots*

Penny: "I've always wanted to try these.." *puts them on*

Talon: "You have?.. Anyhoo, just be careful" *looks kinda worried*

Kayla: *watches*

Penny: "Woah!" *tries to fly*

Talon: "Uncle claw would kill me if those broke.."

Penny: "Yea.. i better take these off now, i can't get them to work right" *gives them back*

Kayla: "Ok now guys, i have another dare for you" *smiles* "Penny, you have to sit in Talons lap  for the whole rest of the time" 

Penny: "Wait.. what?!" *blushes*

Talon: "Uhh.."

Kayla: *leads Talon over to the couch* "Just sit here.."

Talon: *sits and looks over at Penny who is standing at the other side of the room blushing*

Kayla: "Come on Penny.." *looks at her expectantly*

Penny: *awkwardly walks over to Talon, blushes and carefully sits on his lap*

Talon: "This is.. acward" *face gets slightly red*

Penny: "Yep.." *blushes harder*

Kayla: "Ok! now Talon, did you really think Penny was dead when we pranked you? Be honest."

Talon: *sighs* "Yea.. i did."

Kayla: "and Penny, what were you thinking when he thought you were dead?"

Penny: "I.. i was feeling really bad to be pranking him like that but.. i was also thinking.. 'wow, he really does likes me' and that kinda made me feel worse for pranking him.."

Talon: "It's ok, i forgive you" *smirks*

Penny: *really feels acward sitting in his lap*

Kayla: "You two look super cute right now.." *pulls out her phone and takes a picture*

Penny: *blushes* "Really Kayla?!" 

Talon: *tries to not look embarrassed*

Kayla: *giggles* "You guys ready or another question?"

Penny: "Sure.."

Talon: "I'm always ready, im Talon!"

Kayla: "Ok.. so Talon,what would you do if Penny if started dating somebody else?"

Talon: *eyes get wide* "Um.. I would probably kidnap the guy she was dating"

Penny: *eyes get wide* "Really Talon?... wow" *blushes, but secretly kinda likes his answer*

Kayla: "What about you Pen, what would you do if Talon started dating somebody else?"

Penny: *looks down* "I would probally be upset.. but i wouldn't really DO anything"

Talon: *starts to enjoy having Penny on his lap* "You would be upset huh?" *smirks*

Penny: "Hey, at least i wouldn't kidnap her" 

Talon: *face gets red for a sec* "Good point"

Kayla: "Well, that's all i have for now you two"

Hi! Thanks for reading! And as always, please leave your questions/dares in the comments!
