
Space is cold. So much more now that Darkness has consumed the Galaxy. Now that Ultraman is in control.

Ultraman. The name is foreign, a splinter inside Barry's mind, but the idea of a friend turning to evil is not. Now, it was time to move forward. Into a future, he was uncertain of. The Speed Force was muddied, its currents shadowed. It told him nothing. Only an occasional glimmer of Lightning pierced through a suffocating veil of darkness, but it was enough. It would have to be.

At least Dr. Fate had survived. The venerable JLA had somehow escaped the clutches of The New God, Darkseid. At least they were together, he and the esteemed member of the league, hiding out on this private vessel bound for...nowhere in particular. They had no place to go, no direction, no goal. Their only plan was to just survive.

Perhaps the owner of the vessel would have some good news, although his expression did not reveal that to be true.

"I'm afraid the reports are confirmed Dr. Fate," Zor-el informs the two heroes seated around the shining, silver conference table. "They have tracked down Ralph and Cisco."

"I sensed them leave this world" Dr. Fate replies, his voice cracking, his large ears drooping.

So that was it. It was just the two of them left now. It was difficult to maintain a positive outlook in light of everything, but Barry had tried. There didn't seem to be any point now. He allows his own eyes to drop, the defeat of good, the grief of all he had known weighing heavily upon him. There's still one question that needs to be answered, however, and one that everyone has so far been avoiding. He no longer can.

"What about Kara?"

"She has to remain with us."

"She won't agree to that," Barry defends the Kryptonian. He has known Kara Danvers for 2 months but he has an instinct to defend her. He is certain she will never agree to run and hide out for the rest of her natural life.

"It's too dangerous to have her come with you," Zor-el argues, obviously speaking of the dangers that come with being with two of the most wanted people in the galaxy. "Clark will still be looking for her."

"But he thinks she's dead," Barry points out. "Doesn't he?" Doesn't everyone? They had gone to great lengths to protect Kara from Clark, even faking her death. As far as the Galaxy was concerned, Kara was dead.

"We cannot take a chance," Dr. Fate admonishes the JSA member. "Too much at stake here."

What was Dr Fate talking about? "What's at stake?" Barry blurts out. "The headquarter is in ruins, all of the other JSA members are dead. Clark...Ultraman and his Master are now in control of the Galaxy. I honestly don't see what else can be lost."

If it were possible, Dr Fate's small yellow eyes bear more sadness than they had before, but it isn't due to despair. Barry recognizes the look. It is of disappointment.

He's a grown man. When will he ever learn to shut up and listen?

Following a deep breath, Barry centers himself, releasing his anxieties into the frail remnants of the speed force.

"That's better" Dr fate compliments his efforts before leaning forward in his chair and taking a deep breath before removing his helmet. "Barry I need to tell you something. I had a vision, a vision of the future."

A million questions form in Barry's mind, but he remains still and waits on the aged man to continue.

" Darkseid is trying to get to the anit-matter universe to find the anti-monitor, for what use I don't know but what I do know is that he will do it, and when does track him down, there won't be any way to restore peace in the universe. In this time of absolute chaos, you need to keep Argo safe. Keep yourself and Kara safe. And if just maybe, one of us is still alive, find them and save them."

Barry pondered over this. What was Kent hinting at?

"Where are you going to go?"

He looks at his helmet and responds. " This" he pauses and shows his helmet " has so much history and power that is unknown to us. I will go into hiding on earth. Find out about the origin of this, gather as much information as I can on this, and return. But that day is a long time away. Take care kid" He says and get's up, walking to Zor-el and putting his hand over him, going up to board a pod back to Earth.

Footsteps approach him as he turns


He turns and see's her

