
Chapter 25

"...Speaking of which, is there any work at the Armed Detective Agency recently?"

"Huh?" Hearing this question, the black-haired doctor sitting opposite him raised his head, his tone was calm and gentle, as if he was simply curious. , "Why do you ask?"

"Huh? Ah, it's nothing serious!" Takagi Wataru panicked for a few seconds and racked his brains to think of an excuse, "It's just, how should I put it... because many of your company's cases require It’s about dealing with the aftermath in a timely manner, so I thought, if we can know what kind of work the Armed Detective Agency will have in the future, we can also prepare manpower in advance to deal with it... In Yoneka Town, if you are not careful, you will be short of manpower."

"That's true." Mori Ogai seemed to believe the excuse and tapped his finger on his chin. "Even our detective agency will be short of manpower. I originally thought that the few people we have now are enough to handle daily commissions. "."

The older doctor showed a distressed look: "It is also very distressing for members to have too much freedom."

After hearing his words, Takagi Wataru's hands shook, and he asked cautiously: "Armed Are there any other members of the detective agency?"

"Yes," Ogai Mori leaned back in his chair, "but most of them are not here."

Most of them... !

Takagi Wataru's eyes darkened, and he complained silently: These people in the Armed Detective Agency have already made the police a mess! Is it so surprising that most of the members didn't show up? !

"It's really, really good," Takagi Wataru showed a dry and bitter smile, "If there are so many members, the work of the detective agency will be much easier." However, unexpectedly, the black-haired doctor in front of him showed his face

. With a subtle expression on his face, he blinked, and some confused sounds escaped from his throat.

"Well," he showed a thoughtful look, and after a while, he exhaled like a sigh, "Huh, wouldn't it be easier... maybe it would only be more of a headache then."

Takagi Wataru: "...Huh?"

The doctor in front of him showed a bitter smile: "Anyway, I will have to trouble you all in the future. I feel a little sorry."

Takagi Wataru: "????"

Wait, why are you looking like this? "I'll have to deal with big trouble later, but I'll leave it to you"! Speak clearly!

"Please don't worry, Officer Takagi."

Noticing the policeman's frightened expression, the older doctor said gently, "It's just that the members of the detective agency are a little lively." "...Ha,

" Takagi Wataru hesitated. "Are they as lively as Nakajima and Akutagawa?"

The black-haired doctor in front of him fell into thinking again. After a while, he made an uncertain voice: "Probably a little more lively than that."

Mainly: We don’t know yet which Osamu Dazai will be drawn.

Although Osamu Dazai would definitely quarrel with Chuuya Nakahara.

Takagi Wataru: "..."

Please deny what he said! The relationship between Atsushi Nakajima and Ryunosuke Akutagawa can’t be considered lively anymore, can it? And there are actually members of the Armed Detective Agency who are more "lively" than these two people? Is this really a detective agency and not some gang branch?

Takagi Wataru closed his eyes in pain, as if he had seen endless meetings and endless head pain in the future.

After steeling himself and asking a few indirect questions, only to be answered in a nonchalant manner, Takagi Wataru gave up asking about the detective agency.

"Then the transcript is complete now," Takagi Wataru showed a look of relief, and his tone became much lighter, "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Mori." "Of course, Officer Takagi is the one," Mori Ogai said with the same emotion

. Said, "The police are working very hard."

"It's not bad," Takagi Wataru touched the back of his head and laughed twice, "Ah, by the way, Kimura and the other two people seem to want to try their best to reach a settlement. Mr. Mori, your What's your opinion?"

The system popped up unwilling to give up: [The compensation will be yours, and ten gold coins will be returned to me. 】

Mori Ogai smiled slightly: "No way."

Instead of persuading him to give up the idea of ​​letting the system help draw cards, it is better to think about how to help him draw a card that is not the Port Mafia, nor the Tenjin Five Deceivers, nor the IF Line Tenjin Five Deceivers. Port Mafia character cards.

System: [Tsk. ]

Dispelling the idea that the system was unrealistic, Mori Ogai brought his attention back to reality: "Reconciliation... In this case, even if a settlement is reached, there is no way to withdraw the lawsuit." Even if

Makino Mangrove just blew up his car, Wu The amount of more than 10 million has become the standard for criminal cases, not to mention that Makino Mangrove not only blew up the car, but also cut the main cable of the cable car and used explosives to create a small landslide. This can no longer be solved by reconciliation. It's over.

"Indeed, because it caused a lot of damage and endangered public safety," Takagi Wataru thought for a while, "but if a settlement can be reached, the sentence should be lighter. If you agree, we can discuss how to do it later. Reconciliation."

"Yes," Mori Ogai agreed readily, "but it's a bit late today, can we talk about the reconciliation tomorrow?" I

just found an opportunity to come to the Metropolitan Police Department a few more times.

"Of course."

Looking at the time, it was now past ten o'clock in the evening. Takagi Wataru managed not to yawn, "It's been a hard day today." "

We are the ones to trouble the police." Mori Ogai stood up with a smile. The maturity and stability disappeared the moment he opened the door, "Ah~ Alice-chan! I've been waiting for so long. It must be lonely for you to stay outside alone! You can go home next!" "I'm not lonely.

I I had a lot of fun playing with the police girl!"

The lively voice of the girl in the blond red dress came from outside, "Police sister, let's play together next time!" "

I want to say thank you to my sister," the black-haired doctor's voice returned to calmness, " I'm really troubling you all today."

"No, Alice is very cute too!" A female voice came from outside, "Please be sure to pay attention to safety when you go home, then I'll leave first."

This voice... is from the Ministry of Transportation. Yumi Moto?

