Chapter 13: Training

"Damn it! I can't find her at all!"

Bulma's shout of annoyance and irritation rang through the halls of her father's corporation, she had been holed up in her lab for the past day, trying every possible method she could to locate 18 but to no avail, the tracker that she had installed in 18 was deactivated and didn't send back any signal, her fists pounded the table that lay before her and her eyes turned to slits, such was her anger on losing her dear friend, someone she considered a sister, 18 was always there for her and was always perceptive when dealing with company matters, her mind was sharp, so much so that Bulma was surprised, not only had she lost her assistant but she had lost her dear friend and to make it worse, she had promised Pan she would find her only for her to fail

"There's got to be a way" she murmured, her hands running through and clawing away at her blue hair at the irriation that plagued her. "There's got to be something I missed, somethi-aaaah!" she screamed out in rage, nothing was coming to her, no idea on how to even go forward from the current problem she was in.

"Is it impossible afterall?" she told herself, gritting her teeth in anger and began pacing herself through the confines of her lab "We need the dragonballs to bring back Goku but we also need it to find 18"

Her mind was on fire, for the first time in her life, she was confronted with a problem that only time could solve leaving her helpless, her mind went to Pan who was currently with master Roshi and Krillin, both of them had assured her that they would take good care of her, Bulma wasn't so trusting of both of them, especially of master Roshi, the old pervert would have his way in a second if she wasn't there, Krillin however assured her that nothing would happen and Pan, the little warrior had fought against Bulma's wishes and wanted to train no matter the cost, the guilt was eating away at the little girl, unknown to Pan, the guilt of not being there for 18 was eating away at Bulma. Whoever had kidnapped 18 was someone who was able to deal with her own technology, only a few people had come to mind but the very thought was ludicrous, 18 had told her that she had

With a swift kick from her right leg, her table and everything on it came crashing down to a halt a few metres away from her and she looked to the ceiling and screamed "Goku! why did you have to die!?"

With Goku

"Achooo!" the young pure hearted warrior sneazed as he continued his treak on snakeway, "oh wow, didn't know I could get sick while being dead" he mused to himself as he continued his treak, his stomach growled at him and he nearly faultered at the sudden sound that caught him by surprise

"Ha..ha, guess I get hungry too?" he nervously chuckled, unfortunately for him, there was no food for miles on end "This is bad, if I knew this was such a long trip, I'd have asked Kami or King Yemma for some food!" he complained, completely worried about how he was going to be able to keep travelling on an empty stomach "I really wish I could eat something 18 cooked up right about now.." he murmured, slowly coming to a halt, his features softened as his thoughts went back to his wife.

"Don't be too long"

Her words came back to him as he stood silently in contemplation, he had told her not to worry and that he'd be home at the end of the day but instead he was here, dead and on his own merry adventure, as he stood in contemplation, he was reminded of how she had taken over the reins of the cooking department in their small house the first time they ever had food.

"Is that all you do?" 18 asked him, incredulous at the young man before her.


"Do you just place it over a fire like that?"

"Um..." Goku mused, scratching his left chin "yeah, what's wrong?"

"Bulma gave you a kitchen in that house of yours" 18 stated, folding her arms over her chest.

"Yeah but I kinda..." Goku began, nervously chuckling at her "don't know how to use it, when we were travelling together looking for the dragonballs, she was the one who did the cooking all the time."

"Give it here" 18 commanded him, her eyes narrowing in annoyance.

"What?!" Goku exclaimed thorougly horrified "Why do I have to give mine?! I caught enough for both of us!" he whined

"Give it here" she commanded once more, her voice hitting deeper notes as she emphasized each word of her sentence, Goku didn't budge and held onto the large fish he had for dear life, 18 was now thoroughly annoyed with him

"I'm not going to eat it, give it here" she told him once more, opening her palm and motioning him to give it to her.

