Chapter 21

Shraddha Kapoor

The striped top that I was wearing comfortably a while ago hangs off Ileana's fragile shoulders. The pink skinny jeans drops from her hips.

I have to hold my breath to squeeze my bust into glittery leopard print knee high pencil dress. Then comes the worst part of her attire of the day, the black fur coat. I spread my arms so Ileana helps me get into it..I expect it to weigh like thousand kilos but it's quite light for its length.  

My instincts which were screaming red alert were right after all. Ileana's bright idea is to exchange our looks and dupe the onlookers outside into thinking that I'm the Goddess they are dying to meet.

I tie my hair in bun the same way like hers holding it with barrette. 

After digging in Louis Vuitton handbag since forever Ileana removes her discovery, the night glares, which are big enough to cover half my face. She then dumps her LV bag on my hand which is heavier than her coat. We check our reflection in mirror and once again I loose my sense of identity.

Till now I was someone's Fake girlfriend. Now I'm Fake Ileana as well. I should wallow in self pity.

While Ileana washes her face to remove all the residual make up, Varun marches inside washroom without knocking ignoring the ladies sign hanging outside the door.

"Are you girls done or do you want to spend rest of the night here?" He fangs out his teeth as usual.

He has taken little efforts from his side as well, by wearing hideous round umpire white cap which honestly will attract more attention towards him. I want to ask where did he got it from? But my attention is diverted by Ileana who has loosens her hair strands.

"Remember Shraddha," she holds me by my arms  "just duck your head low..hide your face..and run if have to..but not too fast as you have to divert their attention towards you just enough for us to escape..and if the situation gets out of control, remove your glares and show them your face" she chirps.

"Just walk till next square..we will pick you up from there" Varun assures. They both are preparing me for the war.

"I'm so make you do this" Ileana clasps her hands bringing them near her chin.

"You can back out even now, we'll find some other way out" Varun frowns.

"Like what?" Ileana challenges.

"Like calling your guardsmen half an hour ago maybe?" Varun snaps.

"Oh but I guess you didn't wanted to wait till then"

"Well guess what? You already made me by playing dressup barbie game" they argue.

"Guys..guys.. it's really okay" I put brave front but honestly I'm very much scared inside. I can almost see the vein jumping under my wrist. But I don't need to worry much as what worst can happen once I'll show them who I'm?

"All the best" Ileana tries to boost my confidence..but I wobble as I head out for the mission.

"Don't go further than next square" Varun calls out as I cross over LoC border.

I'm successful in fooling the manager at least as he walks me to the glass door.. I slide the glares further up my nose.

"Please visit again mam" he says and signals something to three- four guys, probably his employees. Upon getting their cue the workers rush outside to push away the mob making way for me to step out. Manager is not as bad as we made him out to be. I'm so grateful for this help that I'll definitely visit this place again and definitely pay my bill.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD" I hear a shriek as soon as I put my foot down and reflexively turn around to see if Varun and Ileana are already following me "its her!" Someone screams and I concentrate on my mission. I bow my face as instructed while flashes hit my eyes.

"Ileana one picture please...please"

"Ileana I love you"

"You are so gorgeous. One pic please"

I ignore all the pleas as I try to push myself towards the square. The feeling is not alien though as I can relate it to like getting on a local train in rush hour. Only difference being I'm the local they all want to catch.

However I manage to stride away with ease either because a, I'm expert in catching a local, b, most of them are girls and probably more interested in Varun or c, maybe they are smart enough and have seen through my forfeit.  

Few loyal patrons follow me though and are now chasing me and I'm not sure what my next move should be. I heave a sigh of relief when a car approaches the pathway and halts near me.

"Hey sexy...wanna need ride?"  Some pervert smiles through rolled down window exposing his tobacco stained teeth and I begin to panic. What is taking them so long? Have they ditched me and left without me? Did they even manage to make it out?

I now walk faster but to my horror the car with it's pervert person inside follows closely behind me. To dodge him I enter a narrow lane which is a mistake because the narrow lane is too narrow and too long and now I'm completely utterly lost. 

I hear muffled footsteps behind me. In an attempt to walk faster I pull the coat closer to my chest but trip on it and fall flat on face, my head hitting concrete path.

A shadow stops on me and I gasp. When I look back it's only homeless beggar who peeps on me with confused squinting eyes, his body raking with alcohol. He then staggers few more steps ahead of me and falls exactly in same manner like mine.