Takagi Wataru subconsciously judged. It seems that Miyamoto is not working the night shift today, why did he stay here until now because of that child?

But yes, Alice is indeed a very cute girl. His and Sato's children will definitely be so cute in the future...wait a minute! Now is not the time to think about this!

Takagi Wataru suddenly woke up, slapped his face hard with his hands, exhaled, and returned to his serious look.

"By the way, Alice-chan,"

Mori Ogai led Alice outside, "I saw a super-cute dress shop today. How about we go shopping together tomorrow?" "

Hey- —?!" Alice refused angrily, "I don't want to! Didn't you already buy so many dresses yesterday?" "

But every dress has a different cuteness!" Mori Ogai said in a tone of voice Please, "The skirts in that store are really cute. They are definitely suitable for Alice-chan! Give it a try, and if you only wear it for one second, I will die without regrets!" "No."


said very coldly, "Do this again. I shouted at the police station that there was a pervert."

Mori Ogai: "!!"

Mori Ogai: "Alice-chan qwq."

The older doctor shed tears like lasagna: "It's too much, but even Alice-chan is cute like this! If you don't go to that store, how about going back and trying on a new dress? All of them are mine. One I chose myself! They are all very cute little dresses!"

Alice: "Absolutely no!"

"Ah, Mr. Mori."

The door on the side was pushed open, and a blond and dark-skinned man came from the stairwell. When he came out, he looked at Mori Ogai with some surprise, and then showed a natural smile, "Have you already prepared the transcript?"

Mori Ogai kept bending down to pray for two seconds, and then straightened up as if nothing had happened. He was as calm as if nothing happened: "Well, it just ended."

He glanced at the stairwell behind Amuro Teru and smiled with an unknown meaning, "Is it over with Amuro-kun as well?" "

That's right. , I just received a message from the store manager after it was over, so I went to deal with it." Toru Amuro smiled helplessly, "It seems that the vacation is going to end early." Speaking of this,

Mori Ogai also lowered his shoulders in frustration, pitifully He said sadly: "Yes, this is a vacation that was hard to come by! I thought I could relax for a few days and let everyone get in touch with each other, but it ended like this. It's really unfortunate." "I haven't encountered anything like this

. The best result is that no one is injured or injured, but according to Mr. Mori, is the detective agency usually very busy?" Toru Amuro asked casually, "Mr. Mori's usual vacation time is quite free." To be precise, the detective agency is very busy

. It is originally a profession with very free working hours. Even Kogoro Mouri, who is famous throughout Japan, does not work every day.

"Because all the members have gone out to care for themselves, the detective agency is currently understaffed. It's really a headache for the members to have too much freedom," Mori Ogai sighed, "Recently, the workload is so heavy that I have no time to spend with Alice

. You're playing."

Alice rolled her eyes at the side.

"That would indeed be a headache." Toru Amuro comforted him, "But if we have a good chat with the members later, they will also listen to the president and work seriously." "Huh? That makes sense," Toru Amuro said, to the surprise

of Unexpectedly, Mori Ogai shook his head, "But I'm not the president. If I preach to them, I will be disgusted by the members." Amuro

Toru: "...Eh?"

He opened his eyes in surprise, and a look of emotion appeared on his face. Apologizing: "I'm sorry, because I saw that everyone else in the detective agency listened to Mr. Mori's words, so I thought..." "It doesn't matter,

Amuro-kun doesn't have to be sorry for this." Mori Ogai showed a somewhat complicated expression. Smiling, "It's getting late, I'll take Alice-chan back first—"

Mori Ogai's words suddenly got stuck.

"Mr. Mori?" Toru Amuro looked at him doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing... I have a phone call. Sorry, I'm rude." Ogai Mori's expression quickly recovered, and he smiled at Toru Amuro. Then he took out his vibrating cell phone from his pocket and said, "Chuya-kun? Have you returned to the detective agency?" "

I was planning to go back to the detective agency," the young man's slightly tangled voice came from the other end of the phone, "but There was an accident here. Is Mr. Mori still at the Metropolitan Police Department?"

"Well, I just finished recording."

Ogai Mori thought for a few seconds, "You mean accident, right?"

"Yes," on the other end of the phone, The helpless voice of the orange-haired young man came through the microphone, "A murder just occurred here at the Lantern Festival. I have asked Nakajima to notify the police." Mori Ogai: "


Mori Ogai: "Do we need a detective agency to take action? ?"

"No, no need, it's just an ordinary case," Nakahara Chuya glanced at the pool of blood on the ground behind him, "But we are near the crime scene, so we probably have to wait until the police come to understand the situation before we can leave."

"Okay, I understand," Mori Ogai sighed, "Thank you for your hard work, Chuuya-kun. This kind of thing happened one after another during the scheduled vacation. Anyway, before the police come, please trouble Chuuya-kun to maintain order at the scene

. - Atsushi-kun and Akutagawa-kun are there too,

right?" "Ah, yes, but don't worry, the two of them haven't started fighting yet," Nakahara Chuuya's tone revealed full of fatigue, "And there are already people We are maintaining order at the crime scene."

"Oh? Is there anyone else at the scene?"

"Well, the leaders of those people also know each other." When he said this, Nakahara Chuuya's tone was a little complicated, "Today and Let's take a police car back to the Metropolitan Police Department's Mori Office, Miss Mori, and the kid named Edogawa Conan."

Mori Ogai's smile froze on his face: "...Edogawa? I remember they seemed to be with Let's go back to the office together, Maori-kun."

"That's what I asked too, but they said that this lantern festival is very rare and something like that happened at the hot spring hotel again, so I came here to watch the lantern festival after dinner."

