Chapter 6

A/N: Hey everyone! I apologize for the long update between the edits. School started in March and I didn't have anytime to edit any of these chapters but here I am now, editing this for all of you. Enjoy! 


At Korea House - Restaurant 

Kai POV 

Finally. I can't wait to see Eun Mi. Today is our third anniversary and honestly, I feel horrible for not being able to see her earlier just because Yun Hee was trying out the wedding dresses. Now all I can do is to celebrate with her by eating top-grade meat for dinner. Hopefully, she is not upset and would forgive me. The other day she was crying over the phone just because I told her I could not spend time with her today. So, I prepared a ruby red necklace for her as a gift so that she will be less upset.  

Sigh, my life as a guy. It's tough. 

Suddenly , a pair of hands covered my eyes.

"Kai sweetie. Who am I?" Someone with a familiar voice said. 

"Lee Eun Mi, My baby, My one and only girlfriend," I answered sweetly. 

Eun Mi giggled and gave me a peck on my cheeks. 

"How sweet. Alright, what are we eating?" Eun Mi asked. 

"Chicken and Beer," I said with a huge smile on my face. 

"Aww Kai... You are really so sweet! I'm glad you even remembered the beer aspect. It's these little small details that you remember, makes me love you so much" Eun Mi said. 

After an hour of eating

We finally finished the food after an hour and I decided to give Eun Mi the necklace just before we move on to the second part of our date. 

"Baby... I've got a surprise for you. Close your eyes... No peeking" I said. 

Eun Mi closed her eyes and occasionally tried to peek but I stopped her just before she could see what I was doing. 

I took out the necklace, went behind her back, helped her put it on and gave her a peck on the cheek. 

"You can open your eyes now. Happy 3rd Anniversary, baby," I said.

Eun Mi opened her eyes, saw the necklace on her neck and started tearing up. 

"I thought you forgot about this. Well, here's yours. My homemade cookies, which are your favourite. I know you love them." Eun Mi said while smiling ear to ear.  

She's really sweet! Guys out there are going to be so jealous because my girlfriend is amazing. 

"Kai. Since we are done here, Can we go shopping? Cheong Dam Dong Fashion Street? It's been a while since we went shopping." Eun Mi stated. 

"Sure, let's go," I said. 

I took her hand, place them in mine and started walking towards the fashion street. 

Yun Hee POV

Mum and I decided to do some shopping at Gucci for Christmas. We were on our last store before heading home. 

In Gucci

"Mum, is this bag nice?" I took a small pink crossbody bag and waved it at her to catch her attention. 

"Hmm... No darling, it's a little small. The medium or the large one would be much better." Mum said while rubbing her chin as if she was thinking for quite a bit. 

"Darling, how about this? A skirt?" Mum asked as she took out an A-line plaid skirt.  

"Looks pretty good. I shall go and try this on. Oh wait, there is a matching blazer. I shall try that too." I said and took the clothes with me to the changing room. 

In The Changing Room

I heard a familiar voice and it sounds like it's Kai. Oh well, I must be hallucinating again. Why am I even thinking about a jerk like him? Stop it, Yun Hee. Stop it. Stop thinking about him. 

After getting ahold of myself, I decided to change into the clothes and surprisingly, it looked great on me. It flattered my curves really nicely and yet it doesn't engulf my whole figure. Great, I guess, I'm getting this and the medium pink bag after all. 

Outside The Changing Room 

After I was done I came out of the changing room and showed  Mum the outfit. 

"Mum! How do I look? I think it's pretty nice!" I said feeling confident in this outfit. 

"Pretty good but I think you should size down. The sides look a little loose. Okay, change out of it first. I will walk to guess to get a new handbag for work. After you are done, then get a size smaller okay? Then meet me at the carpark" Mum said while giving me the okay sign. 

I went back into the changing room, got changed and got out of the outfit. I returned the outfit to the sales rep and walked towards the location to get a smaller size for the skirt and blazer. 

