Jadhugar Babu

Chandrachur gets angry when Anirudh tells a lie about Bondita to Kalindi and Trilochan.

~In forest~

Tupur: What made you all to have a sudden vacation?

Bondita: Don't know. Pati babu and Kaka sasurji, planned this.

Tupur: Senseless!

Bondita: Did you said something?

Tupur: I said show me the location where your jeep broke down.

Bondita: Oh okay, that's just few meters away from here.

Tupur nodded.

On other side Kanaka goes to Bondita's hut to check her.

Kanaka: Bondita, open the door. Bondita...

She tries to knock the door but was shocked to see the door was opened. Kanaka went in and call out Bondita's name but no response.

She tries to wake Bondita by shaking her. When she touched the bed she realised that those are pillows not Bondita.

Kanaka: Bonditaaaaa....

She got furious and comes out of the hut.

Kanaka: Who the hell was guarding this hut? Ambikaaa.... Where are you?

She shouted in such a way that Ambika and Virender came out running.

Virender: What happened to you? Why you are shouting like this in this night time?

Kanaka showed them Bondita's bed. Ambika and Virender are shocked.

Virender: Where is she?

Kanaka: That's what I am asking. Where is she? Hey, Ambika I told you to keep an eye on her. But you are sleeping calmly? You idiots! You don't know how careless you are. You let her escape. Shit! Bhaiya, I got a great chance, you got a chance to revenge them using that Bondita but now...

She broke everything near her.

Virender: Calm down, calm down. This forest is big. She can't escape anywhere. Let me send servants to catch her again. She can't cross this forest easily. Don't worry.

He calms her and order his servants to look for Bondita all over the forest.

Bondita and Tupur reached the place where accident happened.

Only broken jeep is present there.

Tupur: What is this?

Bondita: Pati babu... Sashwati... Saraswati... Kaka sasurji... Thaku ma...  Bhari babu... Where are you all?

Bondita goes and searches under the jeep. She tries to lift the jeep to check whether they are stuck down.

Tupur: Hey, what you are going to do now?

Bondita: They were lying here only. I am going to check under the jeep.

Tupur: Are you mad? You are pregnant. Stop doing these kind of stupid things.

Bondita: Tupur, I remember well. Chandra babu and Kaka sasurji was caught under the jeep. But now no one is here.

Chaya: They would have gone.

Bondita looks at chaya.

Chaya: I mean, they would have went to their home. RC haveli!

Bondita: No, they all were lying unconsciously.

She starts to cry.

Chaya: If they are dead also their body should be present here only. But I could not see any body here. Which mean there are only two chances, one is they should have went somewhere on their own. Or some one could have helped them. There is no other chance in forest than these two things.

Tupur: Yeah, she is saying right. Being injured they would not rose up on their own. I think someone came here to help them.

Bondita thinks on Kanaka saying that she sent servants to rescue her family.

Chaya: Who it will be? May be the men from Krishpur or from Dhyanpur. Because those are the nearby village.

Bondita: Where will I go and search them now?

Tupur: How do I know? You asked me to take you here and I did. All I knew is, Virender went to your haveli and called my sister. He had threated her. Then only Tapur called me and asked for my help. That's why I am here to help you. Nothing else.

Bondita is shocked.

Tupur: You are wasting our time Bondita.

Bondita: Virender went to Haveli?

Tupur: That's what I said.

Bondita recalls everything.

Chaya: Let's go, it's about to sunrise.

Bondita: Wait, wait. I understood everything. My family is safe. Servants sent by Kanaka rescued them. Pati babu is safe. Virender lied to me. He showed me pati babu's watch and said he is dead. But no, he could have stolen it from haveli. But why did he went to Haveli? What are the guards doing there?

Tupur: Guards? Who? Those senseless servants you have? They are use for nothing Bondita. Only they know is to say namaste to those who come there.

Bondita: You met them?

Tupur nods yes and explained her every thing.

Bondita smiled.

Chaya: Now why you are smiling?

Bondita: I knew where my family is. They should be in Krishpur hospital. Yeah, they are there.

She cries in happiness.

Tupur: How can you say it?

Bondita: I am Barrister Bondita. I can guess things which is hidden behind a crime scene. Kanaka saved my family then she trapped me. Which means, she wanted to revenge my family using me. Virender thought that we could not reunite forever that's why he went to Haveli and threatened guards. And I know another thing also, by this time Roy  Chaudharys would be doing my last rites.

Chaya: What?  But You are alive.

Bondita: Kanaka played well with us. Definitely I can say that she would have told Roy Chaudharys that I am dead.

Chaya: Can I ask you one thing?

Bondita nodded.

Chaya: This world is big, billions of people are here but why always Roy Chaudharys stuck onto problems?

Tupur: Because they are useless!

Bondita looks at Anirudh's watch and cries in happiness.

Bondita thinks: Pati babu, I found you. I am going to come to you. Thank you Durga maa.

Tupur: Stop talking yourselves. Now tell me what we are going to do.

Bondita: Let's go to krishpur.

Tupur: Fine, then. Get onto the jeep.

~In Hospital~

Anirudh and Chandrachur finds difficulty to feed the children as there were keep on asking for their mum.

Somehow Anirudh managed.

Sashwati: I want to meet my mum. Baba, take me to Bondita maa.

Anirudh: She will come soon, you eat this.

Saraswati: No, you are saying this only from the begining. We are not ready to believe you anymore. Just take us to our mum.

Chandra: Like mother like daughters. How you are handling this little masters Anirudh?

Anirudh: With magic!

Chandra: Magic?

Anirudh: Hn, magic. Sashu, sarasu, do you want to see a magic?

Sashwati: We want to see our maa not magics.

Anirudh: I can bring your maa with magic.

Chandra looks at him confusingly.

Saraswati: With magic you can bring maa? Shotti?

Anirudh: Shotti! All you need is to close your eyes.

Kids closed their eyes.

Chandra whispered: Are you mad Anirudh?

Anirudh chants some magic words.

Chandra: Anirudh, stop this nonsense.

Anirudh: Abraca dabra... Gili Gili choo... Bondita should come here. Gili Gili choo...

Kids opened their eyes and was disappointed on seeing Bondita's shanka pola in Anirudh's palm.

Sashwati: Shanka pola is maa?

Saraswati: Magic went wrong. You cheated us baba.

Anirudh: Nahi, nahi, see magic brought her shanka pola here.

Sashwati: No use baba.

Anirudh: There is! See, now your maa's shanka pola is with me. She would come here to find this. Right?

Sashwati and Saraswati thinks on. Chandra looks at them weirdly.

Saraswati: Hayee, Jadhugar babu; Baba are right. Maa will come here to get her shanka pola. Then we shall catch her.

Sashwati: Correct!

They both clapped their hands.

Anirudh thinks: Thank God, I handled them.

Chandrachur thinks: Mad family!

What will happen next?

Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️
