Chapter 2

Location: Garbage wastes, GW_S08

Fullness: 3/9 pips (3/6 required)

The slugcat woke up in her shelter for another cycle, she crawled out of the shelter into the tight space, she crawled up out of it onto the wet, recently rained on ground only to see a centipede

"That can wait" she thought to herself, going back into the tight space

She looked and noticed a different pipe entrance at the other end of where the shelter was. she went in the passage and  emerged in a small, damp cave. It was dark, there were some strange blue markings on some of the walls and many hanging roots, under her steps she could hear the squelching of water trapped between roots, fibers, and other sorts of gunk.

 After exiting, she was presented with the side of a tower, not to dissimilar to the one she scaled the previous cycle, in between her and the tower. There was a pool, but this time it was just water, there was as blue lizard and a scavenger. The scavenger was a pale pink colour, with a bright red head, its irises were a brilliant green. The terrain had lots of rocks in it, so the red slugcat picked one up. 

Both creatures noticed her, the scavenger held its spear up just in case she was targeting it, but instead she locked her sight on the blue lizard and waited... waited for it to approach, it was about to fling its tongue at her when she threw the rock in the nick of time. The stony projectile violently collided with the lizard's armoured skull, causing it to be thrown off balance as it crashed into the surface of the water, causing droplets to fly everywhere. 

Just like yester-cycle, the slugcat took the opportunity to fire the dagger-sharp spear at the lizard's vulnerable torso, seeing this, the scavenger's eyes widened, and it made the decision to amble away from the situation. The slugcat repeatedly stabbed the future carcass of the lizard to make said future come as quick as possible. once that happened she again chomped down on the limp lizard's body and eagerly chewed and swallowed the fresh meat, experiencing that same pleasure she did yester-cycle. but then she heard a hiss coming from the sky, then the flapping of wings... She needed to run, there was a vulture nearby and it was hunting her.

Fullness: 5/9 pips (5/6 required)

She just barely managed to escape the frightening encounter, the same direction the scavenger earlier escaped, and emerged on the side of the tower. 

On this tower there were a few platforms and poles far apart, it would take alot of effort to climb this place, but the slugcat decided she wanted to anyway. She remembered she was holding the spear she used to kill the lizard earlier. So she wiped off the residue and stabbed it into the nearest vertical surface as high as she can, as hard as she can, and climbed onto it. She then saw that there was a pole nearby so the decided to do something... but that required concentration... a lot of concentration... So she stood up on the makeshift pole spear, face her right paw towards the spear, then her left towards the nearby pole, she put her right paw under the spear and then...

She jumped, quickly grabbing the spear with her paw and started pulling, while the other simultaneously stretched towards the pole, she managed to grab the pole while just barely managing to exert enough force on the spear to pull it out of the wall it was wedged into. After that ordeal she thought:

"Wow... I can't believe I just did that..."

She climbed the pole onto the next platform, she noted that there was a tight passage near her, she went in and slowly crawled her way through, shortly after entering, she saw there was a huge way up that presumably lead to the next platform on the tower, so she started pushing her way up... and up... and up... during this... she began to zone off... the ambience of the wind and bugs allowed her to momentarily drift off...

Before she knew it... she was now at the top. She looked up. There was another pole. she grabbed that and started climbing. Again it was one of those ladder shaped ones. She emerged at the top to find another entrance. 

She went in and ended up at what presumably was the top of the tower. There were weird stalks, lots of poles, and lanterns on stakes, the next entrance was right there but she decided to take a moment to take a look around. She climbed up to a higher elevation, there was still weird stalks and lanterns, but there was also graffiti. it was painted in blue and white, there was other graffiti around the place, but she never took the time to look at it until now, the murals were intricate but they were unrecognizable. She decided to take a moment to make an attempt to interpret the graffiti, but she just couldn't no matter how hard she tried

After that brief introspection. The red animal decided to go into the next entrance. She took a moment to remember which one was the one but after about a split second she managed to remember. She leaped into it from her higher elevation and crawled in. 

She emerged in a dark vertical tunnel, looking down mildly confused her vestibular sense,she had to fall, it was a really short fall but one none the lesser.  she let go and managed to cling onto the nearby wall to drastically slow down the fall. At the bottom of the fall she saw a short corridor. At the other end to she saw another short vertical vertical tunnel. she looked up and decided she needed to use her spear again. She had to do all the same things as last time, lodge spear in wall, climb onto the spear, put one paw under and the other facing away, this time though, there was no pole to grab onto, it was just a wall, so she had to concentrate even more. she jumped onto the wall, lodged the spear into it then she did the same spear grab jump again, except this time there was a ledge she could jump onto, After making the jump, she managed to grab onto the ledge with her arm and climbed on top of it, There was a pole. After sliding down it, she entered the entrance at the bottom.

