The Empty Cupboard

The unveiling of the truth often leads us onto the verge of either greatness or severe foolishness. Once, on searching within, the truth hit me like a ton of bricks. This is as close to depression as I have ever got. It's staring right at my face, not like a threat, but looking like a comfortable pillow which is tempting me to put my head on and relax. To forget every man, woman and child. To just be and put the rest of the world on hiatus. But high above the pillow, an axe looms dangerously close, hanging by a thin thread. I wouldn't have seen it like so many other people, but checking the surroundings is my second nature. That is my biggest wake up call. A chance to make things right.

Depression is the 3rd leading cause of disability in the world today. Pretty soon it will claw its way to the top. This might just be me blabbering, but I think the social aspect what has led to this debacle is increasing isolation and extremely low satisfaction with life. Of course there is the "low hormones" problem, but if depression were only treatable with drugs, it wouldn't have been this concerning. At the same time, it is a disease and not a state of mind, like most people are predisposed to think. Truly depressed patients cannot just make themselves happy just by doing fun activities, for instance. They lose every little part of their essence, happy or sad. Thoughts and feelings are altered. Apathy, loss of pleasure sets in. You can't eat, can't sleep, can't make love, can't interact with anyone. It's a never ending lists of "can't"s. Depression leaves behind a hollow shell of yourself you can no longer recognize. A pretty accurate analogy is: if your mind is a cupboard packed with, say--- dresses, diaries, money and books; depression creeps in slowly like a thief and steals everything, leaving it stark empty.

If you are aware that you cannot find the energy to get up in the morning or cannot find a reason to keep existing, there is a high chance that depression is taking its roots within you. Like you'd do with other diseases, you'll want to cut it off at its roots. And the primary most important step towards combating depression is acknowledging your problem and taking professional help. In depression, our thought processes turn towards every negative aspect, when in reality hardly anything is ever fully right or wrong. They usually lie on a spectrum, but our minds trick us into believing only the negative and never the opposite. Professionals impinge on those thoughts and rewire them, making us think in a whole different way from a fresh perspective, which we didn't even know as a reality. Believe me, getting real help is a dire necessity. Additionally, whenever you feel like talking to someone close about what you feel, don't hold back. Surround yourself with the right support system. This battle cannot be won alone.

They say the best advice is given by someone who has been through it, or is living it everyday. I don't know whether what I said is best, or even relevant to you, but if it helps in at least recognising the disease within you, then it is all worth it. Being aware of the signs is very essential. Depression is an uphill war, it's never truly conquered once and for all. The desire not to be shackled by its incapacitating powers is what keeps me going everyday, along with some best people in my circle who are there in my lowest of lows. I am very fortunate than many other people fighting the same demons: to be able to write and pour my feelings out to everyone is amazing and gives me true purpose. I think it's high time to stack my empty cupboard again!
