A Weight Off his Shoulders

"Ah, morning!"

His addressee turned, smiling back at him. "Good morning, Ikari-kun. I'm glad you came."

Shinji approached a little meekly, stroking his hair. It was a nervous tick he'd developed quite recently. "Yeah... I'm sorry I woke up late today; I guess I just couldn't sleep."

Kaworu's eyes narrowed slightly, looking more tender. "That's alright, I don't mind." He continued to gaze at Shinji as he sat down on the piano bench beside him. "You've been having difficulty sleeping recently, haven't you?"

Shrugging, Shinji brushed his hair back, out of the way. "Yeah... it's mostly nightmares like I told you before. But honestly, this isn't helping me a lot either." He tugged at his hair, collecting it all in a fist at the back of his neck. "It gets so hot, and every time it brushes my skin, it gives me the creeps."

"Hmm..." Kaworu passively moved his hand so that a strand of Shinji's hair passed through his fingers. Goosebumps formed over his tan arms. "It must be difficult to manage it all."

Shinji shrugged. "Well, kind of. It takes a while to brush, but at least I found a comb in the showers. It'd probably drive me even crazier if I couldn't brush it." He groaned. "Though... it takes forever to dry. I cleaned it last night, and it still feels a little damp."

Kaworu smiled indulgently, staring down at the strand of Shinji's hair in his fingers. "Yes, that does sound grueling."

"And I guess it doesn't matter much - no one really sees me, but I'm still a boy... having hair like this isn't really fitting, is it?"

Kaworu hummed, tilting his head. "I don't much mind what length your hair is. I don't see you as any less of a boy. But I understand why you'd dislike it."

"I've tried to look around for something sharp a few times. I really wanna cut it, but I can't find anything to use. You'd think they'd have scissors laying around somewhere..."

Kaworu's hand dropped away as he turned back to the piano. Shinji continued to look at him. "If it means your comfort, I'll try my best to find some for you. I do know my way around a little better than you, after all."

"Ah," Shinji blinked. "Would you really?"

"Of course."

Smiling slightly, Shinji turned forward, putting his hands idly on the keys after brushing the strand Kaworu had stroked back behind his ear. "That's really kind of you, Nagisa-kun... I feel like you're always the one helping me out with stuff..."

Kaworu straightened up, shaking his head a little to displace his bangs, clearing his eyes to see the piano. Shinji couldn't help but notice the action. His hair was wild and fluffy, his bangs quite long. Shinji kind of thought that Kaworu was overdue for a haircut too, but he was definitely better off than him.

It'd seemed that after 14 years of uninterrupted sleep, Shinji's hair had grown completely out of control. Back at Wille, he'd been much too concerned with other things to focus much on the unusual length of it, which nearly reached the base of his back now. And anyway, it made sense to think that the people at Wille didn't care enough to manage his physical being, as upsetting as that thought was. But now, in this desolate, ruined Nerv, Shinji didn't have much to keep him occupied besides the piano and his talks with Kaworu. It was hard not to grow uncomfortable with the new style when he had little else to think about. He was just glad there weren't really mirrors anywhere but in the bathrooms, since he didn't have to look at his reflection often.

He should've known it was silly to obsess over his appearance in the midst of an apocalypse, but he couldn't help it. He'd always been a little self-conscious of how feminine his features were, aware that he looked a lot less boyish than many of his peers. And having his hair like this really didn't help. Even he could barely distinguish his sex when he looked long enough in the mirror. Anyone would think he was a girl.

He thought he would've been especially embarrassed given that Kaworu was a really good-looking boy, and he was the only other person around. But he didn't really feel like that. Sure, he had noticed how attractive Kaworu was, how inherently male he seemed, but he wasn't really jealous. Maybe it was because Kaworu just seemed so friendly. He didn't really seem to mind Shinji's shyness, nor his femininity. He never made fun of him or pointed things out about his attitude. He was accepting, kind. Shinji didn't feel the need to act around him.

"So, are you ready to pick up from last time?"

Shinji blinked, blushing slightly as he realized he'd been staring at Kaworu's profile.

"R-Right, yeah. I tried to practice a little more before I went to bed last night." He hovered his hands over his starting position.

