The standard decent date!

The moon rised as the birds flew across the sky, Jewel woke up but it was suddenly night, Jewel was very tired and was shook that she slept the whole day but she went to get her phone to voice call Slush. *Ringtone Beeping* Slush heard the ringtone and got his phone to answer, Slush accepted the video call request. "SLUSH OH MY GOODNESS I'M SO SORRY I OVERSLEPT" Jewel shouted, Slush dropped his phone out of shock and said to Jewel "Jeez.. chill it's not even midnight" Jewel sighed in relief and said out of breath

"Gosh thank dog you said that.."

Slush got up from his bed and asked "Wanna go to a fancy restaurant named Pause Gâteau with me and Ocean this night?" Jewel was busy fixing her bed and "Of course!" She replied. Slush went to find a fancy suit he used to wear at special occasions, Slush fixed his hair and put a blue flower pin near his chest pocket and he proudly said "Gosh I've never had such an exciting date before, and its gonna go well!" Jewel let out a little laugh and said "Slush you forgot to end the call!" Slush was embarrassed and said "Ohh.. Sorry! I'll see you there" Jewel ended the call and laughed so hard.

Jewel drove her black beautiful car to Pause Gâteau and then got out of the car to stop by in front of the restaurant to text Slush, she took her phone out her cute bag and opened snapchat and texted Slush "Hey Slush! Did you book our seats already?" Slush was inside at his seat with Ocean and replied "Yes, you're kinda late but thats ok! By the way why didn't you use your teleportation powers?" Jewel entered the restaurant and replied "It doesn't seem to normal I guess.. " Slush replied "Ok! Lets eat" Jewel arrived at the seat and before she could sit down she saw her childhood friend..... It was dotty the colorful leopard! Jewel was insanely surprised and said "Dotty? Is that you!" Dotty astoundingly looked at her and said "Jewel?!" Dotty ran to her and hugged her tightly, Dotty said "It's such a long time I'm so glad to see you!" Jewel replied "I'm so glad to see you too, Slush this is my bestest and childhood friend Dotty" Slush replied "Wow! It's nice to see friends reunite!" Jewel sat down next to Slush and said to Dotty "Do we have any plans for the next weekend?" Dotty replied "We should go to the mall, And your concert song is so rad!" Jewel said "Of course! And thank you so much" Dotty gets nervous and asked Jewel "Can I be apart of your band? I wanna play the launchkey!" Jewel's eyes shined as "Of course, More keyboardists!" She said Joyfully.

Dotty went to tell her boyfriend about reuniting with Jewel and Jewel felt hungry "Gosh I'm starving could you get a menu Ocean" Ocean said "Ok whatevah" Ocean asked muddles the waiter "Hey waiter! Could you get the menu?" Muddles walked up to the table and said "Of course, I'm holding two right now so probably this works" Ocean grabbed the menu "Thank you sir" he obviously would say. Jewel looked at the menu and there was a special spaghetti "Looks so yummy" Jewel said, Ocean asked Jewel "Want some pink tea while we wait?" Jewel replied "Sure! Also I would like to order some special spaghetti!" Ocean nodded his head and told Slush "Could you order the pink tea and then the special spaghetti?" Slush looked at Ocean and said charmingly "You mean the rose bonheur and the espaguetis espumosos?" Ocean replied "It's to hard to pronounce" Slush looked at the menu "I'm gonna give her a gift after this date" as he whispered to Ocean, Ocean replied "Obviously, she's your girlfriend!" Slush told Jewel "I'm gonna order our food ok? Its gonna be long" Jewel heard his voice and replied "Ok, good luck!" Slush went to the cashier and the food will arrive in 2 minutes.

Meanwhile at their seat Jewel and Ocean was bored, "I brought some cards when I was preparing, wanna play some" Ocean asked, Jewel heard him and replied "No thanks!" The people talking and the soothing music delighted their ears and Ocean almost fell asleep in the restaurant, Slush arrived and sat next to Jewel "I'm back" Slush said joyfully Jewel said "Oh! Welcome back" Slush looked at Ocean and asked  "Why does he look so drowsy?" Jewel looked at Ocean too "He almost fell asleep by the ambience" she replied. Slush saw the food arriving and how beautiful it looked, "Wanna eat now?" Slush queried, Jewel replied "Of course! Why wouldn't I eat such a cool food?" Slush saw that the spaghetti had some melted cheese! Jewel looked astonished and took to fork to have a try.

Jewel had the best dinner ever! Jewel ate the meal so fast and didn't even give Slush a chance to take a bite, She was so hyper and she was demanding for more spaghetti! Jewel eventually calmed down then Slush asked "Do you want the tea? You also need a drink" Jewel looked drowsy after the hyperness "Of course.." she answered. Slush said worried "Gosh you look so tired, do you need me to let you sleep in your car while I drive it?" Jewel replied "I thought you could use your car.." Slush sighed and said "Me and Ocean came here by walking" Jewel said "But you probably might be sleepy" Slush cleaned the table "I had coffee in the morning when you overslept, I thought you would be really hyper" Jewel opened her eyes and sit up "It only lasted for some minutes previously" Slush said "Ok, You and Ocean can sleep in your car while I drive somewhere so you two can have some rest ok?" Jewel yawned and replied "Ok" as she drank her rose tea.

Jewel and Ocean where sleeping in the backseat of Jewel's beautiful car and Slush drove to the gift store, He got out of the car and locked it and left the ac on so they can be cold for their long sleep. Jewel woke up and rolled ocean and then he fell to the car's floor "What is it..?" Ocean said "Where are we" Ocean replied "Slush is getting something for you, lets watch a movie" Jewel asked Ocean "Wanna watch encanto?" Ocean got up back to the seat, grabbed his phone "Ok.. just wait near those comfy pillows on my spot" He answered. Jewel got a bit more energized while watching the movie with him, Ocean was astounded and said "Is that what he's actually like?" Jewel replied "Yeah, bruno's character writing is cool in this movie" Ocean kept fidgeting a bit "Yeah, and the story is interesting" After the movie Jewel fixed her sidetails and bow as she caresses her hair with her pretty hairbrush, the shining sparkling details and hue in it left a breathtaking view as Ocean played on his phone.

Slush entered the car with the gifts in a present box and Jewel peeked to see "What is that fascinating looking present?" She asked, Slush replied "You'll find out" as he gave Jewel the present. Jewel looked at the note that came with it, she took a look at the note and it said

"Where there is great love, there are always wishes."

Jewel whispered to her self "Eh, decent quote" Jewel opened the box and saw the most best gift ever! It was a box of chocolate,a cute bunny doll,some dollette books and last but not least a love letter. Jewel was curious and asked Ocean "Hey Ocean, what do you think is in the love letter?" Ocean took off his headphones "Huh? A love letter?" Jewel tried untying the bow "Yeah, what do you think?" Ocean replied "I don't know? How about you?" Jewel replied "Eh I don't know either" She opened the note and saw that it was another note, she was reading the note as it said

"Hey Jewel, Thank you so much for being with me, As our love streams forever or if it ever ends we will write a letter and send it to the moon"so we can be together in another universe and before that we'll go on a trip to bali so we can spend time in a 5 star hotel, I hope you will enjoy the future trip!

Jewel was crying happily and hugged Slush on his shoulder and then they went home safe and sound, Slush put Jewel and Ocean to bed as Slush went back to his house to sleep.

The end!
