Part 6

(Just one of my fav official art^) 

*Aones POV*

I look at y/n waiting for her to tell me.

"O-ok I'll tell you just d-don't tell anyone else."

I nodded.

"Pinky promise." She held out her hand. "Ok, j-just look!"


She pulled up her shirt so that I could just see her stomach and I blushed but that immediately disappeared when I saw her bruises. "I have them on my arms too. But they just look like I'm clumsy." She started to tear up. "M-my mom does it to me." She whimpered. She started to really cry and she fell down next to me.

My heart broke at seeing her crying. I don't want this to be happening to her!

She hugged me and cried into me. "A-and she kicks m-me really bad t-too and she calls me names. She just d-doesn't love me" She sobbed. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to h-hug you."

I hugged her, she's just in so much pain. I almost started to cry too just hearing her sobs. I didn't know what to say.

"Y-you don't have to say anything j-just hold me please." She told me. I hugged her tighter.

After a while her crying died down and eventually stopped. I look down and see her asleep. I blush not wanting to move.I can't move cause then I'll wake her up and I can't do that cause she just looks so peaceful. I try to lay her down on the futon but she holds onto me. I don't know what to do this is just too much.

*Authors POV*

Aone was just way too flustered. He couldn't do this. But if it meant not waking you up, he had to. So he laid down with you still holding onto him and him holding onto you. And once he was less flustered he drifted off to sleep too.

*Your POV morning*

You woke up to Aone hugging you. "OMGOMGOMG" You thought. "B-but how?!" You thought back to last night. "Ah that was so embarrassing!!" You whisper to yourself. "But I guess it was good to tell someone about my mom." You look at Aone for a little. "Ahhh he's so cute when he's sleeping!!" You blush. "He's so warm and cozy. I could stay here forever." His strong arms held you tightly. You just lay there for a little taking in his warmth and just so comforted being held by him. You see his eyes start to open so you pretend to sleep and burry your head in his chest. "Ack no! This is so embarrassing!" You think.

"Hmm" You hear him hum as he wakes up.

You let go of the breath you didn't realize you were holding.

*Aones POV*

What do I do?? It'd be too awkward to wake her up cause then what? She might feel uncomfortable if I do that. What if she's not ok with this? I should just try to get up slowly so I don't wake her. But she's so warm and I want to keep holding her. I didn't know girls were so warm.

 *Your POV*

You 'wake up' and make eye contact with Aone. "Uh morning." You say super nervous.

"Mm" He hums in response. Both of you are just a blushing mess right now.

"We should probably get up." You say. "We have school so...."

He immediately gets up and so do you.

"You guys better be uppp!!" You hear Aones mom call as she walks up the steps.

"W-were awake!" You tell her.

She opens the door. "Oh good. Did you sleep well Y/n?" She asks you.

"Yes! Thank you for letting me stay."

"Oh no worries dear. I've made breakfast so just come down when you're ready."

"Ok thank you!" You respond.

"Thank you mom." Aone says.

You and Aone get ready for school and walk down to get some breakfast.

You both sit down at the table as Aones mom puts your plates in front of you both.

"Thank you ma'am. It looks amazing!"

You dug into your breakfast. You've never had a homemade breakfast before so this was the best thing you've ever tasted!

"Wow! It's so good." You gushed.

"I'm so glad you like it." She said with a sweet smile.

You just loved her already.

After you were done with breakfast you and Aone headed out to walk to school.

*On the walk to school*

It was kind of awkward so you said, "Thank you for listening to me last night. Sorry I burdened you with that."

"It's ok. Thank you for telling me."

"I should come to your house more often! Your mom is the best!" You smiled at him.

*What Aones thinking*

How can she just act like nothing happened last night? But I guess she has to do that a lot with her mom and all. I feel so bad for her.

*Back to you*

You both get to class and Mei rushes up to you. "Soooo how was studying?? I see you both walked into class together."

You blush thinking about what happened. "It was nice. He's a really good teacher."

"Don't think I didn't see that blush! Now spill!!" Mei urged.

"Really, nothing major happened."

"'Nothing major' she says. Meaning it was totally something major!"

"Ughh fine! I'll tell you during lunch. Meet me on the roof."

The bell then rings and class starts.

(sorry this jumps POVs like wayyyy too much😭 the next chapter won't do that.)