The other boy smiled, turning back down to the board. "I'm glad. But since you're tired today, don't feel the need to overexert yourself. We can go slowly."

Shinji nodded lightly. "...But I'll still try my best. I don't wanna hold you back, Nagisa-kun."

"Oh, you could never, Ikari-kun," Kaworu laughed, as if the very thought was ridiculous.

Feeling his cheeks heat up a little more, Shinji swallowed down the pleasant little leap in his chest, gathering himself before he began the song.

Kaworu jumped in just a few moments later. Shinji supposed he couldn't be mad at himself for it - they did have a 14-year gap in experience - but he always noticed how much more confident Kaworu's movements sounded compared to his. But again, it wasn't the kind of thing that made him self-conscious like he would've expected. Kaworu was a notably better pianist than him, but it didn't much matter. It was still perfectly calming and fun to play beside him. Shinji never felt like he was annoying Kaworu with his inexperience. Much the contrary, actually. It seemed that Kaworu took great joy in watching Shinji improve, and it was extremely gratifying. He couldn't conjure up a thought that made him fight down a smile with more difficulty than hearing Kaworu energetically praise him for completing a couple measures without making a mistake. The sound of that pale boy's voice really did make it easier to get through the day without wanting to lay motionless in bed, self-loathing over the choker strapped around his neck.

And the time always passed so quickly this way. He wondered how it was that he could play with Kaworu for hours at a time without getting too tired. It was fun, much more so than anything else he could've occupied himself with. The books in the wrecked library were all yellowed, delicate and uninteresting. And anything that wasn't he put outside Ayanami's room, even though she still hadn't touched any of them, much to his dismay.

He supposed that having someone else to do something with was what made this so fun, especially since the thought of reading in the library with Kaworu seemed exciting too. He hoped he'd be able to muster up the courage to invite him one day. For now, though, this was enough for him.

Shinji stretched, shaking as he pulled his arms far above his head, spine extending satisfyingly. With a little moan, he dropped his arms. Kaworu smiled amusedly. "A little worn out, Shinji-kun?"

"Mmh, a little bit, yeah." Idly, he pulled his hair over one of his shoulders, petting it slowly. Even if he didn't much like it, it was very soft - perfect to touch.

"Well then, maybe we should turn in for the night. If you go to bed earlier, sleep might come easier."

Shinji sighed, leaning his head on his hair and closing his eyes. "Yeah, maybe..." He turned in Kaworu's direction, a slightly embarrassed smile on his lips. "You really are sweet, you know? Caring about me like this..."

Red eyes fluttering, Kaworu let out a little laugh. "Of course I am. Your comfort - your happiness - it means the world to me, Ikari-kun."

He pulled at his hair again, looking away. A dumb little grin was playing around his lips, and he resignedly pushed it away. "Thank you, Nagisa-kun..."

Kaworu inclined his head, then after a moment, said, "...You played very well today. Forgive me for being bold, but you've been doing so well. I can't help but admire you."

Again, Shinji tried not to focus too much on the leaping feeling in his chest, but it was difficult. Kaworu seemed especially forward tonight. He wondered why...

A little shamefully, Shinji couldn't help but want more. "Um, would you mind if I just practiced that last bit myself one more time? I think I wanna try it again before I go to bed."

Nodding, Kaworu stood up. "Of course. Do whatever you'd like."

At first, Shinji felt dismayed, assuming that Kaworu was going off to bed instead of staying, but rather than walk off, Kaworu stood right behind Shinji as he sat on the bench.

Shinji's curiosity only lasted a moment before Kaworu stroked his hands down through his hair. He jolted.


Kaworu continued to stroke Shinji's hair, though a little more gently. "Forgive me, Ikari-kun. I just felt... inclined." He stopped moving his hand. "Is it uncomfortable?"

"A-Ah, um," Shinji stammered. "No, it's okay. Y-You can touch it if you'd like..." He was happy at least that Kaworu couldn't see how much Shinji was blushing when he was behind him.

Kaworu hummed happily, continuing to brush Shinji's hair through his fingers. Shinji closed his eyes, shivering slightly at the sensation, his heart beating quickly.

"Didn't you want to practice a little more?" Kaworu asked in a murmur.

Shinji started, looking back down at the keys. "R-Right, yeah..."

