Ive been tagged!

I was tagged by bai-fandomtrashcan .soooo annnnyyyywwwaaaayyyss I'm supposed to say 13 facts about me, and then tag 15 ppl . I'm going to start now...🐼🐼🐼

1: My nickname is Cass
2: My favorite animal is a panda
3:I pretty much live at the river
4: I like to dance 👯
5: I have 2 cats and 3 dogs
6:my favorite food is a baked potato :3
7: I'm vegetarian
8:I have a little brother
9: I think school is freezing
10: I've never seen real snow(even though I'm half Canadian)
12:I have arachnophobia
13:I have contact lenses
Ohh no.... Now I have to tag a ton of people:( this will take forever... iBubbleNemo
I'm sorry to everyone I tagged. I barely even know half of you, but I didn't  know who else to tag  😛. Tag your it!🐼❤️🐼
