Valentine's Day is Today

Jun gulped while looking through the window.

Stacey was cleaning the classroom with another student, the two were talking to each other while cleaning.

'This is my only chance..!' Jun looked down at the Hershey's chocolate bar he was holding in her hand.

Soon enough the other student that was with Stacey left.

She smiled and hurriedly walked over to the open door and cleared her throat aloud, "Stacey."

Stacey stopped sweeping and looked over, "Oh, hey!"

She walked over to her, hands behind her back with a smile.

"What's up?" She said.

Jun's face turned red, eyes wide, meek smile as her body straightened up even more than it already did when she took the chance to talk to her.

"H-Hi, Stacey-uhh--" stuttering as she tried to speak.

Stacey continued to smile in front of her, "Hm?"

"Uuuuuuuuhh---" Jun's mind went blank, staring at her crush before she noticed something moving behind her.

She saw her friend Peter wave around hand signs to encourage her to talk to Stacey.

"What are you trying to say?" Stacey asked after a while of awkward silence.

Jun pursed her lips for a moment, "St-Stacey, I.."


Jun bailed and ran away when Stacey turned around and saw the student she was helping clean the classroom with.

"Huh?" She looked back and saw that Jun was gone now.

"Where did she go?" Wondering to herself.

"Hm? Was that Jun?" Mari walked up to her.

Stacey nodded, "Yeah..."

Clicking her tongue, "If she doesn't confess to me, I'll confess myself!"

Mari laughed.

"Just help me clean faster, please?" She said.

"Okay, okay.." Stacey chuckled.


"What the hell was that!!?" Peter yelled at Jun who sulked sitting on the ground hugging her knees.

"I can't do it!" Jun said, she was still holding the bar of Hershey's chocolate in hand.

"Why not!?" Peter asked as he tapped his foot on the floor, looking left and right before gasping when she saw Stacey making her way toward them.

"Who cares? It doesn't matter if I confess, she'll probably decline me." Jun was whining about it.

She failed to take the chance to confess and it was Valentine's Day now too.

Stacey stopped in front of them and stared down at her before glancing up to Peter and pointing at the both of them.

Peter shrugged his shoulders in confusion.

"I really like her y'know.... She's cute, she's smart, and she's also strong." Jun began to monologue, unbeknownst to the fact that Stacey was with them.

Stacey rolled her eyes in bemusement when she smiled with crossed arms.

"Honestly you should've seen how she carried me----eeeiiiii--?!?!??!!" Jun squealed when she looked up and saw Stacey crouching in front of her, "STACEY?!!!!???"

Peter looked away.

Stacey hummed, "Yeah, I like you too, Jun!"

Jun stared at her as she watched her take the bar of Hershey's chocolate from her hand to open it.

Stacey broke a piece and ate it, "Oh, this brand's good!"