"Oh" Goku mouthed in surprise before slowly releasing the hold on the fish he had, 18 calmlly took it away from him as he looked at her annoyed and pouted "You should've just told me that in the first place"

18 spared him a glance and disappeared with both his and her lunch into the confines of the capsule house that Bulma had gifted Goku with, half an hour passed and Goku's stomach began growling. He had tried sneaking in to see what it was that 18 was doing but was met by an energy blast, he narrowly dodged it and instead was pierced by 18's irritated gaze, he ran out immediately, sweating nervously and waited for her to emerge from his house.

The door opened and she came out holding two plates, the large fish that Goku had caught was now sliced into pieces and finely cooked much to Goku's surprise, she gave him a plate while holding her own, without a second to spare, Goku munched down on it's contents, 18 simply stood still watching as he gobbled her cooking down much to her surprise, her cooking wasn't by any means great, 17 had ingrained it into her head before they were turned into androids that it wasn't anything noteworthy and seeing Goku just finish it one go left her flabbergasted but she wanted to try anyway because Goku couldn't do it for the life of him and so she did, she wasn't however expecting such a reaction from him.

He pulled up his plate and held it infront of her "That was so good! can I have more?!" he begged and 18 simply stared at him wide eyed surprised not by how fast he had finished it but how he was asking for more of her mediocre cooked food.

"Please?" he grinned, lighting up a small chuckle on his face.

She let out a sigh, a small smile lining itself on her lips and chuckled at him "Idiot"

"I have to get back soon" Goku stated, a renewed resolve within him rose up as the memory played in his head, a confident smirk appeared on his face as he narrowed down his gaze on snake way, readying himself, he burst forward with all the speed he could muster hoping to reach King Kai's world as soon as he could and then go back home hoping to see 18 again.

Kame House

On the small island where master Roshi's house was quietly settled, one small voice roared against the raging sea's that surrounded the quaint island, the owner of the island in question simply relaxed on a folding chair he had made for himself while calmly sipping a glass of orange juice that laid to his right on the small table he had brought out, peace was something he enjoyed, skimming through his magazine, he lifted an eyebrow as his attention turned towards the small figure who was knee deep in the sea.


was her cry, master Roshi watched a blue beam of energy was sent into the ocean, the waves raged around the beam and formed a half tunnel allowing the beam to sail through it with ease, it went for a few miles before disappearing completely into the horizon

"Alright! that was good, now put a bit more energy into it!"

Another voice and master Roshi's gaze shifted to his own pupil who lived with him, Krillin was enjoying his tenure being Pan's teacher from what he could tell, he was enthusiastic and went into detail about how to use ki efficiently, Krillin wasn't the strongest in raw power but when it came to utilising power and ki, he was a master, master Roshi watched in amusement as Pan fired off another wave of energy but this time Krilliin's enthusiasim went a bit over board and instead the wave of energy ended up hitting him, his gi was lit on fire and Pan watched in horror as he ran to the ocean and doused himself into it. A mumble of apologies from Pan's side with Krillin glaring at her was the thought of the day in master Roshi's mind as he chuckled at the two

"Had fun cooling off, Krillin?" master Roshi shouted at him, accompanied with a huge laugh at this pupil's failure

"Har, har, very funny" Krillin mumbled back and then shot a glare at Pan who silently chuckled behind him, the moment he shot the glare, Pan squeeled for but a moment and then shifted her gaze elsewhere, stiffling her laughter. Krillin however wasn't about to let her go off that easy and turned to face her.

"Oh" he exclaimed "you thought that was funny huh?"

Pan slowly met his gaze and watched in horror as his face morphed into irritation "N-no-noo.." she murmrumed.

"You're gonna do the kamehameha wave again! a hundred more times!" Krillin firmly excalimed, commanding her, at this Pan's eyes widened to the tune of saucers

"What!? unc-"

"Ah ah! what did I tell you about what you should call me?" Krillin interjected, his arms now folded infront of his chest, Pan stopped midway and looked away begrudgingly, she stood silent for a few seconds before returning her gaze onto him

"Yes, master Krillin" she pouted in annoyance.

