Theo (OC) and more-


Lets go!


Her bday is in two months! So i did this little gift!

N E X T -

Ink! Tord's new design-

I finally did it! Neeeeextttt-

Name? "Theo.." (Theo manfester)

Age? "Old.." (18/180 yrs. Old)

Nicknames? "None..." (Just call him Theo)

Any things you like to do? "Some.." (Reading.)

Why are there chain's? "..." (He was abused when he was a ghost... )

Are you still mad? "No... Lloyd defeated him.. i'm just lucky he's gone.."


Theo was shot by Krux because he protected his father, dying in his place, was only 12 when it happened..

But he woked up again, in chain's..

he was in fit rage, he wanted revenge to krux himself.. he was to blame..

Now, he goes around the world, trying to find his killer...

He possessed Tord so he can find him.. but know knowing he's gone, he freeing Tord..

Name: Theo S. Manfester.

Age: 18.

Nicknames: Theo, The, Timothy, Thy, Tim.

Ninja gi: Purple and Green.

Power/Element: Illustration.

Crush: Zane- (He's gay..)

Personality: When normal, he is calm and shy. But when mad, is in beast mode..

Backstory of Theo:

He woke up in ingicia.. years when he got almost killed...

Now.. years later.. he is the master of illustration...

He helped lloyd defeat his father... and now..

He reunites wih his father..

