Part 17

Todd picked me up from the front of Logan's house later that afternoon. I told him to call me when he got there because I was mentally not ready for the argument or hostility that would ensue if they happened to see each other. Todd was already insecure about my friendship with Logan and it wasn't exactly a secret that Logan wasn't a fan of Todd either.

"Hi," Todd smiled brightly at me as I opened the door and hopped into the passenger seat of his car.

"Hey," I smiled back at him and leaned forward to kiss him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as I put my seat belt on and he took off in the direction of my house.

"I'm feeling a bit better. I just want to get away for a little while, at least until I find out of he's actually in California." I said softly. Todd reached over the centre console and took my hand and laced his fingers between mine and squeezed gently.

"Do you know that it was him for sure?" He asked curiously.

"I'm 90% sure it's him. He said something that literally no one else knows about. I never even told Jake or Charlotte about it. He would never ever admit it to someone either, he's 'innocent' in all this. It was always my fault." I said bitterly. "But I can't say with absolute certainty that it is him. It's just something that as far as I know, no one else knows." I elaborated.

"Maybe when you get back from Big Bear, you and the dogs should come and stay with me." He said.

"Maybe," I glanced at Todd and he had this devious look on his face. And I couldn't quite tell if it was because he was horny or because he had an ulterior motive and wanted to keep me away from Logan. I knew at some point the subject of Logan and why I had called him was going to come up, it was pretty much inevitable.

"So are you and Logan besties again?" He asked. I was surprised, I thought he would leave the subject alone for a little longer.

"I wouldn't call us besties." I shook my head and watched his face curiously.

"But you're talking again..."

"Yeah," I nodded my head. "Are you ok with that?" I cocked an eyebrow at him and he frowned and didn't look at me. He just kept his eyes on the road.

"Not sure," He shrugged his shoulders.

"You know that I'm with you, being friends with Logan won't change that."

"I know, I just don't trust him to not try and sabotage it. You said yourself multiple times that he's jealous." He muttered bitterly.

"Nothing that Logan will ever do is going to sabotage this." I shook my head.

"Can I ask you why you called him when you got those texts?" He asked. I couldn't quite tell how he was feeling because the tone of his voice was so casual. He didn't seem angry but he was obviously feeling something.

"I called him because he and Jake know how Brody is as a person. We all grew up together. He knows how situations with Brody affect me and he's really good and calming me down." Immediately after explaining this to him for the second time that day, I was nervous about where this was going to go.

"I get that he knows him but as your boyfriend, shouldn't I be able to calm you down. Doesn't my presence make you calm?" He asked.


"I'm just asking. I'm kind of offended that you called someone who has been actively ignoring you for almost two months." He snapped.

I pulled my hand from his and turned my body to the side so I could face him, even if he wouldn't look at me while he was driving. I was going to get my point across. Without letting out the secret that I literally hadn't thought of him until I was on the way to Logan's house. "I'm sorry that you're offended and I don't want to offend you further but Logan and Jake handle my issues with Brody. That's how it's been for the past six months since I moved here and it's probably not gonna change." I said slowly. I wanted him to know that my friendship with Logan wasn't going anywhere. He was just going to have to accept it.

"Tell me. Where did you sleep last night? Did you even think of me at all?" He hissed. "He clearly means more to you than your own boyfriend. I don't care if he deals with the Brody stuff, you should have called me and I would have come and got you from Logan's. You didn't tell me a single thing, if I hadn't come over this morning you wouldn't have told me at all! Would you?"

"I slept in the spare room, Todd! What kind of person do you think I am?" I scoffed loudly.

Even though I had gone to Logan's room when Brody messaged me again, I did in fact go back to the spare room to sleep. Not that I got enough sleep but I wasn't interested in hurting Todd or giving Logan the impression that it was acceptable to be how we were before I was with Todd. "Did he come in to the spare room? Is this gonna happen all the time now you're 'friends' again?"

"No! I can't believe you're even asking me this!" I risked a glance and he was glaring at the road and gripping the steering wheel of his car so his knuckles were white. At this point in my relationship I thought I trusted Todd but my instincts were telling me that this was not a good situation to be in and an argument in a vehicle that I couldn't leave was also bad. The previous experience with Brody had taught that I needed to use my instincts more often. "Can you pull over please?" I muttered.

"What? No. We're almost there." He grunted.

Phe: Can you come to my house please?

Phe: I need a ride back to yours

Mike: sure, I'll be there ASAP

Mike: everything ok?

Mike: Logan wants to know if he can come?

Phe: now is not a good time for Logan to turn up.

"Pull the car over, Todd, please." I glanced at him again and his face had softened and I could tell that he felt bad that he was making me uncomfortable.