As I grabbed on to the skirt, there was this girl that yank the skirt out of my hand leaving me in utter shock. 

"Sorry, excuse me miss. What are you doing?" I said with my eyes wide open, still feeling shocked.

"Erm, are you blind? Obviously, taking this from you," she said sarcastically. 

"I took it first so why are you taking it away from me? Can I have it back please?" I asked nicely

"Cause I saw it first, my eyes are faster than yours, so definitely this is mine," she said rudely.

Never have I ever faced such a rude lady before, claiming things are hers just because she saw it first. Oh wow, I'm surprised that humanity does not exist in this lady. 

"Once again, I took this skirt first. I do not think it is right to yank it out of my hands and claim it to be yours just because you saw it first. Also, I understand that this skirt is the last one in this size and if you like it so much, then go order it from the sales rep. Not take it away from me and act like it's yours." I said logically, trying to reason with her. 

Reluctantly, she gave me back the skirt and then, I turned around and walked towards the cashier to pay. 

Suddenly, a very familiar voice called out my name. 

"Yoon Yun Hee, what are you doing here. Why is my girlfriend here with you? What have you done to her?" Kai said with anger in his voice. 

Obviously, little miss drama queen decided to put on a show and started acting all sad in front of Kai. 

"Baby, she took the skirt away from me. She snatched the skirt from my hands and said she saw it first and that is why I should give it to her. This is the last one in this size, if I don't get it, she won't get it," she said and started to tear up. 

"Yah Yoon Yun Hee... How could you! She is just a small, innocent, pure girl. Why did you have to do this to her?" Kai shouted at the top of his lungs. 

Everyone in the store stopped watching and stared at Kai intensely.

Knowing that it was not me, I stood up for myself.  

"I didn't snatch it from her. She took it from me." I said defending myself

"However, the skirt is in your hands, so stop defending yourself," Kai said

"You jerk! I said I didn't do it!" I raised my voice back at him. 

Just because the skirt is in my hands. I'm being accused? I'm the one who took it from her? Wow Kai, guess your analysis skills are horrible. 

Then that stupid thief started speaking again with more tears in her eyes accusing me, "She even hit me because I took it from her." 

"YOON YUN HEE! THIS IS TOO MUCH! WHY DID YOU HIT HER?" Kai shouted with his face turning red and anger was boiling in him. 

"So it's my fault now? I didn't hit her, nor did I snatch the skirt away from her. It is the other way round. Don't believe me? Fine. You don't even trust me for a single bit but you trust this thief here?" I said feeling wronged.

Kai raged in anger and shouted, "DO NOT CALL HER A THIEF! YOU AREN'T ANY BETTER."

"If this is what you want.. Fine. You can continue to blame me and accuse me as much as you want. I'll give your girlfriend this skirt. For all I care. Now I know you are an unreasonable jerk that cannot differentiate between a lie and the truth. Now that you have won, feeling happy?" I said tearing up and throwing the skirt back at him. 

I walked out of the shop and gave Mum a call and told her that I just want to go home. The whole ride home, I was crying and although Mum tried to ask what happened, I would just keep quiet and not say a single thing.


"If this is what you want.. Fine. You can continue to blame me and accuse me as much as you want. I'll give your girlfriend this skirt. For all I care. Now I know you are an unreasonable jerk that cannot differentiate between a lie and the truth. Now that you have won, feeling happy?" Yun Hee said as I saw tears in her eyes. 

Oh No! What have I done? Why do I feel hurt by this? Isn't this what I wanted? 

I'm not going to apologise anyway because this time Yun Hee was in the wrong. Eun Mi doesn't lie to me. Never. I mean, even if Eun Mi is at fault, as her boyfriend, I should support my girlfriend right? 

"Eun Mi baby, let's pay for this and head home," I said, feeling guilty and tired over this whole drama.


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Here is the edited version of the update! Hope you guys enjoyed it. Added more details and conversations this time round. Don't forget to vote, subscribe and comment!