Krillin simply grinned at her and closed his eyes "That's right!"

Pan rolled her eyes at Krillin's haughty countenance, she swear she could see a long nose growing out from his face where there was none, mumbling something incoherently, Pan returned once more to the shore to fire off more of her waves, she had been doing this for nearly two days, she could not see any reason as to why they had to continue but she followed Krillin's command begrudgingly. Krillin watched as she went back to firing the energy waves. He slowly walked to master Roshi who silently watched Pan shoot the kamehameha again and again.

"You see it too right?"

"Mmhmm" was the small agreeable grunt from master Roshi side "She's not tiring out and the beams she's putting out are getting stronger and bigger"

"This is insane" Krillin muttered, placing his hand on head "it's just been two days and she's learnt how to control her ki so well, she's going to eat through all my techniques at this rate" Krillin complained.

"What do you plan on having her learn next?" master Roshi asked him, curious as to what his answer would be.

"Probably the after image technique, it might take her a while since she needs to build up her speed" answered Krillin who looked on as Pan kept firing the waves from her hands one after another without stopping. "You still have those huge rocks that you put on Goku and me when we were training for the tournament?"

"Nope, it's on training island, you should take her there if you're planning on teaching her the afterimage" Roshi replied, his gaze slowly falling onto the magazine before him once more. Krillin watched him and then turned his gaze back to Pan, tilting his head and raising his right eyebrow, he let out a sigh

"Well better make her stop" Krillin mumbled and then looked to his master once more "We'll be back by evening"

"Sure, Krillin, knock yourself out" master Roshi replied, content on reading his magazines, with both Krillin and Pan gone, he would love the peace and quiet that would come with their absence. Krillin let out a small sigh before going over to Pan once more.

"Hey Pan!" Krillin called out as he began walking towards her.

On hearing the call, Pan stopped her practice and turned back to see Krillin walking towards her "Please no more kamehameha" she muttered and blew a strand of hair off her face, she jumped from the confines of the shallow sea to the shore where Krillin called for her.

Krillin placed his hands on his hips and waited for his current pupil to come to him, when she finally reached him, Krillin grinned at her "Tired yet?"

"A bit?" she answered, unsure of herself, she felt a bit tired but not enough to warrant a rest. Krillin looked at her quizically at the unsure answer and then began speaking once more

"Alright, here's the next thing I'm going to teach you" Krillin began, at the sudden sentence, Pan's eyes lit up wildly, finally she was done with shotting the kamehameha over and over again, she looked on curisously as Krillin stood in place and in the next moment, images of him appeared all around her, they flickered in and out of existence as Pan watched wide eyed, she rubbed her eyes to see if she was just seeing things but no, there were a number of Krillin's around her.

"Can you tell which one is the real one?" all of the Krillin's around her asked her "Try shooting the real one.."

"You won't get mad right?"

"Nope" came the echo from all the Krillin's.

Pan stood still as she calmly observed the images of her master, there was no way to tell which was the real one and attacking blindly wouldn't solve a thing, as she looked on, her eyes fell onto Master Roshi who calmly watched the show before him, her eyes widened as an idea lit up her mind, it was the very first basic ability that Krillin and master Roshi employed in her before she was sent to practice the kamehameha again and again.

Krillin watched in surprise as Pan stood still and closed her eyes, he raised an eyebrow curious at what she was doing.

"Ohhh" Master Roshi blurted out in sudden amazement, he had realized what it was that she was doing, Krillin caught on a few seconds later and his eyes widened in surprise but as it did, Pan opened her eyes and smirked, quickly turning around, a ball of energy formed in her right hand and then she fired it straight at an image of Krillin or what was supposed to be an image, the real Krillin narrowly dodged the ball of energy, his eyes widened with shock as he looked back to see Pan smirking at him

"How's that?" she asked him, mockingly.