"Please, I can walk the rest of the way."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-."

"I'll call you." I cut him off as he pulled the car over. I took my bag and opened the door and stepped on to the side walk and closed the door. The instant the door closed the tightness in my chest released and I felt less scared and trapped than I had been when I was in the car. I had never ever felt like that with anyone other than Brody or my mom. It was relief to be out of that situation but I knew it was something I would have to address with him later.

That was the second fight we had had about Logan. This one was shorter but he got madder than last time. I didn't even realise that he had such a short temper. Logan was the only subject we had really fought over other than where to eat and who's place we were gonna stay at.

It only took me a few minutes to get home and I hadn't even realised that I had walked in to the house and not been anxious about it. I was upset about Todd and still a little bit anxious about the fight we had had and how unsafe I felt about fighting with him. He wasn't an angry person generally, I guess his anger took me off guard.

"Phe?" I looked up from my bed where I was sitting. Mike had arrived. "Are you ok?" He frowned as he walked up the hallway and straight in to my bedroom.

"I just has a massive fight with Todd about Logan. I asked him to pull over and I walked the rest of the way home." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry," He frowned and put his arm over my shoulder.

"I understand he's upset that I called Logan and not him but he completely lost it at me." I mumbled. "I was scared." I added. "I haven't felt unsafe like that with anyone other than Brody and my mom." I whispered as I leant my head against his shoulder.

"He should know better." He murmured as he hugged me from the side.

"Let me pack a bag." I said quietly.

I quickly packed a bag with enough clothes for a few days up in Big Bear. Logan was gonna drive me up there. "Text Logan, he's worried." Mike said as we climbed in to his car after I locked up the house. I hadn't seen him much this morning because he was in the gym when I woke up and he'd been working with Mac on something when I left.

Phe: I'm ok

Logan: Was it about me?

Phe: yeah

Logan: sorry...

Phe: not your fault

Phe: he's insecure, I made a mistake by not calling him last night

Logan: Don't make excuses for him

Logan: Don't blame yourself for something that isn't your fault

I knew it was partly my fault that he felt the way he did. I should have at the very least messaged him that something had happened and that I was staying at Logan's house. He had every right to be upset that I hadn't even contacted him to tell him that something bad had happened.

Todd: I'm so sorry

Todd: I didn't mean to scare you

Todd: please call me

Todd: or least text me and tell me you're ok

Phe: I'm ok

Phe: I'll text you later, I promise

When we got back to Logan's house I noticed that Logan was irritated. I had a feeling it was because of what had happened with Todd and the minute he noticed that I was back in the house he walked straight over to me and took my arm and dragged me outside and over to the edge of the pool. We sat down and he looked at me expectantly. "What?"

"What happened?"

"We had a fight," I said slowly. "He doesn't like that we're talking again. Or that I called you last night and not him." I told him. I wasn't sure how I felt about telling him that Todd had said that I cared more about Logan than I did him. In fact I wasn't exactly sure how to talk to Todd about that, because I wasn't really sure how I felt.

Logan was one of my best friends, even if he didn't want to be my friend and he wanted more, that was how it was for me. But with Todd I wasn't sure how I felt. Obviously I cared about him, I wouldn't be with him if I didn't, I just wasn't really sure where it was going or how I truly felt. I enjoyed my time with him. While I hadn't been friends with Logan he'd really been there for me. Maybe I owed him more than I was giving him?

"What did do that made you feel scared though?" I looked at him curiously and tilted my head to the side as I watched him. He didn't look irritated anymore but more concerned than anything.

"It wasn't anything he said or did. It was just because we were in a confined space and I didn't have the option to leave. Did Mike tell you that?" I asked curiously. It was a dumb question, I knew it was Mike that told him, he was the only that knew how I had felt apart from Todd.

"Yeah," He nodded. "Are you feeling ok now?" He asked.

"Yeah, a bit better. I just wasn't expecting to feel like that. We've had fights before, but there's always been an exit." I mumbled. "He feels really bad, he knew I was scared."

Logan and I sat there for a little while just enjoying the silence. "Do you think you'll get through it?" He asked eventually.

"I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders. Just sitting there and thinking about how Todd felt about this whole situation made me anxious for the next time I saw him. He pushed aside the fact that my bat shit crazy ex-boyfriend was stalking me and made an even bigger issue out of the fact that I had called Logan and stayed the night at his house.

"Maybe we should go back to not talking." He suggested which made me frown.

"That's not what I want. I was miserable not talking to you." I mutter.

"Aww," Logan chuckled and swung his arm over my shoulder.

"You're an asshole." I crinkled my nose at him.

"I know," He frowned back at me.

