13. Official First Date

Arnav and Khushi were together now. Well, these slow-paced people who despite knowing each other's feelings were a step slow to be officially together came together due to interference of Akash.

Arnav- So Ms. Khushi, I hope you have accepted me, Arnav Singh Raizada as your man?

Khushi- My man?

Arnav- Yes, only yours. The first and the last legitimate boyfriend and...(he spoke huskily).

Khushi- And?

Arnav- Your future life partner.

Khushi- passes her sweet full blown smile. My life partner.

Arnav- Yes Sweetheart.

After their acknowledgement, Arnav asked Khushi out for a lunch treat, conveniently forgetting Akash, who was to return at lunch.

Khushi- We could have gone but you forgot, Akash told he will be back at lunch.

Arnav- Uhh..oh

Khushi- But I do not mind the dinner celebration.

After their agreement to have their celebration at night, Khushi went to prepare their lunch.

Aman- Arnav, the consignment of Arora's is completed and has been loaded. The invoice has been shared with them via e-mail and the physical copy has been sent with the consignment.

Arnav nods and both continue their work. Khushi was also in the pantry and was busy preparing a few favorite dishes of everybody and not to forget her favorite Jalebi. In short, the pantry in Arnav's kitchen had become a full fledge kitchen already.ย 

Akash- Bhai, I am back.

Aman snorts as if we were waiting. - What happened Akash? Why so joyous?

Akash- Aman, do not irritate me. I am very happy.

Arnav- Before Aman could speak, Aman no fights now. You both are my brothers and I love you both equally. This goes for you too Akki.

Aman and Akash nods begrudgingly. Aman was confused but remained silent and knew Arnav would share it sooner or later.

Akash- Leave this Bhai, where is bhabs?

Arnav- In the pantry, making food, he replied casually.

Aman- (shouted)- What Bhabs?

Akash- What Aman? Don't you understand 'Bhabs'? Bhabs as in bhabi, our bhabi.

Aman- Oh I know bhabhi but whose bhabhi, who is she?

Akash- so you dont know ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ let me tell you, Bhai has found us a Bhabhi. But what i am curious is how you did not know this? You always stick to bhai like a gum.

Aman- I won't ight with you for now. And you Arnav, Who is she?

Akash- Well, then you have to wait. Why just know the name when you can meet her.

At the same time, Khushi enters the cabin with casseroles and utensils on the food trolley and called out everybody to have lunch.

Aman was shocked to say the least. - Khushi...Arnav. Arnav...Khushi.

Akash- ha ha bhai.ย  think Aman is scared silly an this brought Aman back to earth.

Aman- Akash!! Arnav, what is Akash saying? You and Khushi?

Arnav with a slight blush- Yes Aman, Khushi and I are together.

Aman opened his mouth to speak something, but no words came out.ย 

Khushi- Okay Aman Sir. Arnav and i are together. Now please everybody, come and take the lunch, I am very hungry.

And this brought all the men into protective mode, and they hurriedly took their places and everybody loved the lunch. The lunch was a happy affair with Aman and Akash pulling Arshi's leg or the bickering among themselves.

At night, after office,

Khushi and Arnav went on a date as decided. They were both like normal couples, wishing to spend time together. They had dinner in a roof top restaurant talking about their family, likes, dislikes, school, college life and so on. After a long drive, it was time for them to go back.

ย Arnav drove Khushi to her house in Laxmi Nagar.

Before, Khushi could step out of the car, Arnav held her hand and kissed her knuckles. Then they hugged each other, and Arnav inhaled her scent and left a peck on her cheek as well. They gazed at each other with love evident in them and finally the stupor broke, and Khushi took the chance to move out. She took a final glance at Arnav and waved him bye and entered the house.

Arnav after watching Khushi enter the house, drove back to Shantivan.

In Gupta House,

ย All had retired to their rooms and Khushi felt relieved as this saved her from a round of question and answers. Well, what she did not know was that Payal had seen her from her room's window. Payal had gotten envious identifying that it was someone from the management who came to drop Khushi as she had seen this car in the exclusive parking space of the owner and his family.

Payal- I have underestimated you Khushi. That day also, you could enter Akash's office so easily while I had to make 100s of excuses to meet him for once. And what happened then, nothing. I don't know when I will be able to lay my hands on him and lead a comfortable life.

Well, this was the real Payal, black-hearted, who had masked herself, portraying herself to be the most innocent princess with a heart of gold.ย 

On the other side, Khushi was ecstatic of her development with Arnav. In the morning, when she left for office, she had no idea, that this day will come out with such happiness.

She decided to call her parents and tell them about this happy news. She dialed her Mumma's phone....
