
                                                                 Tubbo's POV

I wake up to the sound of fireworks exploding.

-W-what? What's happening?

-We're getting attacked! says a fellow recruit for the army we are in, The Revived. It's The Gamblers!

You see, we are in the middle of this huge war called the Diamond Warfare for some stupid reason... Some dispute over controlling the other two nations or something like that. Speaking of them, the two other nations are called The Withering Roses and The Gamblers.

I'm sick of this war. I didn't want to be here in the first place, some guys, apparently the leader Wilbur's friends, came up to my house one day and threatened me to join the army. I had no choice, i followed their orders.

I grab my axe that i called Bane o' Bees. I love bees! Uhm, i shouldn't get sidetracked. I quickly run outside where already a few other of my mates are fighting. I spot a mercenary who looks like he's having trouble with his bow, alone facing the wall of a cliff. I rush towards the poor soul i'm about to make miserable.

He dosen't se me coming as i am the Sneakmaster 100. Hehe.

I freeze in my tracks and observe the utter chaos happening on the battlefield. Explosions, fire, blood, screams, i-i can't explain this feeling of fear. It's awful.

My attention returns to the man near the cliff.

I hear him aggressively whispering to himself.

-Where are my arrows? Where are they? Please don't tell me i left it at camp... I. Am. In. Trouble.

The man is very tall, much taller than me. About a entire foot taller than me, actually! I get a bit closer to see him a bit better.

He wears a crown with red and green gems on it. He is also wearing a string with an odd purple crystal around his neck.

I can also see that he has a very fluffy black and white tail.

Trying to get close, my axe rubs on a boulder making a weird sound that surprises my victim. He turns around but i quickly hide behind the same boulder that made the sound.

-Uh, who's there?

I observe his face and see that his skin is black on the left side and white on the right side from my perspective. The eye on the black side is green and the other is red.

-Hello? I-if you make any sound i WILL sh-shoot...

I am staying perfectly still. No sound at all. But OF COURSE a bird had to land on my head and rub its tailfeathers on my tiny little nose. I mean, what even are the odds?

I try to hold it in, but the loudest sneeze just comes out of me. I give up and just get out of my hiding spot.

The odd character points his bow at me with his shaky hands.

-Can we just skip this part and you surrender to me already? i say doing an eyeroll.

-Wha- No!

-Ugh, of course not.

I rush towards him and swing my axe at him but he somehow dodges my perfect aim... He moved so quickly it's like he teleported. He shoots his bow but i deflect his arrow with my axe.

I tried another rush attack but he disappears... I turn around to have him immediately reappear in front of me.

I look into his heterochromatic eyes as he strafes to the left to use his ranged bow.

He hesitates and doesn't shoot me. I don't attack him either. We are just staring at each other.

-H-hey, i can tell y-you don't want to be here... speaks the stranger.


-Look, we don't have to fight... Meet me here after sunset.

-What? I won't trust you! You just tried to shoot me a few seconds ago!

-Correction, you tried to fight me, i defended myself.

-You might just stab me!

-Trust me, i can feel your pain.

-I... I'll consider it.


He starts brushing off the dust on his shirt.

-Oh, i'm Ranboo, by the way.

-I-i'm Tubbo.

-Hm, he says while disappearing.

D-did he just teleport? Man that's a weird guy. I go to help my teammates fight off the mercenaries and then we go back to base to rest. I keep thinking about that "Ranboo" guy. Maybe i should meet him there, just to see. I think i will.
