Iris West-Allen

The Music Meister reappeared again and smiled, "so," he started, "this next bit is slightly out of order but I'm doing it for the drama it'll cause! This next video has been moved up in the timeline and shows Savitar's actions and why he was so horrible and the video after it will show Savitar's identity while the one after that shows what Team Flash attempts to do to stop Savitar after finding out his identity! Everything after that is in the correct order. On with the show!" and he disappeared.

Savitar: Flash. This is it. Now the moment is upon us. My ascension to become a god.

"What's he doing with mom?" Nora's weak voice shakily asked. No one had any answers but Barry pulled her closer before telling her that he didn't know.

Barry: Not tonight.

Savitar: Show me you're the hero. [gasps] Let's see what happens.

"What the frack is that?!" Cisco and Felicity shouted.

Barry: I'm gonna stop you. [whoosh] [gun shots] [whooshing] [electric humming] [grunts] [electric zaps] Ha! It's working. [energy trap whirrs and crackles] [Flash grunts with effort]

Tracy: It's working. [panting] [electricity zaps] [suit hums mechanically]

"What?!" Caitlin, surprisingly, shouted. "It was working! What happened?"

Barry: What? - It didn't work. What what? [panting] Why didn't it work?

Savitar: I spent an eternity in a trap just like that. You think I didn't know how to prevent it from happening again?

"Huh?" Everyone, aside from Nora, asked.

"The Speed Force Prison. Time moves differently inside of the Speed Force. Like, shrap I don't know, four months would equal forty years."

Barry: The philosopher's stone.

"The who what now?" Joe asked, bewildered.

Savitar: It's made of calcified Speed Force energy, and you gave it to me.

"I don't know what's about to happen, but it's not going to be good," Iris muttered.

Barry: No guys guys! I failed. Joe!

"Good," Oliver grunted. People (Iris, Barry, Nora, Caitlin, and Cisco) looked at him strangely.

"They have a backup plan," Dig explained. They all nodded in understanding.

Savitar: You stuck me with Speed Force for an eternity of hell. Now, welcome to yours.

Barry: No. Don't do this. Don't do this! Now, finally, I am free of you.

Iris: Barry.

Barry: I'm begging you, just

Iris: Barry!

Savitar: You lose, Barry. [spear unsheaths] [wailing]

Barry: No!

"NO!" Nora sobbed out. Joe had silent tears running down his face. Barry was pulling Nora and Iris into a hug with a broken look on his face. Iris was in shock. She was watching her death.

Oliver and Dig looked at each other and began to discuss their thoughts on what would happen later. Namely the fact that Barry and Iris's daughter was sitting in front of them and seemed to know Iris well.

Felicity, Caitlin, and Cisco, while sad for the grieving family and wishing to offer support, all had similar thoughts to Oliver and Dig running through their heads.

Iris: Hi, Barry. Um, there's something that I need to say to you. I love you. And if something happens, I need you to hear this. I, Iris Ann West, take you, Bartholomew Henry Allen, to be my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward. In sickness and in health. To love and to cherish. Until death do us part.

Iris looked at Barry and smiled, "I'd never thought about you that way but I realize, now, that it's true. I love you, Barry. I always have and I just haven't wanted to admit it." Barry returned her smile.

Barry: Iris. Iris. Iris!

The Music Meister appeared again to give everyone some clarity. "So," he started. "I don't really feel like showing you the entire plan for this so I'm just going to tell you what actually happened! First off: good news! Iris isn't actually dead! Someone else close to you took her place and died instead. Secondly: it's time to find out Savitar's identity. Spoiler alert: it's not going to be a happy time. And please, wait until the end of the video before exploding about who it is. Savitar explains it all and Nora can translate the speedster terms that get used. Toodles!" 

Bow Man. "The Flash | Season 3 | The Death of "Iris West" or Was It | The CW." Youtube, 17 May. 2017, 
