
But he won't come back.
I know that very well. Just a little too well. Sometimes I wish I didn't, it'd make everything so much less painful.


TW: Strong language, violence, blood

I hugged the picture, holding it in my chest and gripping it firmly.
I cried silently. Holding out the picture and stroking the wooden frame. Tears streamed down my cheek, my eyes burned from crying so much.
I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my sweater, letting out soft gasps.

"Pa, this is all my fault," I whispered, sobbing even louder. I wiped the glass of the picture frame, placing it gently on the table again.

A few impatient knocks sounded from the door, snapping me back to my senses.

I swung the door open, looking down and not bothering to check who was at my door.
"Y/N, finally," A grumpy voice snapped.

I looked up at the familiar voice. My eyes widened and my shoulders stiffened to ser ma in front of me.
Why? Why today?

"you should get faster on your feet," she continued, rolling her eyes.
Trying not to cry, I grabbed the doorknob and tried to close the door.

"Ah, not so fast. Mommy needs some money again." she cackled, holding the door open with her shoes.
She welcomed herself into my house, looking around and scoffing.
"So plain." she commented, kicking at ny carpet before sitting down on my couch.

"You aren't welcome here," I hissed, feeling my eyes burn with the urge to cry.

"Of course I am. This is my house!" She snapped.

"No, it's not." I retorted, crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes.

"It might as well be. If you won't give me my money." she threatened.
"You don't deserve my money nor my house." I stated, voice cold.

"I really don't give a fuck, Y/N. Money."

"I don't have any for you."

Her eyes flashed with anger as she kicked me down with her heels.
I let out a yelp of surprise as I collapsed down.

"That's how much of a weakling you are, Y/N. I wonder how you managed to get your own father killed!" she spat.

My heart dropped with guilt. Tears threatened to spill out once more. I winced
in pain as I got up. I lifted my sweater to check.
Right above my waist, I saw a small bruise. Deep purple.

"You're absolutely disgusting, Y/N! A murderer!" she continued, kicking me once more on my thigh.
She brought a nearby chair above her head, smashing it down on me.

A loud crash followed with a wave a pain.
The chair had broken, littering the floor with splinters and wood.
I got up, shoving her against a wall, making ma slump down.

She was glaring up at me, but she clearly knew I would be fighting back.
She skittered up, slipping on her heels grabbed a painting hung on my walls.

She hesitantly brought it up to her head. Hesitating once more, she just crashed it down on the floor before sprinting for the doors.
She jambled it, struggling to open the door. She began panicking as I neared, tugging at the doorknob more aggressively.

She finally opened it, tripping on the steps as she tried running away. She turned her head towards me, smirking and letting out a snicker.
She opened her mouth to say something, but she ran into something. No, someone.


He had her trapped, stopping her from running away.
I walked towards the two, just to be in earshot of what ma had to say.

"Oh dear, oh dear, a crazy girl in that house tried to harm me!" She cried, pointing towards me.
Clay didn't show any expression.

"Look, she scratched my arm!" A lie. She'd done that to herself while breaking that chair on me.
Clay looked towards me, narrowing his eyes and saying something to ma that I couldn't quite catch.

I noticed Clara and George running towards Clay, looking horridly at me.
Did they think I hurt ma? That I was the villain here?

Clay whsipered something to the two, handing ma to George and Clara.
Ma was still pretending to be hurt, showing her scratched arm to both of them.

Clah walked over to me, and boy did he look menacing. He lifted his arms and I flinched, braced for contact.
I felt tears coming again.


(Clay POV)
I observed Y/N's wounds. Her bruised shoulders, and slightly bleeding head stood out the most.
Y/N's eyes were glassy, she was looking down at the floor.

Then I saw her shaking hands.

"George, make sure this woman doesn't run." I whispered, making sure the woman didn't hear.
George nodded, keeping Clara behind him.

I headed towards Y/N, pursing my lips and lifting my hands to give her a hug. To tell her I knew she wasn't the one at fault.

I saw Y/N flinch when I lifted my arms. My heart dropped to see her so hurt. I took her small, shivering figure into my arms, stroking her hair.
I heard the woman screaming as I whispered, "Are you okay?"

She looked up, nodding slightly as she finally began to cry out loud. I held her more tightly.

I heard sirens approach.
I turned around with Y/N still in my arms, seeing the woman get pulled away.


Careful not to hurt her, I lifted her up and headed to my house assuming Y/N's was messy at the moment.
She'd fallen asleep while she was crying in my arms.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that, Princess." I murmured.

There was one thing I didn't understand. Why didn't she tell me that she was going through all this? Did she not trust me- no. Of course she did, it's her choice to tell me or not.
But I'm gonna admit it hurts.

I placed Y/N on my bed, tucking her in, smiling. She looked so troubled and upset, but even this side of her was gorgeous. I stroked her hair, playing with some strands before getting of the bed and kneeling in front of her, opening an emergency kit.

