
Hey Kankri I have a very important question for you. I really hope I don't trigger you. I checked myself before this. I recently got a matesprit. I really like him but I'm a celibate much like you. I want to break my vow for him but it feels wrong and I'm debating breaking up with him. What do you suggest I do?

My, my, Y9u d9 have s9me tr9u6le here. Well, I'm n9t much 9f a r9mantic myself, 6ut I'm just g9ing t9 say that y9u sh9uld listen t9 what y9ur heart says. It might n9t feel like y9u want it t9 6e, 6ut if y9u truly want t9 6reak up with y9ur matesprit, I am n9t g9ing t9 st9p y9u.

Admin: I hope that helped, I'm not much of a Romantic myself ๐Ÿ˜“

