•Chapter Six•

The next day, Billy didn't get surprised with a sandwich in front of him as he woke up from math class. But he couldn't care less. The words Elena said were burned into his mind. He was opening up to her, trying there to be something. And she just pushed him away like he hadn't seen her like that. As if he didn't see her broken and angry.

He felt like shit, like absolute utter shit. But he'd never let anyone see that, even though the dark circles hovering under his eyes gave it somewhat away. But he was still Billy. Cold-hearted expression, a button up showing his chest and the smell of cheap perfume and cigarettes. He wouldn't let it show.

Unlikely Elena. Elena was always one of the prettiest girls anyone has ever laid their eyes on. At least that's what Billy thought. But today she was different. She was not the Elena everyone was used to, even though they didn't like that she was there, she always added some kind of shine to the atmosphere.

But god, she looked awful. When Steve first saw her when she got out of his car, he almost choked on his own spit.

Her hair was an absolute, utter mess, almost representing something like a bird nest. Her eyes were hollow and cold, not as friendly and welcoming as they were. Deep circles were covering her under eyes. She looked almost pale and Steve was pretty sure he smelled vodka on her when he walked over.

"What the hell happened to you?" He asked, in a state of shock. He had seen this girl so often but never like this. She turned to him, her eyes not even showing one emotion, not happiness, not sadness, just brown dull eyes right staring into his. "Elena, this isn't you. What is wrong?" He asked, concerned as he sat down next to her on the hood of her Chevrolet. "Nothiiiiing. Nothing." "Are you drunk?!" Steve almost yelled as he realized how slurred her words were. "No! I'd never ever ever ever Stevie baby." Elena laughed as she looked at Steve, her body crashing against his side. But her laugh wasn't real either. Her smile didn't reach to her eyes and her eyes were still as dull and lifeless as before.

"Talk to me! What the fuck!" Nancy said now, making Elena stop in her tracks. "Did the Nancy Wheeler just curse?" She asked, turning around to the petite girl which seemed to burn with anger and Elena's words just seemed to put gasoline in that fire. "Elena, you're drunk as fucking hell, you drove your sister here the way you are and you are not the same! Talk to me, please! God, I'm just trying to help you!" Nancy begged the Serbian girl as she swayed from side to side. "Oh it's okay Nanc."

It was not okay, Elena was clearly not okay. She felt like a piece of shit for what she said to Billy. And she probably was a piece of shit. She knew that she never should've let those words slip her mouth, but if she hadn't she'd just bring Billy and herself in danger. She could handle the beatings and name callings but she never ever would pull Billy into this.

And suddenly something snapped. "Oh hell fucking no." She said now, her head started to spin as she sat down onto one of the bleachers. "Oh god no!" She said now, feeling like she was slowly sobering up, which of course she wasn't because alcohol doesn't work like that.

"I think I'm starting to develop feelings for someone."

"What?!" Her three friends said in unison as they sat around her. "Is it me? God I knew it was me-" "Shut the fuck up Harrington! We all know you're gay." She said, her head now starting to throb as the alcohol slowly but surely wore off. "Is that so obvious?" Steve muttered under his breath. "Tell us who it is!" Jonathan said, sounding as excited as a kid on Christmas Day. "I can't." All of them groaned. "But I can tell you, it's someone I really really hurt and I don't know how to fix it."

Soon the group of teenagers was gathered around the Byers table. "So what am I supposed to do?" She asked as she took another swig from her vodka bottle. If she wanted to apologize, she had to drink herself some confidence. "Can you at least tell us who it is?" Max asked, putting her head on the palm of her hand. "No." "Alright jeez." Dustin said, putting his hands up in the air.

"I think I might know where he is!" Elena suddenly yelled standing up making everyone flinch. "Steve, can my sister maybe sleep over at your place tonight?" Elena asked as she looked at the boy who only nodded confused. "Bye!" She yelled before she got in her car starting the engine and pulling out of the driveway of the Byers.

Elena bought another bottle of alcohol, Whiskey. And then she drove the route she knew by her heart and just prayed he'd be there.
