
Once upon a time there was a demon...

This 'Demon' was one of many she was not special, she was not worth the effort. And all of the other demons hated her or that is what she thought, she had thought she had no friends that she was not loved or cared for, she hated the world, she hated herself. She hated herself so much to the point that everyone around her noticed, so her job gave her a special assignment 'to go to the over world and torment a human.' she did what she was told went to the over world and picked a human to torment to suicide. 3 months and she finally noticed she was not feeling any better, the demon took her time and the human noticed her sadness, the human thought 'If I make a demon feel worthless then I am a true monster!'

The human killed them self hoping that the demon would feel better, even if she had to end her own life. Before she had died she said knowing the demon was listening "Just because a demon is a demon does not mean they are a monster, it does not mean they shouldn't be treated any differently than people..."

The dead carcass hanged there only for the demon to see looking at it feeling more pain than usual, she went into the underworld to torment the soul but was greeted to nothing but the ever lasting fires of hell..

Note from the creator:

Comment if ya wanna see more of this.

I enjoyed this... 

