Question/Dare 3

I dare you to French kiss Spain.


Neddy's eye twitched as he slowly turned while exerting murderous thoughts. Finally fully facing you, his viper green eyes were cold and snake-like, and filled with venom. "You expect ME... to FRENCH KISS... that Spanish bastard?" Neddy slowly repeated the dare, staring you down, his glare terrifying. The Admin coughed nervously and stepped once again between the furious country and you, making sure the other contributor to the dare is behind her as well. After glaring furiously and coldly into the Admin's eyes for a few seconds, Neddy turned around and stormed over to Spain, roughly jerking his head up and pressing his lips to Spain's, his tongue entering the surprised Spaniard's mouth and touching Antonio's tongue briefly. Ripping away, gagging and disgusted, Neddy soon found himself tackled by a BEYOND PISSED Italian. Romano had Neddy's lapels in his fists, his knuckled white and the expression on his face livid. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD, GET AWAY FROM THE TOMATO JERK, YOU FUCKING JERK!" Romano shouted, his teeth gritted, and Neddy merely turned his head, spitting on the ground. "I didn't want to kiss your Spanish bastard!" Netherlands growled out, roughly jerking Romano's hands off of his clothes and straightening himself, then turning his frightening viper-like stare at you and your partner. In a flash, Romano's anger transferred from Netherlands to both of you, and turned to face you also. "Just this once to kill those fucking people, fucking jerk." Romano hissed, his blood-thirsty golden eyes focused on both of you. Scoffing, Neddy nodded. "Just this once, brat..." Tensing, Neddy lunged toward you at the same time when Romano lunged with outstretched hands to your partner. "Mi Roma, no!" Spain grabbed Romano and barely hung onto him as the Italian struggled with all his strength and more, his rage adding to his normal strength. The Admin had barely managed to snag Netherlands' flying scarf and was now hanging on for dear life to Neddy. "RUN WOLFIE! RUN RUSSIA-SAN! DX" The Admin shouted, still hanging on...


Here it is... And I'm not sure if Spain and I can stop Neddy and Romano for long... Run for your lives, Wolfie, Russia-san... Literally. O-O You both are definitely on his hit list..