The slugcat entered a tight platform close to the roof. At the end she saw a ledge with an entrance and below it, a large acid pool. She gazed down mentally preparing herself to make the leap. She breathed in... and took the leap of faith. She managed to land on the ledge before realising that there was a pole there she could've climbed down. She also took note to an entrance in the middle of the pool but she decided that the entrance she was next to would be the better option.

She emerged in another one of those large pool rooms, this time, there were multiple platforms positioned over the pools. She decided to take a casual swim across the pool since she started to feel tired from all the leaping she did earlier. She longed to finally have a rest in a shelter. But then she felt something touch her leg, she looked down it was a red leech.

"Uh oh... Oh no..." Fleeting thoughts passed her mind as she scrambled to come up with a plan, there was a pole nearby thankfully.

She climbed the pole. She jumped onto a platform, only to  fall off because of the added weight of the leech. She tried swimming through. She tried shaking the leech off. It grabbed on tighter. She tried harder. It still refused. She tried climbing up but it was hard. She managed to get onto the platform. She grabbed  the leech and tried pulling it off with her full force, thankfully it worked. She threw the leech behind her. She then faintly saw another blue lizard in the distance. She then leapt onto a nearby piece of machinery sticking out of the side, quickly grabbing onto one of the small poles, she climbed on top and saw that there was another set of ladder poles nearby. After jumping over,she looked down into the water to see those leeches, there were so many of them, she couldn't bear to look at them anymore. She quickly started climbing up. On the top of that ladder she saw the blue lizard again, it was just bumbling around with no rhyme or reason. She did not have a spear on her so she decided to see if any were  in all the piles of material, she saw one underwater, but that would mean risking being weighed down by leeches again. She took the risk and quickly swam over to one of the underwater piles, quickly pulled out a spear, and rushed over the the bit of dry land the lizard was on. However three leeches were stuck to her. She tried  using the spear to pierce one of them. It worked. She tried pulling off the second one, but it took too long, she tried using the spear again but accidentally gave her self a minor cut instead. When she tried pulling it off. a small bit of her skin came off with it. Now there was a small bleeding crater in her leg. Her heart started beating faster. Out of sheer panic, she threw herself near the lizard and nearly got bit, she unknowingly threw her spear at the popcorn plant nearby. The lizard tried biting again. That caused the leech to fall off. The lizard walked to way, and the slugcat was able to walk away with only one relatively minor bleed. She noticed the popcorn plant was open so she went over and ate whatever she could.

Fullness: 9/9 pips (6/6 required)

There was another entrance nearby and, like with any other, she went in and emerged in a large columnar indoor space with multiple suspended blocks suspended on poles. She braced and jumped down to the floor to see an entrance to a crawlspace, which she promptly entered. She decided to go through the first exit she saw. She landed on a platform high up above yet another acid pool, the loud sizzling of the deadly acid pierced her ears. thankfully there was a safe surface nearby. She braced herself and leapt. Some plants cushioned her fall, but only barely, there is an entrance in front of her.

After emerging, she fell down again and landed right by an entrance, she saw multiple shallow acid pools and an entrance on the other side but soon decided to go into the entrance she landed near.

She ended up in another tall acid pool room, the sizzling even louder this time, there was a platform, and then another platform on the other side, she failed to leap across but thankfully there was a pole supporting the platform, and she managed to grab onto that one.

Her eyes then locked on to a crawlspace entrance on the wall nearby. She jumped onto the wall before entering and climbing up the crawlspace.

 She began to feel very tired after all that, the muffled sound of liquid pouring down into the pool gave her a strange sense of calm. After the snail paced crawl up the tight tunnel she emerged onto the platform and decided to take a break...

But then the air started feeling humid

And the ground started trembling

The Rain is Coming.

The slugcat looked up. There was another entrance. She jumped up to a pipe beside her and barely managed to grab onto the entrance. She crawled in. She emerged inside a vertical pipe.

 The ground shook harder. The ground shook harder. The ground shook harder. 

Lots of water was dripping down from the ceiling. The dripping became a downpour. The slugcat was so sure that she was done for. 

The water level rose... and rose... and rose... at the top there was a small horizontal passage with a pole and entrance. She quickly ran across... across... across... she grabbed the pole as the water level quickly rose... from knee level... to waist level... to neck level... 

She quickly climbed up into the entrance and found herself inside a shelter. She sighed a windstorm. She crawled into the main chamber, curled up, and stretched out her paws... zzz 
