
Full Name:y/n m/n l/n

Nickname: vigilante,arrow head, Playboy, robin hood, Katniss 2, killer...

Home: Gotham city


(Prologue suit)

(Later on)

(This is until later on)



Russian Mafia (formerly)

League of assassins(formerly)


Family and friends

Dad: Derek l/n occupation: former business man, l/n consolidated, head of
l/n security (deceased)

Mother: Eleanor l/n occupation: being a mom

Sister: Kate l/n occupation: being a side kick

(She becomes a sidekick later on)

Step dad: Jack occupation: swordsman

Love interest: yelena belova occupation: red room widow(formerly)/avenger

(She will have kids along with Natasha)

Best friend: Tony Stark occupation: avenger/iron man/genius/billionaire/Playboy/philanthropist

Mentor/Friend: Clint Barton occupation: shield agent/avenger/ family man

Best friend:Barry Allen occupation:the flash/ CCPD CSI

(Come on now)

Friend: Steve Rogers occupation:captain America/ ww2 soldier (formerly)

Friend/sister in law(soon): Natasha Romanoff occupation:red room widow (formerly)/shield agent/avenger

Friend: Bruce banner occupation: doctor and the hulk

Friend:Thor occupation God of thunder/avenger

Friend: Sara lance, occupation: league of assassins(formerly), white canary

And that's pretty much it until the next time ;)
