Resident evil 9 patriarch

He a prototype nemesis
Lurking around in raccoon city

He got shield, arm mini-gun with rockets, laser and flamethrower attached to it
He got t-virus, Las Plagas virus , majini virus and serum from Alice clones
And his got left laser eye
Also he has a anit- virus vaccine he keeping it

He got backpack with thrusters
And mechanical tentacle come out the back

He got g-virus on his backpack

Third encounter him
After you chop off his left arm
He replace it with umbrella loader arm with acid cannon
He stole loader rocket missiles shoulder and laser shoulder
He pick up railgun

Fourth encounter
After you destroy his replacement arm
And destroy one thruster, mechanical tentacle, shoulder rocket missiles and laser shield
He replaced his right arm again with a buzzsaw

Also he can deploy his mini creations

mosquito bots
Equip with sharp arm and blaster change alt to flames

It has armor and sharp arms

Phase 2

Patriarch injected las Plagas virus, majini virus serum alice clones, and t-virus into himself
Making him mutated and stronger

He body is armor and deflect the bullets
Long sharp tentacles
Range spike shooter
He can charge at you, pick up heavy things to throw at you, jump high
His ribs open reveal his glowing heart
That the weak spot
Wait until his ribs open as he begins charge at you


He can called his mutant creations at his back

You got the better of him and damaged him to the point where his body violently exploded, leaving only his heart and body parts

Phase 3

He is still alive
He jump onto railgun laser tank called elite mb50 tank
His flesh fuse with it and controlling it
Two tentacled has jaws

elite mb50 tank
Main cannon is a railgun
And 2 mini guns attached to sides

Mutant spiderbots

Mutated mosquitobots

Phase 4
After you destroy elite mb50 tank
He went away
He form into a beast
He put some upgrades and armor on himself
He got flamethrower, blaster cannon attach to his right arm
He got laser on his chest

Without it helmet

And he got cannon on his back

Phase 4 (scrapped)

Dig in the ground

Phase 5
He injected 2 t-virus into himself
His right arm replaced laser arm cannon
He got a energy sword, two shoulder machine guns, electric core on his chest

He got a jet wings

Phase 6 (final form)
He injected 6 t-virus in himself
He beginning grow bigger into giant monster

His head splitting open with a second one coming out of it and with multiple, huge tendrils coming out of its body.

He have glowing yellow heart in his mouth
Aim for it to kill him
After you destroy his heart
He will exploded like a nuke upon death