Nakahara Chuuya sighed imperceptibly, "Then we happened to bump into the crime scene." "I

see," Ogai Mori didn't know what expression to put on, or it was inappropriate to put on any expression at this time. " If it is a murder at a lantern festival, the criminal has probably not left the scene of the crime. But it is not clear whether the other person is armed... I will leave the ordinary people at the scene to you, Chuuya-kun." There was a crisp response on the other end of the phone

, Then Mori Ogai hung up the phone.

Toru Amuro had a bad premonition: "Excuse me, Conan - that kid from the Mori Office. What happened to him?" "

Huh? Don't worry, Amuro-kun."

Mori Ogai glanced at Toru Amuro, "E Togawa-kun is fine. He just happened to bump into the crime scene when he went to the lantern festival. Chuuya-kun happened to be there too, so he called me to inform me." At this time, "It happened again" came from the office

area not far away. Has there been a murder?" lamented.

"The scene of the murder?" Toru Amuro twitched the corner of his mouth, shook his head and sighed, "That child really encounters these things often. Is everyone still safe?" "Don't worry, Chuuya-kun will protect them."

Moriou Wai seemed to be a little distressed, "Although it's too late to rush over now... But then Alice-chan will have to see that kind of bloody scene! Alice-chan will definitely be frightened! It seems like it's better to go back today. "

Anyway, the three people at the scene are all his vests, and it doesn't matter whether they go or not.

"Yes, it's better for the kids to go to bed early."

Toru Amuro nodded and said apologetically, "But I'm a little worried about the situation at Conan's side, so I wanted to go over and have a look, but that would be rude." "Where

? , don’t worry about it.”

He waved goodbye to Toru Amuro and hurriedly walked out with a smile. Mori Ogai’s expression suddenly relaxed a lot, “Huh… it’s really difficult.”

Alice puffed up her face and said, “I’m obviously enjoying it.”

Mori Ogai touched his head with a smile. Just as he was about to say what he wanted to say, he was interrupted by the sound of a notification from the system.

【Lost card detected! Missing card detected! ]

[Collecting data... loading...]

[-Loading card data-]

[Character Card: Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Identity: Super Agent The experience of the person in charge of the Rat in the Dead House of the branch

: He wandered in Yokohama when he was a child, and later discovered his supernatural powers, and now works in the Special Agents Division.

Current status: Working in Japanese public security. 】

Mori Ogai: "..."

Mori Ogai: "...?"

Mori Ogai's expression suddenly went blank.

Chapter 26

The Japanese Public Security Bureau, affiliated to the Ministry of Justice, is a counterintelligence and reconnaissance agency. It is mainly responsible for maintaining national order in peacetime and using various means to deal with incidents that threaten national institutions and public security systems.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, a kind-hearted Russian bastard, the leader of the underground thieves group "The Rats of the House of Death", and a member of the international terrorist organization Tenjin.

One is a public security policeman and the other is a terrorist.

To tell a ghost story, Fyodor is a member of the Special Agents Division.

To tell another horror story, he is now a Japanese police officer.

His vision went dark.

System: [Congratulations to the host! 】

System: 【A character card that is neither the Port Mafia nor the Five Declines of Heaven and Man has appeared! ]

System: [Your wish has come true! congratulations! 】

As he said that, the system cooperated very well and released brilliant fireworks images on the screen. For a moment, the atmosphere on the screen was as cheerful as if it was a Chinese New Year, and his ears seemed to be filled with festive laughter.

There was still no expression on Mori Ogai's face, and there was nothingness in his purple eyes. He seemed to be thinking seriously, and he seemed to be simply looking at it, without any specific meaning.

What is the Rat in the Dead House of the Supernatural Special Agent Branch?

What does it mean to work in the Special Agents Division after wandering in Yokohama?

What does it mean to work in the Japanese police now?

Mori Ogai's mind went blank. He knew every word on the screen, but when they were connected together, he couldn't understand a word.

Special agent Co. Fyodor? Policeman Fyodor? What's this? What is this?

The system seemed not to notice Mori Ogai's stiffness and continued to be happy.

The celebratory fireworks were set off for a while, and the system got down to business.

System: [Host, recycling cards requires physical contact with the card characters, and the system cannot recycle them through the air. 】

System: 【Will the host go to the location of the card to recycle it now? ]


Like a drop of water falling on the calm water, Mori Ogai's thoughts finally fluctuated a little. He seemed to be sighing, and it seemed that he just made a sound unintentionally. The messy thoughts kept swirling in his mind, like a ball of wool being played with by a cat, making him completely unable to sort out the threads.

The dark purple pupil shook for a moment, and the owner of the purple pupil seemed to finally come to his senses and lowered his head. He seemed to have a lot to say, but in the end he held it in for a long time before uttering the heartfelt confusion born from his heart: "

Feo Dole...isn't he a foreigner?"

The Japanese police have not chosen foreigners to serve as workers, right?

System: [Yes, the card Fedor was born in Russia and is a foreigner. 】

System: 【But in the IF line setting, Fyodor grew up wandering in Yokohama due to an accident, and received a Japanese household registration, so he was rounded up to be a resident of the country. ]

Mori Ogai: "?"

Please don't round things like this up, it's very scary, please.

He said very sincerely: "Can I not give up this card?" It was so terrifying that he even felt that Japan was finished.

system:【? ? ? ]

The system was shocked: [You are discriminating! What's wrong with Fyodor? ! ]

Mori Ogai: "He is Fyodor."

System: [He is smart and capable and belongs to the script team! ]

Mori Ogai: "He is Fyodor."