It was rather difficult to focus on the music when Kaworu was continuously stroking his hair - which was a lot more sensitive than he realized it was - but he tried his best. He didn't want to tell Kaworu to stop; it felt far too nice.

Instead, Shinji pressed his fingers into the keys, attempting to remember the melody. It was a little slow and uncertain, but it was the best he could do with Kaworu touching him like this. It became easier to ignore the feeling the longer he played, though. He was only distantly aware of the way Kaworu was now separating his hair into a few sections, a light breeze flowing over his partially exposed neck.

Playing through the section again, Shinji focused on the music. He was pleased that he could hear himself improving. Kaworu layered the sections of hair tightly over one another, working smoothly and slowly.

After a few minutes, Shinji lifted his hands off the keys, satisfied with what he'd done. He once again became aware of the feeling of Kaworu's hands, and wondered what he was doing. Whatever it was felt nice, even though he probably should've found it strange how much Kaworu was focusing on his hair.

"There..." Once again, Shinji felt goosebumps break out over his skin as Kaworu gathered his hair, gently laying it over his shoulder.

Shinji blinked, looking down in surprise. Kaworu had braided it, the layers stacked tightly and neatly.

"I think you look quite nice this way. Very elegant."

Gently, Shinji stroked his hand down the braid. Just like when he'd fixed his SDAT, Shinji couldn't help but wonder how Kaworu had learned these specific, little tasks. How had he learned to braid hair so perfectly?

"It's... pretty," Shinji murmured.

"I thought it could help you from getting too hot at night... At least it's a step closer to getting it cut."

Again, Shinji smiled. He turned up to Kaworu, aware that he could definitely see him blushing, though he didn't mind. "Thanks, Nagisa-kun." He wished he could think of anything more appreciative, but Kaworu looked pleased anyway.

"Of course. I hope you can get to sleep tonight."

Shinji nodded, a little saddened despite his smile, knowing this was the cue to go off to bed.

"Yeah... goodnight, Nagisa-kun."

"Goodnight, Ikari-kun. Sweet dreams."

Shinji walked off, lightly stroking his now braided hair, wishing that he could still feel Kaworu stroking his fingers through it.


Just as usual, Kaworu greeted him the next morning, waiting beside the piano. However, what was unusual was how far away the piano bench was pulled out – at least a few feet from the instrument.

"So, the braid came out?"

Shinji smiled almost apologetically as he neared the other boy. "It got pretty loose in my sleep, so I just brushed it out. It helped a lot though - I didn't wake up in the middle of the night or anything."

Kaworu smiled widely. "Oh, I am glad I could be of help. Hopefully I can help you a little more today, if you'd like me to."

"Hm?" Shinji tilted his head.

He watched as Kaworu pulled a pair of scissors from behind his back, holding them up. They were the right kind too - not just craft scissors.

"Ah!" He smiled. "You actually found some!"

"I was sure I could as long as I looked hard enough."

He really was relieved. The thought of ridding himself of this weight of hair sounded wonderful. Feeling the breeze again would be nice. "Thanks, Nagisa-kun... really. I guess I'll go cut it in the bathroom, then." He sighed shaking his hair back. "Oh, I can't wait to get rid of it."

Kaworu continued to watch him as he came forward, trying to take the scissors. He looked back at his red eyes curiously when he didn't offer them to him.

"You know, it would probably be a lot less trouble if I cut it for you."

"F-For me?" Shinji grew slightly guilty. "But you've already done a lot for me... you don't have to do this too."

He shook his head. "Really, Ikari-kun, I don't mind. Helping you makes me happier than anything." After a pause, his eyes fell very slightly. "Although, I understand if you'd like to do it yourself, of course. I have been rather pushy recently, haven't I?"

Shaking his head, Shinji recognized that he'd never seen Kaworu look doubtful or nervous before. It seemed odd on him; it made Shinji want to rectify the feeling.

"No, no, it's okay, really. I-I really do like it when you do this stuff for me. I just feel bad... I mean, I don't give much back to you, do I? I don't wanna be a burden."

"I could never see you that way, I promise."

The conviction in his voice made Shinji nod. He was always so confident; Shinji couldn't even think to doubt him. "Okay, if you say so."