"Y-You sensed my ki..." he muttered, utterly flabbergasted at the girl infront of him who stood grinning ear to ear, he watched as she slowly stood to her full height, Krillin followed suit and let out a sigh while slowly looking to the blue sky above him "Goku, your girl is a handful..."

Slowly he looked back to Pan who stood quietly, she didn't gloat but he could see the haughtiness in her eyes, it reminded him of when he had faced 18. He let out another sigh and then began to speak "Alright you got me, anyway, I'm gonna take you somewhere now where I can teach you the technique"

"Alright!" she chirped, eager to learn what came next, Krillin simply chuckled at her enthusiasm and then began levitating on the ground before ascending upwards "Follow me" he said, slowly drifting away into the sky above him.

"Ah..." Pan murmurmed watching as Krillin flew into the sky "Hey! master Krillin!" she called out.

Krillin now high in the sky looked down to see Pan beckoning to him and he raised a singular eyebrow in response "What's wrong, Pan?"

"I can't fly!" she shouted at him and Krillin blinked rapidly in surprise "Whaa?" he mouthed in disbelief, he slowly lowered himself to the ground and stood infront of Pan who scrunched her face in irritation at him.

"Goku never taught you how to fly?" asked a confused Krillin.

"N-no" Pan replied, at the mention of her father's name, Pan grew sullen as a memory played out in her head about her father's promise.

"Dad won't ever find me here" she thought out in mirth, slowly she tried to move to her left and escape her father's notice, it cost her as her foot slipped, a shrill shriek echoed through the forest as Pan screamed out in dread falling.

Goku blinked at the sudden scream and looked up to see a figure falling straight towards him, his eyes widened and his mouth gaped in surprise "Pan!" and without a second thought, he jumped up to catch her

"Gotcha!" he smiled and slowly floated to the ground below him, holding her in his arms, he looked down at her. "That was close"

"Wow, thanks dad" replied a grateful Pan.

"No problem" Goku chimed in mirth, as he reached the ground, he slowly placed the girl on the ground and looked at her, placing his hands on his hip "Whew, next time you might wanna be a little careful there"

Pan slowly brushed off the leaves from her clothes and looked up to him "Yeah I will, sorry dad, I really wish I could fly like you and mom"

Goku simply smiled at the girl's apology "Don't worry, I'll teach you how to do it when you're older"

At this, Pan simply puffed her cheeks out in annoyance "That's what you always tell me" she folded her arms and looked away from him..

"Oh come on, I promise I will, don't be mad, Pan" Goku pleaded, placing his hands together, he signalled an apology at her, Pan on the other hand, opened one of her eyes and looked at him "Then will you teach me on my next birthday?"

"Sure" Goku agreed

"You promise?" she asked

"I promise" Goku replied, a small smile gracing his features "Now let's get go home before your mom gets bac-"

"Before who gets back?"

"Eek" Goku squealed out in surprise as he suddenly looked up to a looming figure looking down onto the two of them, Pan giggled on seeing the figure while Goku nervously laughed in fright

"H-hehe...Hi 18"

A small smile played out on her face as she recalled the memory, it however immediately turned her mood sour and depressed on remembering both her parents, one was dead and the other was missing, no she couldn't be sad, she had promised herself that she'd become stronger and find her mother herself.

"Pan?" Krillin questioned

At the sudden call, Pan shook her head and looked to Krillin who stood in front of her, "Yes?" she asked him, no alert

"You alright? you're crying" Krillin told her.

Pan's eyes widened at the sudden realization and she swiftly made the tears that had once plaqued her face disappear, Krillin watched on, his features softening, master Roshi looked on as well from the chair he lay on, they knew the news of her father's death still affected her, Krillin silently berated himself for even mentioning Goku's name, he knelt down infront of her and placed an arm over her shoulder.

"Goku will be back soon, alright?" Krilin told her "let's show him how strong you can get before he comes back"

Pan sniffled for a few seconds before slowly answering back "Y-yeah"

"Great" Krilin softly replied and then stood to his full height as well, "So, do you want to learn how to fly from me?"