System: [He is super powerful by touching his head! The cursed spirit will be gone as soon as it is touched, and you no longer have to worry about me not being able to defeat the cursed spirit! ]

Mori Ogai: "He is Fyodor."

System: [...]

System: [It's Fyodor, so what! He is Fyodor from the Special Agent Division! Aren’t the character cards from the Special Agent Section not good enough? Among your hundred cards, there is not even one special agent branch if line card! ]

Mori Ogai was silent for a few minutes: "...He is still a foreigner."

System: [What's wrong with foreigners! Are foreigners going to be discriminated against by you? ? ]

System: [Don’t be bad at a young age! Discrimination against others is unacceptable! ]

Mori Ogai was very desperate.

Is this a question of discrimination? Who is Fyodor? The leader of the gang of thieves, the Rat of the House of Death, an international terrorist, and now he has become a Japanese police officer! This beaver? !

Not to mention that Fyodor, who grew up in Yokohama if line, actually opened a dead house rat branch in the special agent department. Who would dare to think about this? Does Taneda know that there is a dead rat in his secret service department?

Special agent Co. Fyodor? Who dares to use it! Who has the guts to use it? ?

System: [It’s okay if you don’t want it. 】

System: 【But you have already drawn him, Fyodor from the Five Decays of Heaven and Fyodor from Special Agent Section, you have to choose one. ]

Mori Ogai: "..."

System: [If you don't want these two, Fyodor from the Armed Detective Agency can't be exchanged for you. ]

Mori Ogai: "..."

On the left is the eighteenth level of hell, and on the right is the seventeenth level of hell. There are also various packages of nineteenth, sixteenth, and fifteenth levels of hell for you to choose from. May I ask? Which hell do you want?

Mori Ogai: Thank you for the invitation. If possible, he wouldn’t want any of them.

Mask of Pain.JPG

The system tried to convince him: [Fyodor is not that bad. ]

The system comforted: [After all, it’s Fyodor from the Special Agent Division. The character cards from the good guy camp are from the script team. Rounding them off, he’s half a detective. ]

System: [Think about it, how difficult it is for you to draw this card. The Armed Detective Agency still doesn’t have a detective. ]

Mori Ogai: "..."

I don't want to laugh anymore.

"Forget it,"

Ogai Mori lowered his shoulders as if giving up. The system was right. Fyodor of the Special Agent Division was better than Fyodor of the Five Destroyed Celestial Beings no matter what he thought. He cheered up, "You can't. Just recycle it like this?"

System: [I'm sorry, host. ]

System: [Due to the principle of protection, the card needs the host to establish a connection through contact before it can be recycled by the system. ]

The system just said this. Mori Ogai nodded clearly: "So I need to go near the card to contact him."

System: [That's right. ]

System: [Does the host want to go to the location of the card to recover it? 】

"Rintaro, how long are you going to stay here?"

The girl in the blond red dress puffed up her face and pulled the hem of Mori Ogai's clothes, her face full of displeasure, "You're not ready yet?" "You'll be fine


Mori Ogai's voice suddenly softened, "I'm sorry Alice-chan, you must be tired after keeping you waiting for so long, right? I'll give you double the strawberry cake when I get back!" The blonde girl turned her head angrily


He led the blond girl towards the elevator, looking at the Metropolitan Police Department as he walked, and then said to the system: "Where is Fyodor now?"

System: [Lock Lost Card]

System: [Card Fyodor has been locked. ]

System: [-Map loading-]

On the screen in mid-air, the floor plan of the Metropolitan Police Department slowly rotated in front of Mori Ogai. Green dots marked ordinary police officers on the map, red dots were target persons, and yellow dots were ordinary police officers. the masses.

The red dot representing Fyodor stands out among the green dots and yellow dots.

The system enlarges the red dot and uses an arrow to point out the shortest path forward.

"I remember this place as..." Mori Ogai carefully identified Fyodor's location, and at the same time thought in his mind, "This is where the top police officers meet, right?"

System: [That's right. ]

System: [Check the recent meeting records of the Metropolitan Police Department. Generally, only senior police officers hold meetings there. ]

Mori Ogai hesitated slightly.

So Fyodor is still considered a high-ranking official? Police chief Fyodor, can Japan really be saved?

Mori Ogai closed his eyes, feeling physically and mentally exhausted: "If the meeting is held over there, I'm afraid there will be no way to recover Fyodor today. If you walk over there rashly, you will definitely be suspected." I don't know why

, After thinking clearly that there was no way to recover Fyodor today, he felt as if he had been given a suspended sentence. Mori Ogai breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's find an opportunity to recover the card later. System, can you mark his location?" The system

? :【OK. 】

System: 【The card Fyodor has been marked and the moving position is recorded in real time. ]

Mori Ogai nodded.

In this way, there is no need to go to the Metropolitan Police Department to try your luck in the future, and you can directly find a convenient place to collect the cards.

For reasons of concealment, Toru Amuro put on his hat and walked around a few times to make sure there were no witnesses before running back downstairs to the Metropolitan Police Department.

At this time, Feng Jian had been waiting downstairs for a while in his car.

"Mr. Furutani!"

Finding a familiar figure, Kazami Yuya opened the car window and waved slightly to him.

Amuro pressed his hat, looked around, opened the car door and sat sideways. Kazami quickly restarted the car, turned and left the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Go to the lantern festival."