Kaworu recovered himself, almost looking relieved. "Well then, why don't you sit down?"

Shinji hummed his assent, lowering onto the bench. He brushed his hair so it all lay behind his shoulders. "Thanks again... I really won't miss it," he laughed.

Kaworu came forward, gathering his hair in his hands. "Of course it's not my place to say - it is yours after all - but I think I'll miss it." He stroked it through, detangling a few strands. "It really is quite pretty."

Flattered, Shinji stammered, "W-Well, I'm happy you think so... but still, I just think it looks really weird on me."

"I understand. Short hair does suit you better - er," he hesitated, "I imagine it would."

Shinji hummed as Kaworu gathered his hair. He'd almost forgotten that Kaworu had never seen him short-haired. Even though he knew it already, he was shocked to think that Kaworu had only known him for maybe a week or so. It'd felt like much longer.


Shinji heard a light plap as a long clump of hair fell to the floor. He felt slightly anxious as Kaworu continued his blunt cut, shortening Shinji's hair to his shoulders.

"Still, I apologize for being so assertive last night. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

Shinji brushed some loose hairs off his uniform. His head already felt much lighter. "It's alright, you didn't make me uncomfortable. It felt nice."

Kaworu smiled, moving the shears a little higher. "I'm glad I got to feel it before it came off. It was quite soft."

Repressing a shiver as Kaworu fluffed the back of his head, Shinji didn't respond. He just sat, enjoying the feeling of Kaworu's fingers lightly pulling strands of hair, accompanied by the sounds of quick snipping.

The pale boy hummed in the silence. He really had a beautiful voice... Shinji wondered what he'd sound like singing.

He pet down the back of Shinji's head. "I won't pretend I'm a stylist by any means. I wouldn't want to go too far, so this might be the best I can do."

"Anything would be better than what I had before. I'm sure it's fine."

Kaworu nodded to himself, then, with a few more snips, he fluffed it out and walked around the bench. Shinji's eyes flicked up to him.

"Here," he smiled, lightly pressing his fingers under Shinji's chin, guiding it upwards. Shinji blushed, heart twanging at the action. Why did that feel so embarrassing?

Taking his fingers away, Kaworu instead used them to gather the hair that used to make up Shinji's bangs, pulling it in front of his face. Deftly, he cut the hair until it was just covering his eyes, then shortened it more carefully with tinier cuts. How had Kaworu known that Shinji used to have bangs anyway?

Shinji squinted - not wishing to get hair stuck in his eyes - to see Kaworu tilting his head in concentration, swiping his new bangs around.

He pulled back, surveying Shinji for a few moments. He smiled. "I think that's better. Wait just a moment."

Still brushing off little bits of hair from his shirt, Shinji passed a hand down the back of his head. He'd been so used to long hair it felt strange to find the edges of it right at the base of his neck.

"I'm sure you'd like to have a look," Kaworu said, offering Shinji a hand mirror.

Shinji took it from him, anticipating. When he caught sight of his reflection, all he could do was stare open-mouthed in wonder.

He dragged his fingers slowly through the side of his hair, stopping at his jawline.


He looked just like her.


Shinji shook his head. "S-Sorry..." He felt himself smiling, though a few tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. His heart felt too heavy to look any longer. "It looks... good." What an odd feeling...

Kaworu slowly took the mirror back from him, his face inquiring, though Shinji was glad he didn't ask. "If you're sure."

Licking his lips and swallowing, Shinji recovered himself. "N-Not that it matters much how it looks. It feels much better. That's what's important."

With his usual grace, Kaworu inclined his head, smiling. "It does look nice on you, though." He approached again to lightly run his nails down Shinji's scalp. Shinji sighed, his eyes fluttering at the sensation. "It frames your face quite perfectly."

Shinji breathed out a laugh, looking down at the mass of dark hair covering the floor. "I guess so." He relaxed his shoulders. "Thank you again, Nagisa-kun..." He'd thanked him a lot recently, hadn't he?

"It was my pleasure," Kaworu returned, still stroking Shinji's hair. Shinji felt equally excited and embarrassed to think that Kaworu didn't want to stop touching him.

Suddenly, he looked up at the older boy, grey hair casting a shadow over his eyes. He smiled.

