New Story Sneak Peak

Hi everyone.

I am currently brainstorming how I am going to write the sequel. Well...I know how the story is going to go but I'm trying to figure out how to write it.

Anyways, in the epilogue, I said that I would post a prologue of my new story idea if someone ask.

Well..nobody asked about it. I'm going to post it anyways.

Let me know what you guys think.

Note: The summary is still in progress.


Unlocking the Past

Anna Griffiths lives a normal and average life in the United States. Currently, she is a third year in a University studying History. Attending classes are very important to her. She strives to do well in her classes for personal reasons.

Everything changes when she decided to take a genealogy class that's offered for the first and only time at the University. Taking the class, she meets Nathan Berkshire, an exchange student from Great Britain. He was handsome, a charmer, and a gentleman towards her. Nathan caught her attention at first glance through his clothes and manner.

Throughout her journey of finding herself and her family's past, she finds shocking information that tied the handsome stranger to herself.

Who was he and why was he convinced that he knew her? What was it that tied them together?


"I...I don't understand."

I just found out that I was connected to him in so many ways. My mind was filled with overwhelming information that I couldn't comprehend them all at once. My heart was pounding against my chest from the shock.

Nathan stood from his seat and walked toward the window to look outside. He wasn't looking for anything in particular. He was piecing everything together. I tried to calm down so that I could clear my head.

"Your parents have the same name as her parents. Your birthday is the same day as the incident which happens to be my birthday. You were adopted from there. You have memories that you can't explain. The same memories that she would have had as well as memories that I remember clearly. Coincidence?"

{Could it?}

"You know what that means right?" {Do I?}

Once I calmed down enough, looking back at the mess in front of me, I recalled the information on every single piece of paper that were scattered on the table. Every paper had significant information that made me who I am.

{It can't be.}

Everything sounded surreal to me.

Nathan sat down on a chair next to me and held both my hands with dear life as if he was afraid to lose me. In his eyes, he had many emotions flowing through him. Pain, guilt, regret, shock, anger were in his eyes. Most of all, he felt relief.

It was a side of him that I never really saw of him.

"You are her."