Toru Amuro leaned on his seat, "Kazami, do you have any news about the information about the armed detective agency that I asked you to collect?" "H-I'm sorry, Mr. Fukitani," Yuya Kazami subconsciously

said Tightening the steering wheel: "After receiving your contact, I immediately went to check the relevant information, but all information about the Armed Detective Agency was blocked, and I did not have permission to check it." The short-haired man looked in the mirror and glanced at the man sitting in the passenger seat

. The blond boss: "However, I have submitted an inspection request in the name of Mr. Fukiya. With Mr. Fukiya's authority, I should be able to get their information tomorrow." "Intelligence blockade?" Amuro Toru was stunned, and revealed with a serious


. There was no confusion at all, "It's just a detective agency. Not only did it have a regular cooperation with the police, but now the police also blocked the information?" Kazami

Yu was also very puzzled: "This is the first time that this has happened to me. See you."

Toru Amuro didn't say anything, and the car suddenly became quiet.

He covered his mouth with his fist, while his brain was thinking frantically.

The public security is an agency responsible for handling incidents that threaten national security. Blocking intelligence means that the existence of the armed detective agency is very important to this country, so this blockade must be used to ensure the safety of the armed detective agency.

but why? It's just a detective agency. Is it necessary to go to this level? And why had he never heard of the Armed Detective Agency before?

What's more, given the strength of the police, there is no need to have a long-term and fixed cooperation with a detective agency - especially this detective agency is still new - unless there is a reason to do so.

"Does the case handled by the Armed Detective Agency have anything to do with the work of the public security?"

Toru Amuro pondered.

The cases handled by the Armed Detective Agency are also classified and should not be leaked to the outside world. However, since ordinary police officers intervened to finish the cases, it is not impossible to find out any information.

"The murder case at the Mikawacho Cinema and the villa bombing case. One was a poisoning and the other was an explosion. If we must say what these two cases have in common..." The age of the victim

? Place of death? Time of death?

Factors were listed one by one, and then he was quickly eliminated. The images filled with analysis flashed through his mind like a slideshow, and finally slowly settled on a sentence mentioned by a guest in the cafe.

"It can't be poisoning! The police are definitely lying!

Let me tell you this. I was also in that theater that day. Although I only glanced through the crack in the door, I could see clearly. The walls, chairs, and screen are all covered with broken bones and meat! How could it be poisoned? What kind of poison can make people... well, become like that?" "Believe me,

I'm definitely not wrong!" "

——Yes Corpse."

The blond and dark-skinned man mused, "The only thing these two cases have in common is that the corpses are both incomplete."

Especially the deceased in the Yoneka Town Cinema. Afterwards, the police did detect neurotoxins in the blood, but here's the strange thing: if it was just poisoning, the body shouldn't look like that.

In particular, the neurotoxin detected has been used by many prisoners, but the only example where the bodies were smashed into pieces was at the Yoneka Cinema.

There is really too little information, and thinking can only go so far.

Toru Amuro breathed out: "Thank you for your hard work, Kazami. Send it to me as soon as you get the information about the blockade tomorrow." After a pause

, Sato Miwako's words came to his mind, and Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes slightly, "Yes. "Feng Jian, do you know who in the Ministry of Public Security is responsible for cooperating with the Armed Detective Agency?"

Yu Yu also hesitated: "I don't know the specific situation, but there is only one thing I am sure about. The person involved in the incident is not a former colleague from the Public Security Bureau, but a person who was suddenly transferred to the Ministry of Public Security by the senior management a few days ago." Toru

Amuro looked puzzled: "A person who was suddenly transferred to the Ministry of Public Security?"

"That person doesn't seem to be there. After passing the professional group examination, how should I put it, although it’s not a good thing to say, but I don’t think he looks like a policeman.”

Kazami Yu also had a headache, “That guy’s name is Fyodor.”

“Fyodor ·Mikhailovich Dostoevsky." Toru

Amuro: "...?"

Toru Amuro was silent for a long time and then slowly spoke.

Toru Amuro: "How come I don't know that the police are now recruiting foreigners?"

Yuya Kazami thought for a while and said honestly: "I don't know either, Mr. Fukitani."

The two current police officers looked at each other, confused.

"Is it because I have been focusing on the organization for too long recently? I have missed so many things," Toru Amuro rubbed his forehead tiredly, "Recently, the organization has also had a difficult newcomer. Phew... …Troublesome guys always come in groups.”

New to the organization?

Kazami Yuya looked at Toru Amuro through the mirror. Although he was full of questions, he insisted on abiding by the principles of being a public security officer. Without asking any more questions, he drove his car and took a shortcut to the vicinity of the lantern festival.

"Just park here."

Passing by an uninhabited alley, Toru Amuro lowered his voice and emphasized once again, "I leave you with the information about the Armed Detective Agency. No matter what, as long as it is their information, compile it all and send it to me."

Kazami Yuya nodded seriously.

After confirming that no one was around, Toru Amuro carefully closed the car door, slipped out of the alley quietly, and blended into the crowd very naturally.

This place is still some distance from the crime scene. Although you can hear people passing by discussing what happened there, and some people walking out with worried and scared faces, more people here are immersed in the celebration of the lantern festival and laughing. Celebrating.

Following the noisy sounds, Amuro Toru passed through these people and approached the crime scene. He looked at the crowd in front of him from the outside, and then saw a familiar orange-haired figure in the gap.

This should be it.


The orange-haired young man noticed the crowd that was crowded again, and his tone was a little impatient, "Didn't I tell you not to crowd in and join in the fun? It's just a corpse. Looking at it will only make people unable to sleep -" His eyes noticed

that Applying the golden color, the young man paused, "...What, is it you, come to pick them up?"

Toru Amuro struggled to squeeze into the circle, and breathed a sigh of relief with great difficulty. When he heard the latter's question, he raised his head He smiled at Nakahara Chuuya: "Well, I just happened to meet Mr. Mori when I was at the Metropolitan Police Department. I heard that a case happened here, and I was a little worried about Conan and the others, so I came over to take a look. Is everyone okay?"

