New World

Cole's POV

It has been days after the Day of the Departed and I have turned back into a human. Also after that only conscious memory of that trouble with Nadakan everything has been normal. Me and my brothers (the other ninja's) along with Nya were training on the deck of the bounty battling each other.

It was Me vs Kai as we were fighting Kai was winning so far,but we got distracted by an explosion and we were all in shock. We thought something awful happened.

"What was that?" Nya asked.

"Not sure but lets go check it out guys," Lloyd said.

We all put on our masks,activated our elemental dragons,and flew off where the explosion was. We saw a light blue portal we all stared at the portal

"A protal?! Wait how is this even here?" I asked.

"Not sure," Kai said as he stared hard at it. Nya then turned to Zane.

"Zane can you analyze where this portal leads?" Nya asked. Zane scanned it and he spoke after gathering information.

"I cant exactly read what is on the other side,but I do know that its another dimension," Zane said. All of us stared in shock.

"Wait what!?! But that would only mean--" Lloyd was cut off by Jay.

"That would mean someone stole the relm crystal!?! Is it Nadakan!?! No no Nya!" Jay said as he hugged her tight not wanting Nadakan to take Nya as his bride again. Nya made him loosen his grip on her and smiled at him to calm down.

"Jay I'm fine. Nadakan won't take me again," Nya spoke. Jay calmed down,but stayed closer to Nya.

"I'm not sure its Nadakan guys. The tea pot of Tyran was lost for good since Clouse didn't find it. Maybe it's---"Lloyd got cut off. We didn't notice anything wrong until all of us noticed that Lloyd  was being sucked into the portal.

Aphmau's POV

I was playing with my powers until a portal appeared in front of me I did not know where this portal goes to so I decided to go get Lucinda. When I got to Lucinda's she said that she does not know where that portal goes to and has never seen it before.

Back to Ninjago

Cole,Jay,Zane,Kai,and Nya all shouted Lloyd's name in shock "Lloyd!!!!" Kai immediately rushed towards Lloyd and grabbed his arm trying to pull him back,but Kai wasn't strong enough and started to get sucked in too.

"What's happening!?!" Kai asked in fear from not being able to pull themselves out.

"The portal! It won't stop pulling us in!" Lloyd shouted.

Nya then rushed towards Kai grabbing his hand. Jay followed and even all of them still weren't strong enough. Zane and Cole grabbed on too,but neither of them could pull them free.

"Its not working!"Lloyd said in a panic.

"We can see that!!" Jay shouted over the panic.

"I can't.... Hang on.. Any more..." Cole said for being the last one who was loosing strength.

"Everyone! Hold on to something!!" Zane shouted.

And within a few seconds,they were all pulled in.