I breath out and try to lift myself up but wince and lose control as a sharp pain shoots up from the right knee. It must have busted. I limp away to main road and wait for cab. As fate would have it, it starts pouring down heavily. Either God is empathising and crying with me or he is laughing devilishly 'Ha! Here's one more hurdle for, Shraddha the saviour, to jump off'.

Finally a taxi halts and I  carefully carry myself, the now heavy soaked coat, leather bag, injured knee in that order inside cab. Once in, I examine the's pretty deep as I can see part of white bared bone underneath it.

Ileana's bag vibrates besides me and I palpate my hand to reach her cellphone.  I check the caller id and toss the phone back inside.  Angry tears flow down on my cheeks. It's not that I'm angry at Varun, I'm more angry at my condition. The physical pain, the tight leopard dress, the effing coat all of it is making more unbearable for me to remain calm.


I ask for spare keys at front desk and start to limp away towards the elevator when desk guy points at my knee

"Mam, I think you've injured your leg" he tells me.

Really? Thanks for the information.

"I know" I grumble than see his upset eyes scanning the white marble flooring where it has left trail of blood stain. What now? Is he expecting me to clean the flooring? As let me tell you, I'm all eager to get down on my knees.

As the elevator door closes I see him dialing probably some maintenance staff or whatever.

Once I reach our room.. I toss away the hand bag, get rid of  coat, loose my hair and collapse on bed without another care for world.

Just like I had expected Varun isn't back yet..maybe they did wait for me at square, I feel relieved at that thought for a while. Or maybe they have gone to have dessert to another exotic location suggested by Andrew, I frown in misdirected fury. 

I hear a click sound on front door and shut my eyes and pretend to sleep. 

"Shraddha?" He calls out and I can never get enough of hearing my name through his mouth. The pain is already subsided substantially.  Slougish footsteps approach the bedroom, stop at door before continuing and reaching at the edge of bed. I hold my breath.

"Wake up. I know your are not sleeping" he presumes correctly.  I shut my eyes tighter.

"Where wer... what the heck?" He mutters.

"Did you fall somewhere? Why didn't you tell me? Oh wait, you are pretending to be asleep" his voice is coming from distance and I hear random opening and banging of the doors of shelves. I open my eyes and spy down through door and see him searching fanatically in living room for first aid maybe. I'm tempted to tell him that it is inside first desk drawer where I remember seeing it.

I hear approaching footsteps and fall back on bed and close my eyes. 

"You should have waited for us at square. Were did you run to?" He says through clicking shutting noises of box.."you are so stubborn" he mumbles. Not more than you, I smile inside.

There is silence for a while when I can feel his finger running over the bruise and I groan through burning sensation aggravated by palliative balm along with his touch.  I instinctively open my eyes and look down at Varun squatted on his knees bend over applying the dressing. 

"Does it hurt?" He asks carefully without looking up.

"Just little bit" I honestly say.

"How did it happen?"

"I fell...I'm clumsy..what can I say?" I say bitterly.

"Shraddha" he looks up with hooded lashes "I'm really really sorry for whatever happened today.." he puts right hand on his chest "sorry...yaha se..dil se" he says softly and I know he means it even if he had left the last part unsaid.

People say sometimes you can tell the exact moment of falling in love with somebody...if it's true then for me this is it.

Varun sitting on floor mending my knee looking up at me telling me he is sorry is a moment I realise I'm in love with him. Maybe I always was but this is like sudden revelation.

He stretches his hand to reach my forehead and rubs his thumb through the sourness on skin where it took a hit and I close my eyes, my cheek resting on his palm.

He gets up abruptly breaking away the spell and my heart falls along with my eyes which now rest on his finished work, a white bandage strapped nicely on my knee.

A towel comes flying from somewhere and falls on my head.

"Dry yourself.  I hope your hands are working fine..or do you want me to do it for you as well?" He offers not so sincerely and I chuckle and start scrubbing my hair.


"You sleep on bed. You deserve it" Varun says very considerately while throwing a pillow on couch for himself.

"Also I'm yet to cancel your tomorrow's ticket to New York? Are you still game or do you want to go back?"  He asks while lying down on couch.

That's one offer I can't refuse. It's New York after all, the city I'm saving to visit since forever and still don't have enough money in my account.

If I refuse now I'm not sure how soon I can make the trip to Big Apple.

Once there I'll easily find time to visit the university to know about admission protocols and all.  Even though it means using Varun's resources but he has been using me ever since we have met again so I shouldn't be the one feeling much guilty about it.

We're definitely going to New York yay! Sleep isn't going to touch me tonight.

