
~sorry the last chapter was a rush - lokikatie~

Loki's POV

I feel my head swirling, and I hear familiar voices.

"He looks so sweet when he's asleep," Katie says.

"I really do believe you were made for each other, I just wish he would wake up, though, don't you?" Frigga says.

"Princess Katie, they need you at the village," a guard says.

"Frigga, you tell me if he wakes up, I have to leave!"

"I will. Have fun," Frigga says, then she brushes hair out of my face. "Son, when will you wake up?"

My eyes flutter open and I see my mother standing over me. I pull myself into a sitting position. Bright sunlight illuminates the infirmary where I sit.

"You're awake! It's about time!" Frigga smiles. "Two weeks is long enough for your lady and I!"

"I can't control a coma, Mother. Where did Katie go?" I smile.

"She has really become an active Asgardian, rebuilding, helping with Janey, playing with the village children. I'm glad you chose an honorable one."

"Mother, you didn't answer my question," I say.

"Oh, yes. She is with Thor and his precious little baby," she grins.

"Thor has a child?" I ask.

"She is a little doll, that Janey," Frigga smiles. "You should hurry up and get married, so I can hold another baby."

"Mother, where is she?" I sigh.

"In the library, I imagine. Where else is quiet enough?" she smiles. I stand up, then realize I need clothing besides pajamas. I teleport to my room, pull out normal armor and a shirt, and pants, as well as black leather boots and the everpresent golden boot guards. I slick my hair back and teleport to the library.


Katie's POV

I smile at Janey, pulling her close to me. The library is empty except for us. Suddenly, Loki stands in front of me. I blink twice to make sure I'm not seeing things.

"Loki, you have kept me long enough!" I grin.

"Well, you look beautiful as always, it was worth the wait," he smirks. Thor walks in, staring at Loki.

"Brother, you're back!" he says, smiling like a kid on Christmas. He squishes Loki in a hug, and then he takes Janey.

"I see you've got a baby," Loki says.

"I do! Her name is Janey, " Thor smiles, looking proud. Janey starts to cry, and Thor walks out. I turn to Loki, and he wraps me in a sweet, gentle hug. Loki kisses my head. I look up at him and he kisses my lips, sending shivers down my spine. We stand like this for a few more moments, allowing me to get reacquainted.

"I love you, Princess," Loki says, brushing my hair out of my face.

"I love you too," I whisper. Loki takes my hand, and we walk around the courtyard, my dark blue dress swishing quietly. People smile at us, some coming from the village which has been connected to the palace now.

"Come with me," I say, pulling him along. We go to the stable, saddle our horses, and start riding to the village. Once in the village, freed villagers throw flowers at me. I wave and smile until I reach my destination.

A huge golden statue stares at us. Loki looks at it and smiles. It shows Loki and I kneeling down with Sara and Sasha. At the bottom it reads: Sara Forever.

"Aaaaaaah! Loki! Katie! I missed you!" screams Sasha, who buries her cute little face in Loki's clothes. Loki smiles down at her.

"Hello, Princess," he says, kneeling down by her.

"Did you guys get married yet?" she asks.

"Not yet," I smile, kicking Loki gently in the side.

"Oh, good, because I wanna come!" Sasha grins. I hug her, then let her go to her waiting mother. Loki and I walk around the village for a while, then I pull Loki to an out of the way gazebo. He smiles at me, then takes my hand.

"May I have this dance?" he asks, twirling me. We dance until the sun goes down.

"We should go, your mother probably has a feast for you," I say. Loki nods, and we walk to our horses.

Once back at the palace, I see that I was right. Tons of Asgardians fill the courtyard. Frigga nods at us, and I see Thor and Sif holding Janey. I smile at people I don't know. The feast rushes by, and suddenly I am sitting with my head on Loki's shoulder on a balcony. I curl up close to him.

"Would you ever want to go back to Midgard?" Loki asks. I suddenly remember how all my friends think I am dead.

"They think I'm dead, so I should go back, but I would feel comfortable if you went," I say.

"Would they accept me there?" he says, kissing the top of my head.

"I don't know, last time I went, Captain America told me he loved me," I say. Loki frowns.

"Loves you? If you go, I am coming as well," he says, taking my hand. I doze off,  comforted by Loki's soft snoring.