"Will you really teach me?" Pan asked him, her tears now dried and her face hopeful at the prospect of leaning something new.

"Sure I willm let's surprise your dad before he gets back" Krillin answered, reassuring her "Afterall, I'm master Krillin now!" he exclaimed with a small pose, Pan slightly giggled at the gesture. Master Roshi looked on in silence as Krillin continued speaking to Pan, it was a nice and quaint feeling, Krillin was good with children so master Roshi had to wonder if Krillin would ever get married and have children of his own.

"Here's hoping" he chuckled and then went back to his magazine.

With Fasha

"Tch, no trace of him"

Fasha's irritated voice echoed through the confines of her small space pod, she had lost all trace of Turles' ship, his lackeys had proven to be more than formidable since they had ganged up on her, she however dispatched them but on doing so had lost any chance of tracing Turles' ship, she folded her arms over her chest thoroughly annoyed at herself, she bent her neck backwards and scrunched her eyebrows

"What was that fruit he was muttering about?" she wondered as her mind rested on the topic. "I'll keep that to myself for now" she told herself, information like that could potentially stir Frieza into a frenzy and to make matters worse, it was the by product of a saiyan cloning process that was the one who was stealing from Frieza's ship.

"What a headache" she muttered, looking into space from the small circular window of her space pod, her features softened as thoughts and memories played out in her head, particularly of her parents and her brothers.

"A power level of one? you're kidding me right?" a young Fasha spoke, unsure of what to believe what was told to her.

"I'm not" a husk voice responded, he was tall and muscular and a scar donned the right of his face covering his eye to his mouth, he wore the trademark saiyan armor but his was green and black with two wings to the each of his he had two red slacks covering his ankles.

"So they're going to ship him off?" Fasha asked the fellow saiyan

"When the time comes, that's probably what they will do" Bardock answered, looking disinterested, Fasha however looked on in silence and then to the glass to her right where she could see a number of saiyan babies hooked up to incubators and in one of them was Bardock's son, his face and hairstyle looked just like the man she was speaking too.

"You listening?" Bardock asked her

"Huh, uh yeah" she answered back, her gaze now drifting away from the small child and back to her "father".

"Tch" he grunted, a bit annoyed "Anyway, I need a favor from you"

"A favor?" Fasha asked, a bit surprised. "you need a favor from your own daughter?"

"Yeah, don't get a big head over it, I don't trust Frieza and his cronies" Bardock told her, his brows furrowing "so on the off chance that anything happens to me or your mother, take care of your brothers"

"Raditz can take care of himself" Fasha answered back, simply shrugging "he's off frolicking with prince Vegeta afterall" her gaze then went to the small child in the incubation room., Bardock caught it and simply smirked

"I think you get the picture" he told her and then walked past the picture "have fun, seems like the king wants to see you"

"Alright, give my regards to mom" Fasha nodded and watched as the saiyan warrior walked away from her, her gaze fell on her father's back for a small while before turning back to her younger brother in the small incubator.

"Kakarot huh..." she murmured.

"Still can't believe his power level was one" murmured Fasha to herself, snapping herself out of the memory that played in her mind. "I'll have to go to that barren rock myself, let's hope he survives Vegeta first"

"Docking area enroute"

The computer in her space pod notified her, she rolled her eyes at the sudden notification, she'd now have to deal with Frieza and his "cronies" as her father had once put it, she mentally prepared herself for the response she would receive from Frieza, she hadn't outright failed her mission but she didn't succeed in it either, she sat calmly as the ship docked into the hub of the space station and slowly she exited her pod.

With Krillin and Pan

"Krillin! this is so heavy!" Pan moaned as she struggled to carry the large rock on her back, each step she took tired her out even more.

"Keep at it!" Krillin told her, now seated on a small rock adjacent to her, simply grinning at the young girl struggling to lift the boulder on her back "If you want to learn the after image, you're going to have to build up your speed and this is the best way to do it."