"I wasn't miserable all the time but there were times when I was just lonely and I just missed you coming over and watching movies with me." I said slowly. "Todd was a good distraction."

"I'm sorry. I'm a dick." He sighed.

"I know." I sighed too. "I can't believe that you dropped a puppy at my door and wouldn't come back so I could hug you." I looked up at him and he chuckled.

"Believe it or not that was really difficult."

"Jake said that you wanted to make me angry so I would come and see you."

"I did, however I wasn't planning on continuing to be a dick." He chuckled. "I am sorry. I know it took me a while to come to terms with it, but I get it now." He said softly.

I put my head on his shoulder. "Finally." I muttered.


"Maybe I should go and see him before we leave." I mumbled at the kitchen island. Chef Katie had just made a delicious dinner and I was pushing my food around the plate trying to decide if I should leave it a few days or if I should in fact go and see Todd before we left for Big Bear, so we could sort it out.

"It'll make you feel better if you sort out before you go." Mac commented.

"I agree." Dani nodded her head.

"Up to you, I don't mind if you wanna stop on the way." Logan shrugged his shoulders.

This new side to Logan that was semi ok with me being in a relationship was growing on me quickly. I appreciated that he was making an effort to be supportive, instead of jealous. It was nice. "I'll text him." I said and pulled my phone from my pocket and sent him text.

Phe: coming to see you before I go

I didn't get a response but that was ok, he was probably busy. Logan and I loaded the bags and the dogs in to the car and I gave him directions to Todd's place. I left the dogs and Logan in the car and quietly snuck in to Todd's house, I assumed that he would have seen my message by now so I just let myself in to his house and snuck in to the living room where I was paralysed by shock. "Are you serious?" The words left my mouth before I could even stop them from slipping out.

Todd sprung off the couch, the blonde woman that was sat on top of him toppling to the side of the couch. "Sophie!" He shouted as he made his way towards me.

"You're actually a dick." I spat.

"Sophie, stop!" He finally made his way to me and reached out to grab my arm. "Just let me explain!" He said. I watched the woman on the couch pop her head over the top to see what was happening and I could have sworn that before she popped her head back down that I saw Corinna Kopf, Todd's ex-girlfriend.

"Get the fuck off me." I yanked my arm from his and turned around and walked straight back out of his house.

"Soph!" He followed me and frowned when he saw Logan sitting in the G-wagon waiting for me. "Of course he's here." He spat, his attitude changing immediately, even though he had been the one with a woman sitting on his lap that wasn't me.

"You really think you have the right to be mad right now? You were just getting busy on the couch with someone who isn't me!" I said loudly as I walked around the passenger side of the car. I yanked the the door open climbed in to the Yeti where I looked at Logan who was sitting there with his jaw dropped.

"It's not like you weren't going to fuck with him in Big Bear." Todd scoffed and pointed at Logan as he tried to open the door.

"Hey!" Logan's head snapped to attention and he passed me Fish who had been sitting on his lap. He opened his door and climbed out of the car and walked around to my side where Todd was trying to convince me to get out of the car. "You got a problem with our friendship you come to me, clear?" Logan was clearly angry about the way he had just spoken to me. "Don't speak to her like that."

"Ok, fine. Stop trying to fuck my girlfriend." Todd replied and got up in his face.

"Don't be getting up in my face if you don't want to get knocked the fuck out." He grunted back as he pushed him back and took a step back.

"Logan, get in the car." I said as I wound down the window.

"Do it, I fucking dare you." Todd hissed and walked closer to Logan.

"Logan!" I said louder this time. I managed to get his attention and he glanced at me curiously for a moment. "Get in the car, now." I said calmly.

"I guess today's your lucky day." Logan chuckled as he pushed Todd back again so he could turn around.

"Don't turn your back on me, bro." Todd growled.

"Todd, fucking stop! What's wrong with you?! You fucked up, just fucking leave it!" I snapped.

"I only did it because I knew you were going to go back to him." He stopped what he was doing and turned his attention back to me. The way he was talking to me made me sad, was this was I was going to cop if I hadn't come to see him tonight? If we had continued our relationship was that how he was going to treat me if I continued to be friends with Logan? How had I not seen this earlier? I was notorious for looking for red flags. The only red flag I had seen while we were together was the fact that he was insecure about Logan, which wasn't really a problem until this morning.

Logan got in to the Yeti and started the engine. "Don't contact me again." I muttered and wound the window up as Logan took off. I hugged my puppy to my chest and we drove in silence. "I think it was Corinna he was with." I muttered a few minutes later.

"I'm sorry," He sighed and reached over and put his hand on my thigh.

"That's not how I thought that was gonna go," I sighed.  