" Don't worry, nothing will happen." Nakahara Chuuya nodded his chin slightly, gesturing for Amuro Toru to look over, his tone was a little complicated, "To be able to be so calm when facing this kind of scene directly, should you say it's because of a strong psychology or rich experience, in short, it's quite impressive, then. Two people."

"Probably because they are experienced."

Toru Amuro roughly confirmed the situation of the two people and breathed a sigh of relief. "After all, those two are the family members of Teacher Mori, so they often encounter this kind of situation, this kind of situation. Sometimes you will be a little calmer than ordinary people."

Nakahara Chuuya: "...Don't say such tragic things in a proud tone." Isn't it pitiful to encounter murder cases every time.

"Compared to Conan and the others, do those two people have nothing to do with each other?"

Toru Amuro changed the subject, scanning the circle, and then saw Atsushi Nakajima and Ryunosuke Akutagawa standing on the edge staring at each other. He said helplessly, "Their relationship is still very bad."

"Never mind them."

Zhongyuan Zhongya sighed very tiredly. He had stopped countless kindergarten children from fighting. He was very tired now. As long as He ignored the two people unless they started fighting. "The police haven't arrived yet?" "There's a

lantern festival here. When I came over just now, I noticed there was a traffic jam. The police will probably arrive later," Toru Amuro said. After taking a look at the scene, his brows wrinkled unconsciously, "But this scene is really tragic..."

Many of the onlookers were already covering their mouths and wanting to vomit, although the corpses here were not enough to make Toru Amuro feel nauseated. , but this kind of bloody scene is too exciting for ordinary people.

"Is this homicide?"

"It must have been an accident. It seemed like something fell downstairs and hit me. It's really unlucky. Why did I happen to be standing there?" "

Well, so much blood... vomit!"

"Hey, don't vomit . Ah! It's better to go over there and have a rest!"

The faces of the onlookers didn't look very good. They gathered in small groups and whispered, looking at the few people standing next to the corpse from time to time.

Zhongyuan Zhongya looked like he was very used to such bloody scenes.

Because the corpses in the cases you handle always look like this with bloody flesh, are you used to it? Toru Amuro guessed, but he couldn't guess what the result would be, so he could only turn his head and continue to observe the corpse.

As the onlookers said, there were signs of being hit on the head by something, fragments of flowerpots were scattered nearby, and soil mixed with red and white slurry lay quietly on the ground.

"Brother Amuro!"

Edogawa Conan, who was observing the corpse, seemed to be aware of it. He turned around and saw a familiar figure, his eyes lit up, "You are here too!" "

After I finished taking notes at the Metropolitan Police Department, I happened to hear Mori The gentleman said that a case happened here," Amuro Toru said with a smile, "I heard that you were also here, and I was a little worried, so I came over to take a look. Isn't Teacher Mori here?" "Dad said he was going after dinner

. If you hit the small steel ball, you will be separated from us." When it came to the small steel ball, Mao Lilan's expression became very helpless, and she sighed unconsciously, "Conan and I heard that the lantern festival here is very beautiful. After dinner, There was nothing to do, so I said I would just come over here to relax. That’s what happened.” It didn’t happen

sooner or later, and we happened to run into the crime scene.

Obviously when that kind of thing happened yesterday, I was still glad that there were no casualties, but when I came to the lantern festival today...

"Then do you remember what happened?"

Toru Amuro asked, "I want to investigate before the police come. ." At this point, he smiled and said, "Just to test what I learned from Teacher Mori, right Conan?"

Edogawa Conan looked at him with dead fish eyes. You don't need to learn from that uncle at all.

"I think Mr. Amuro is already very powerful,"

Mao Lilan sighed deeply, thinking of her unknown father, and recalled, "Conan and I walked around this street after we came out of the house. , I just saw that light, and I was thinking if I could talk to Shinichi..." "

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Mao Lilan suddenly realized what he had said and his face turned red, "It's something that has nothing to do with the case! Please forget what I just said!"

"Okay, okay," Toru Amuro comforted her: "Calm down first." Edogawa Conan

looked at Maori Ran with wide eyes, "I want to continue listening" written all over his face. But Mao Lilan obviously didn't intend to continue. She took a deep breath and patted her red cheeks.

"Anyway, anyway, I will continue talking.

Conan and I walked under the light. After a while, we heard the sound of something being hit behind us. Then I turned around and saw that the man was lying on the ground. On the ground, his head was bleeding a lot.

Because the situation was urgent, Conan gave him some first aid. At that time, he seemed a little better. But by the time the nearby doctor came over, he was already..." At this point, Mao

Li Lan's expression became a little gloomy. No matter what, seeing a life pass away with your own eyes is not a happy thing.

"It sounds like it was an accident,"

Toru Amuro turned his attention to Edogawa Conan and asked, knowingly, "What do Conan think?"

"I think it might be murder," Edogawa Conan looked in the direction of the deceased, "Because when Sister Xiaolan and I were there just now, I heard him say that someone asked him to stand here and wait. If it was an accident, wouldn't it be a coincidence? Sister Xiaolan, right?" Mao Lilan

recalled After a moment: "Well, I did hear him say that."

"Although that makes sense," Toru Amuro pondered, "but we can't rule out the possibility that it was just an accident. Is there any other evidence?" "Yes

! "Edogawa Conan took Toru Amuro a few steps closer to the body and pointed at a fragment of a flowerpot, "That's it."

"Thread marks?"

Amuro Toru noticed something was wrong at a glance. There was a very shallow scratch mark on the surface of the flowerpot. Because it was just a fragment, the scratch was very inconspicuous and could be ignored accidentally. "It's a mark of being fixed by something."