"But" she cried out in weariness as she stomped one foot in front of the other, grtting her teeth, her feet sank into the ground below her as Krillin watched in mirth. "She's doing pretty good, her strength's increaing at a steady pace."

His observation however was cut short as the sound of a capsule car caught his attention, both his and Pan's gaze turned to the sky above them as a small capsule car came into their view, Krillin's eyes widened momentarily with surprise as the car stopped right infront of him and in it was a small chubby man at around the same height as him wearing a brown gi with black stripes, his feet was adorned with wooden sandals and a black sash around his waist housed a katana

"Ya..." Krillin began, completely surprised "Yajirobe?"

"Long time, Krillin" Yajirobe greeted him as he slowly got out of the capsule car and stood to his full height, Krillin however was at a loss for words, the only time he had seen the fat man was when he had gone with Goku to get some senzu beans but now he was here, right in front of him.

"What..what are you doing here?" questioned a baffled Krillin

"Got a message from Korin and Kami" Yajirobe told him, "they want you come to Kami's lookout for training"

"Huh!? training?! for what?" asked a confused Krillin.

"You should know" Yajirobe replied, sparing a gaze at Pan who simply stood watching them from afar "it's about those saiyans"

"I see" Krillin murmured, now contemplating the offer "when should I go there?"

"As soon as you can" came the answer from the small fat man who slowly returned back to the seater of his capsule hover car, Krillin blinked rapidly at the sudden action "Hey, is that all?"

"Yep" and with that, Yajirobe turned on the key to his car and drove away from both master and student, Krillin's gaze lay on the disappearing car, he really didn't know what to make of Yajirobe, he was an enigma to him and pretty rude as well.

"Hey Krillin" Pan called out to him, Krillin's gaze turned back to her, she was seated on the ground, completely swept in weariness from the harsh training "Who was that?" she asked, between panted breaths.

"That was one of your dad's friends" Krillin answered, turning his gaze back to where Yajirobe had now disappeared too, his mind slowly sunk in contemplation as he processed what Yajirobe had told him, training at kami's lookout, his gaze shifted back to Pan who sat wearily on the ground unable to move. He had promised to train Pan but the threat of the saiyans was real, he needed to get stronger as well so he did the only thing that came to his mind at the moment, standing up from being seated on the small rock, he walked towards Pan.

"Come on, let's go back to master Roshi's house" Krillin told her, smirking

"A-alright" Pan answered, slowly standing to her full height, her legs wobbled beneath her but she felt lighter, her eyes grew wide at the sudden lightness, was this from training? she wondered, Krillin tilted his head to the right smirking.

"Feeling lighter?" Krillin asked her

"Uh huh, wow" she mouthed as she slowly looked up to her master.

"Good, tommorow I'll be taking you somewhere else"

"Where?" asked a quizzical Pan, surprised at the sudden change in location once more.

"It's somewhere you can get alot stronger in a shot amount of time" Krillin explained, slowly his gaze turned to the sky, his mind however was on the lookout "I hope I'm doing the right thing here, Goku"

With Fasha

The lone saiyan warrior walked through the hallowed halls of Frieza's space station, mentally preparing herself for what was to come, she'd be reprimanded infront of both Zarbon and Dodoria, the other lower class warriors of other species threw her a look as she walked past them, some bowerd, others didn't, she couldn't care less, she knew how jealous they were of her position, finally she came to Frieza's main room, letting out a sigh she walked forward.

"Here we go"

The doors opened to her and she stepped inside, much to her displeaure there he was, Frieza, the tyranical emperor and both Zarbon and Dodoria stood next to him speaking of matters privately between them, at the sound of the sliding door, Frieza slowly turned to meet her

"Ah, Fasha, you've returned, I see" he said, smirking as the lone saiyan woman walked into the room.

Fasha simply bowed "Lord Frieza, I have come to report"

"Raise your head" he told her, Fasha obeyed without question "Now tell me what happened"

