13 | Diagon Alley

| Nico Di Angelo |

Flipping the fake coin that Hermione gave me and tossing it into the air before catching it again I end up studying it more closely, it looked like an old pirate coin but the bushy haired girl explained with a hint of confusion that the coin was in fact a galleon and that in the wizarding world that was a form of payment and then questioned in a slightly confused tone didn't they have something like that in America but I was able to dodge the question by stating we used regular money to blend in more with the muggles although it was hard to tell if she believed me or not seen as I nearly slipped and called muggles mortals

Spotting a raven coloured messy mop seen as the person was towering over half the students it was easy to spot Percy in a crowd I deposited the coin in my robes and walk over to meet McGonagall and Will, the latter of who gives me a smile however my onyx like eyes remain solely on the green eyed son of Poseidon his skin was pale and doesn't have that natural glow that it usually had and he looked skinnier (although he wasn't as skinny as I once was which is something) but his eyes were what made my heart sink a little, his green eyes that were once so full of life and humour now looked dim and dead as if he couldn't be bothered with life

He looked like he did the first time Annabeth died

Except the last time he had something to fight for, he had the chance to get his girlfriend back but now it was like he was losing her all over again -- I remember when I lost Bianca back when I first found out I was so angry at everything and especially Percy I didn't want to listen to reason and that led me down a dark path and I fear the same will happen to Percy if he shuts everyone out

"Now that everyone is here" McGonagall's sharp voice snaps me away from my thoughts and made me look towards the stern faced teacher who looked like she had been trying to get my attention for a  while now "We'll be heading out to Hogsmede and then apparating from there since that kind of magic doesn't work within the school

"Appa -- what?"  Percy asks, a completely puzzled look on his face

"Apparition" McGonagall repeats again, her voice slightly gentler "It's a form of wizard transportation and works better than flying on brooms and it works as a much better as you only need to think of a place to go and you'll arrive there in a pop, but you need to focus because if you don't a piece of your body can be detached from your body, but don't worry you'll be with me doing side along apparition so you'll be okay"

"Wizards have weird ways of transportation" Will mutters close to my ear "I hate to admit but Gods seem to have the upper hand on transport as they can just think of any place they want to go and flash there and they don't need to worry about any detached body parts or riding around on wooden cleaning tools

* * *    

We soon arrived at London using Apparition and walk into a darkly lit pub and on the inside it looked quite sleazy but people didn't seem to care and some people tried to invite McGonagall to have a drink with them but she brushed the suggestions off saying she had work to do and it wasn't appropriate and then she led us through to the back of the pub and through a door and we ended up facing a brick wall leaving me to raise an eyebrow and Percy to shoot the teacher a puzzled look

"I know Wizards have their quirks and weird things but you said we are going to the shops and I don't mean to be rude or insult you but this is a brick wall" Percy said turning to McGonagall who surprisingly let out a small chuckle leaving me to raise an eyebrow again before she starts to explain 

"Yes this is one of the ways you can gain entry to Diagon Alley where we will get your supplies that will help you during your time at Hogwarts. If I tap the right bricks in the correct order then it will open up a passage to Diagon Alley" She then removed her wand from her robes and then tapped the bricks in a pattern and when she had done the stern faced witch pocketed her wand back into her robes 

The bricks then spiralled and opened up a passage way to a cobbled stone sidewalk and McGonagall nodded before stepping onto the sidewalk and Will, Percy and I have to scramble after her and because of my short height Will grabs my hand and pulls me along so that I wouldn't be left alone and a warm feeling spreads through my body making a blush appear on my cheeks luckily though Will didn't notice as he was too busy marvelling at the sights around him

"Wow" Percy and Will both gasp making me chuckle. 

"We are demigods and your surprised about magic shops run by wizards" I mumble under my breath unheard by the sunshiny demigod that causes light to come in my life and my goofy cousin who always finds a way to protect others even if it means sacrificing himself or the world  to save one of his close friends or family 

"This is like CBH but I definitely think CBH is much better" Percy says and we all nod in agreement while McGonagall just looks confused until she asks what exactly CBH was in her heavy Scottish accent "CBH is Camp Half Blood its a place for demigod to feel safe and actually live a normal life, I mean sure Hogwarts is cool 'nd all but Camp Half Blood is awesome!" Percy explains bouncing on the balls of his feet 

"Of course" McGonagall mumbles "Well let's go get your school supplies" 
