School Shooting

3rd Person POV

"Okay let's get started." Mr. Wells said. Right as he clapped his hands, there was a gunshot, and then another. Everyone in the classroom looked terrified.

"Everybody hide." Coach West said and then ran to find a hiding spot. Iris, Barry, and Cisco were hiding in a corner, Jesse, Wally, Caitlin and Oliver were hiding behind Wells' desk and against the wall and others were scattered around the classroom. Iris started crying and Barry hugged her. There were footsteps coming towards the classroom but the doors were locked. Everybody's breathing stopped as the shooter tried to open the door.

"Everybody text, tweet, but don't let them know you're here. Shooters have Twitter too." Mr. Wells said. Everybody got out their phones and started texting.

"Guys. Thea isn't here and neither is Felicity. What if they're hurt?" Iris whispered. Oliver tried to make a run to get out of the classroom.

"Oliver. Look what you do if you walk out of this room, you put these people's lives in danger." Mr. Wells said and Oliver looked around. Jesse was crying and Wally was holding her, Iris was bawling her eyes out, everybody in the room looked frightened and were crying. Then Oliver broke down crying too because he was in love with Felicity and Thea was his little sister and he didn't want to lose either of them.

An hour later

The SWAT team arrived and the friends were still in Wells' classroom but they didn't have to be as quiet.

"Clear!" One of the SWAT team members said. Everyone sighed in relief. They all headed outside and Oliver saw Thea and Felicity. He ran over to them and they held each other close. Felicity started crying again. Everybody hugged and they were all relieved that nobody got hurt. 