"Well! A sister just said that this flowerpot has been placed on the balcony on the third floor, so the flowerpot should have fallen from the third floor, and this flowerpot looks like It has been placed there since last year. I think since it has not fallen off after being placed there for so long, it means that the flowerpot should be placed very safely. It is unlikely that it accidentally fell because it was not placed firmly."

Edogawa Conan continued to add, "In addition, there is no wind tonight, so it is impossible for the flowerpot to be blown down by the wind. I think that the flowerpot should be hit because of something someone did. On the head of the deceased who was asked to wait there."

"If it is just a pure coincidence, wouldn't it be too strange?" Edogawa Conan's glasses flashed a sharp light and his tone was solemn, "Right, Brother Amuro? ."

"You are still as powerful as ever, Conan," Toru Amuro praised with a smile, "I think so too, so let's go ask the people on the third floor now. Although I can't leave here, but Since this happened, the residents on the third floor should be nearby." "

——The person living on the third floor is me."

The speaker was a woman in professional clothes, with an obvious expression on her face. She was tired and holding a cup of coffee in her hand. The coffee was steaming and steaming. When she saw them looking at her, the woman shook the paper cup in her hand and said, "Because I am so busy with work that I haven't finished it yet. I thought there would be so much more." There were a lot of things to do, so I came down to buy a cup of coffee to wake up and relax. Then I saw something like this."

Her voice was listless: "By the way, my name is Nami Kusakawa, you can just call me Kusakawa. ."

Edogawa Conan raised his head and asked, "Did sister Kusakawa put this potted flower on the balcony?"

Kusakawa Nami shook her head and denied, "No, this potted flower was already here when I moved here. Because it's still blooming. Yes, so I water it occasionally. After all, it can relax me when I take a look at it when I pass by. But this is usually done by the administrator who is usually responsible for cleaning the apartment." She laughed at herself when she said

this She smiled softly: "If I were to take care of them all, I would probably only have one flower pot left."

Mao Lilan on the side noticed her pale face: "Are you okay? You look very tired. "

Don't worry, I'm still alive for now. I'm used to it." Nami Kusakawa breathed a sigh of relief, took a sip of coffee, and showed a relaxed look. "You don't have to wonder if I pushed the flowerpot down. I The coffee shop I stayed at just now was a bit crowded, so I waited for a long time to get my coffee, and I didn’t go back during this period. If you don’t believe me, you can go to the coffee shop over there and ask, the clerk must be quite impressed with me. "."

This kind of thing only needs to be verified in the past to determine whether it is true or false. There is no need for this person to lie.

In addition, there were too many onlookers around, making it inconvenient to pass through the crowd. They were also concerned about protecting the scene from being damaged, so Toru Amuro and Conan Edogawa did not immediately go to verify the situation.

After a while, the administrator was also called to the scene by enthusiastic people.

The administrator seemed to have just finished his work. There was fine sweat on his forehead and his face was flushed. He took a few breaths and confirmed:

"You want to ask about the flowers on the third floor? It is indeed me who takes care of that, but I have always been I watered the flowers in the morning,

but I didn’t open the balcony at night. And I didn’t go near the balcony just now. I was just cleaning up the garbage in the corridor. Because of the lantern festival, ignorant young people always bring dangerous things back. Lanterns with open flames are very dangerous, how can you just bring them into the apartment!"

He complained, while Nami Kusakawa took a sip of coffee and rolled her neck to relax.

It sounded like neither of them had anything to do with the matter, and the investigation was at a standstill.

"If you can go to other places to investigate...!" Edogawa Conan pursed his lips and looked around, "At least we can get a better grasp of the situation on the scene." "It seems that before we want to investigate other places, we have to

first Wait until the police come."

Toru Amuro said helplessly, "If you don't stay here, the crime scene might be destroyed."

"That's right."

After saying that, Edogawa Conan hesitated and looked to the other side.

Toru Amuro followed his gaze and saw the three people from the Armed Detective Agency. The three people seemed to be discussing something. From Toru Amuro's point of view, he could only see the back of the orange-haired young man, unwilling to give up with the two teenagers. expression.

"Didn't I say, protect the scene of the crime before the police come, this is an order," the orange-haired young man was seen stamping his feet irritably, his hair full of anger, "So why are you just allowed to see the scene? You can also fight, a kindergarten kid?!"

Ryunosuke Akutagawa: "It's just to protect the scene. The task can be completed in the next moment -"

Nakahara Chuuya: "I don't mean to let you kill all the people here. , Akutagawa, just stay where you are, and so are you, Nakajima. This is not the place to strike first, right?" "...

Yes, Lord Chuuya."

"Humph, since we can't solve this place," Kuro The young man did not give up, his eyes were bright, "Then I will--"

Nakahara Chuuya said: "Killing the people in that building is also prohibited. Don't let me say this a second time."

Ryunosuke Akutagawa: "I won't kill them. The detective agency is a place to save others. This is what Dazai-sama told me." "...Occasionally,

that guy does some good things," Nakahara Chuuya looked relieved, " Then what do you want to do?"

"The murderer must be there, so we only need to cut off all the criminal's feet to make him admit the crime."

Nakahara Chuuya: "..."

Nakahara Chuuya: "Isn't this also a prohibited matter? ?! Don’t just remember what that guy Dazai said!”

The expression on Toru Amuro’s face: “?”

Get rid of all the people here? Cut off the criminal's legs? What are you doing?