I fumbled with the bandages, careful not to hurt nor wake her. I wrapped them around her bruised shoulders, head, and waist, and boy did it look painful.

With a soft click the emergency kit closed, and I slid it on my table.

"Sweet dreams, Princess." I whispered, planting a soft kiss on the back of her hand and closing the lights.


I grunted as I hauled myself up. I observed the unfamiliar surrounding.
With the support of the wall, I stood up, feeling the messy bandages around my shoulders and head, I looked around.

A lot of green fanarts and gifts were decorated on the white walls, a black case with the word Youtube embroidered on it...

Dream's room- Clay's room.

I ran my hands over his walls, exploring around the place, until Clay himself came in the room with a hardened expression.
His face melted into a sweet smile when he saw me awake. Quite adorable, I might say.

"You're okay!" He exclaimed, holding me in his arms.
"Yeah, of course I am, when am I not?" I reassured.

"You know, you don't need to pretend." He whispered.

"It's okay to be tired of everything. Not every day needs to be full of smiles. Sometimes you just need to take a break."

"I'm not tired-"

"It's okay. You don't need to hide it, I know there's hundreds of things you haven't told me that's bothering you."

"How did you-?"

I stared up at him, it was like he read my mind.
"It's why people need people to get better," he smiled.

I looked away, "As much as people make eachother happier, the same people could hurt you." I spat.

"That's not a rule, it doesn't affect everyone, Y/N. Like me, I wouldn't ever hurt you." he cooed.

"You don't know that." I grumbled. I felt guilty, but I've already experienced enough betrayals and hurt to know what I'm talking about.

"I do," he breathed.
My breath hitched as he took me in his arms once more.

"It's okay, I know you went through a lot."
I stayed silent, overwhelmed by his actions -- in a good way.

"It's okay, you're okay."

I finally teared up and broke down, like icicles melting down at the warm touch of spring and the coming summer.

Clay just wordlessly huddled me in his arms, occasionally wiping my cheeks and stroking my hair.
There was a reason why he was favoured by so many girls, and now I knew what it was.

I tightened my grasp around his torso, hiding my face in his chest, crying my eyes out.

"You... you killed my husband," ma whispered, grabbing my arm.
"I didn't- I'm sorry!" I screamed as I tried resisting ma.

"YOU KILLED HIM!" My brother shouted, kicking me down.
"You murderer." Ma grunted, as she heaved me back up and tossed me on a chair.

The corner of my chair made contact with my back, and I heard a quiet crack.
Either my back or the chair was broken, and at this point I didn't care. I just wanted to get out of this situation.

I kneeled on my knees, crying and pleading for the two to stop. "Please, I'll do anything-" I cried, clawing at the floor in pain as my brother kicked and shoved me.

"Oh, really?" ma laughed, "Go make your dear brother something! If you try poisoning him, there will be consequences."
I stood up, wobbling towards the kitchen. I opened the cupboards to find nothing.
I had to make something. I just had to. But there was nothing to make anything out of.

For thirty minutes I went around the whole house looking for anything. Anything.

Ma and big brother knew there weren't anything to make food out of. They were just making another reason to hit me.


"So, Y/N. Want to do anything?" Cade asked, patting my back and rubbing circles.
Cade had come over when as soon as he could after hearing about my incident with ma.
"Not really," I mumbled, fidgeting with my fingers.

"Oh, want to meet my boyfriend?"


Cade drove us both to his apartment after calling his boyfriend.
"Jasper's a cool guy, he's really sweet. His mother visited him this week from Canada." Cade said, pulling into a parking lot.
"We're here, Y/N!" He announced excitedly.

He opened the door to reveal his boyfriend who was only a few inches taller than myself. Not to mention he looked freakishly familiar.
I knew who he was the moment our eyes locked.
Oh Jasper. Dear big brother. The world's really a small place isn't it?

He let out a quiet gasp before welcoming Cade and myself inside, biting his nails nervously.
"Hey, Jasper. Long time no see, eh? Eight years or so?" I snickered, looking him up and down.
Cade was drinking water, noticing the tension and nudging Jasper.

"Yeah um.... hey, good seeing ya Y/N-" he started.
"Cut the crap." I snarled.
Cade looked wide-eyed at us, backing away.
Jasper just scoffed and looked away.

"Oh Japser, you even got yourself an innocent boyfriend after masking your past, eh?" I snickered.
I could still locate everywhere he hurt me. I could still relive the moment he pushed me off the stairs...
I clenched my fists. He didn't deserve to be living a happily ever after.



[2048 words] Hellou? 1.01k reads? 52 votes??
I just really wanted a plot twist somehwere in the story 😃🤚
I promise I'll be getting to all the romance and cheesy-cheesy parts soon i swear :') This is more or a backstory arc and it might go on for another 1~2 chapters
I'll update more often now that I got my audtion done with :)
I know I said I plan on having 16~20 chapters somewhere in this book but I might as well make that into 20~24

Anyways, have a nice day! Go drink some water, don't skip meals and remember you're beautiful!

Thanks for all the support once again