"Hey, I think I thought of a way I could return the favor - you know, for everything you've done for me?"

"Hmm?" Kaworu tilted his head, pausing his petting.

Shinji stood from the bench, brushing away more hair from his pants. "It won't make up for everything you've done, but..." He met Kaworu's face, trying to look convicted. "Why don't I shorten your bangs a little? It must be hard to see what you're playing when they're in your eyes like that."

Kaworu stared at him. Shinji felt his cheeks warm up, ready to take back the suggestion, but Kaworu's smile grew wider. "That's a good idea. I'd be grateful, Ikari-kun."

Relieved, Shinji nodded. He took the scissors from Kaworu as he replaced his spot on the piano bench, looking up as Shinji stood above him. For some reason, Shinji thought it was odd to look down at Kaworu.

A little uncertainly, Shinji brushed his fingers through the side of Kaworu's hair. Kaworu's shoulders relaxed, his eyes fluttering shut with a sigh. He had to try hard to repress his desire to fluff it more - his hair was so silky.

"You have such soft hands, Ikari-kun..." Kaworu murmured, leaning into the pressure.

Blushing a little, Shinji moved his fingers to lightly pick at Kaworu's bangs, anxious that he'd mess up. "I think I'll just trim them a little. You'd probably look a little odd with short bangs like mine." He moved them around with his fingers. "This long bit's always in the middle, isn't it? I guess I could just..."

Shinji took the scissors to the very edge of the hair tuft, taking off a very small amount. He felt a little more confident though, when he caught sight of Kaworu's serene, smiling expression. He looked trusting - not the least bit afraid that Shinji would mess up.

Tiny, grey cut hairs fell away from Kaworu's bangs, catching light as they did. The edges of the scissors glinted too as Shinji worked, slowly moving until that central bunch of hair was about level with his eyes. He had to imagine that bangs so long would be unpleasantly ticklish on his face, but shortening them to this length made him feel Kaworu would be a little more comfortable at least.

He focused his attention then on the rest of his bangs - the sections of hair which had grown to obscure his eyes. Shinji brushed his hand up through them, trying to readjust them. With his bangs pulled back, Shinji could see every feature of Kaworu's face. His eyes, not obscured by hair, eyebrows slightly raised and perfectly even on both sides. Without any shadows, Shinji could easily see how fair and perfect the boy's skin was, lacking any bumps, scars, or even acne. He really was pretty...

Shaking himself, Shinji finished cutting the sides of his bangs, taking one last look at Kaworu before he backed away.

"There... I think that's better. It's not much of a change - you did a lot more for me, but..."

Kaworu blinked open his eyes, gazing up at Shinji with an appreciative smile.

"U-Uh, here," Shinji continued, blushing at Kaworu's attention as he handed him the same mirror he'd given him before.

Kaworu tilted his head at his own reflection, humming. "This is better. I can see properly without needing to shake my head - how nice."

Shinji picked at his fingers. "You like it, then?"

Giggling lightly, Kaworu stood up too, placing a hand on Shinji's shoulder. "Of course, you did perfectly. Thank you, Ikari-kun."

With a shrug, Shinji looked away. "R-Really, it wasn't much - nothing compared to all you've done for me, but I'm glad I could help a little."

He went silent then, rather embarrassed that he couldn't think of anything else to say, though Kaworu seemed perfectly content.

Though a moment later, he broke the silence.

"Say, if you'd like to help me just a little more, why don't we clean this up together? I'm sure we'd prefer our piano not be surrounded by loose hair."

Shinji laughed, subconsciously excited by Kaworu's use of 'our.' "Yeah, I guess it is sort of gross, isn't it?" He looked down at said hair and a cold breeze skated across the back of his neck, giving him chills.

"Well then, let's go find a broom. I'm sure it won't take too long."

Looking back up at Kaworu, now sporting his slightly shorter bangs, Shinji nodded, then followed behind him.

Shinji wondered passively if his past self would've found the idea of sweeping up hair with a mysterious, kind stranger to be boring, though it was sort of difficult to picture. That all seemed so far away now - his old life.

And though he would've been saddened by the thought any other moment, just now, all he could think about was how happy he was that Kaworu was no longer a stranger.