He instinctively suspected that he had heard wrongly, but at the same time, he noticed the incomprehensible expression of Conan at his feet. He was silent for a few seconds: "...Do you mean what they said is true?" "Huh? That's not the case

. Cut off the legs!" Edogawa Conan said dryly, the scene where Akutagawa Ryunosuke almost became the murderer reappeared in his mind, with a complicated look on his face, "But, how should I put it, it shouldn't be much better than that. Right."

Being beaten to death and having his legs cut off are not the same thing at all.

"It's not much better than that..." Toru Amuro was silent. It was a rare situation for the young police officer who didn't know what expression to put on. "Conan, have you seen it?" Have you seen it before


Different scenes appeared in front of Edogawa Conan. Once, Chuuya Nakahara said in front of him, "It's too troublesome to find evidence, so just let the guy explain himself." With an impatient expression, Ryunosuke Akutagawa once He would slap the murderer against the wall and beat him up when he disagreed with him. There was also the time Hattori Heiji called him a few days ago to complain that when solving a case, he encountered a violent detective who beat the prisoner unreasonably to extract a confession.

Edogawa Conan: "... I think I've seen it before."

He showed an expression that he couldn't bear to look at: "While solving the case."

Amuro Toru: "?"

Toru Amuro didn't remain confused for long. The police car quickly arrived at the scene. The police officers got out of the car skillfully and opened the isolation zone near the body while comforting the surrounding onlookers.

The people from the appraisal department skillfully took photos and collected evidence, and carefully put the on-site evidence into bags and sealed them for safekeeping.

The policeman who came was Conan's acquaintance, Takagi Wataru.

Seeing Conan, Takagi Wataru subconsciously looked around: "Hey, so Mr. Mori is also nearby?"

Edogawa Conan: "...Uncle Mori, he should be shooting small steel balls near home now. Come here to see Sister Xiaolan and I are the only ones at the lantern festival."

"Well," Mao Lilan nodded in agreement, "It's true that Conan and I are the only ones here. It's been really hard on you today." "Hey,

ah! Please don't say that, this It's also our job."

Takagi Wataru touched the back of his head and sighed, "But Mr. Mori is not here... I thought I could see the sleeping Kogoro again."

Then I'm sorry. Edogawa Conan thought, even if Uncle Mouri comes, I'm afraid you won't be able to see the sleeping Kogoro because he accidentally left the anesthesia needle watch in the office before going out.

"There is a discovery!"

The person in the identification department manipulated the mobile phone through his gloves and spoke very quickly, "The phone showed that the deceased was on the phone with someone else ten minutes ago. This number..."

Edogawa Conan & Amuro Toru: ! ! !

Toru Amuro's expression became serious: "Conan, are you sure you just heard the deceased say that someone asked him to stand there?" "

Well, although I didn't hear the whole thing because it was a bit noisy, I'm sure of this."

Edogawa Conan thought about it carefully, "He said something like, 'Why do I have to stand here so you can see it?'" "

If that's the case, then the person who called him in the end was very deliberate. " Amuro said.

Apparently the police thought so too, and soon the person the deceased was calling was brought to the scene by the police.

"Hey, does he actually live in this apartment?" Toru Amuro looked at the apartment building, "And he lives on the fourth floor." "Yes,"

the resident on the fourth floor touched his head, revealing the dust on his sleeves. , "Why are you suddenly looking for me? What's the matter?"

Takagi Wataru said in a serious and heavy tone: "That's it... You are Mr. Ogawa Minta, right? A case just happened here. The deceased's last phone call The communication partner is you, so we need to know what you talked about."

Ogawa Minta: "???!!!"

Ogawa Minta: "The case, the case, the deceased...could it be -"

He looked at it in shock. Not far away was a corpse covered in white cloth, "How could that be! We were chatting just a few minutes ago!" "My

condolences," Takagi Wataru said, "Anyway, can you please tell me what you talked about last time?

" Minta Ogawa: "Yes, yes."

Minta Ogawa still had a confused expression on her face, trying to organize her words to describe it. Conan Edogawa was distracted and looked toward the fourth floor.


Edogawa Conan made a surprised sound, "The flower pots used on the third floor and the fourth floor are actually the same."

"Huh? That one may have been purchased by the people who lived here before. Well, I don't know much about it."

Ogawa Mingta said, "The administrator usually takes care of these flowers and plants."

Edogawa Conan said innocently: "There is a lot of plaster on uncle's sleeves. I thought uncle also likes to take care of flowers and plants. !"

Ogawa Minta panicked for a few seconds: "But, maybe I accidentally got it on when I was looking for something upstairs, because the guy said he wanted to borrow a book from a long time ago, so I was always in the house. Looking for a book."

Edogawa Conan: "...Eh."

Edogawa Conan: "That's it."

He and Amuro Toru looked at each other, and their eyes once again swept across the people in front of them.

Nami Kusakawa lived on the third floor and occasionally watered the flowers. At the time of the incident, she was buying coffee at a nearby coffee shop.

The caretaker responsible for cleaning the entire apartment.

And Akita Ogawa claimed that she had just been looking for a book and was in a state of despair.

Will one of these three people be the murderer of this "accidental death" -

"There is no doubt that the murderer is among these three people."

A familiar low male voice with a hint of impatience came from the side. , having said this, he paused and turned to look at Edogawa Conan.

Zhongyuan Zhongya raised his eyebrows: "Hey, what's that look in your eyes?"

"Eh? It's nothing!"

The primary school student wearing a red tie raised a lively smile, "I was just wondering why the elder brother said that. Could it be that the elder brother already has Is there evidence?"

Nakahara Chuuya: "Evidence? Of course -"

The orange-haired young man paused, frowning and looking at the two detectives in front of him, one large and one small.

Nakahara Chuuya: "?"

Why did these two people already look like they saw him beating someone?
