Chapter 1 - How it started

"What do you mean she won't let you?!"

"I'm sorry Emma, I tried but she says the contract obligates me to stay until the end of college"

"Please Lucy, I'm BEGGING you, please be my roomate, if not I'm stuck with that guy who came in this morning"

"The one smoking?"

"No, the one with the mohawk"

"Ugh, who in the hell came up with that hairstyle anyway?"

"Someone with mental problems, anyway please Lucy I'm desperate"

"I'm sorry Em, you know I would if I could but the stupid contract won't let me"

"I know, I know, well, guess I better call mohawk dude"

Hi, I'm Emma, you may be wondering how I got myself in this sittuation, well it all happened when I started college with my best friend Lucy two months ago. Lucy and I are both seventeen and we were going to be roomates but then Iris appeared, Lucy and her became friends and Lucy decided to pick her as her roomate since we had gotten into an argumente earlier that day. I ended up with an apartment with two bedrooms and no roomate, for the last month we've been trying to convince Iris to forget about the stupid contract and let Lucy move in with me but that girl is annoying and won't give up.

As our conversation ends, Lucy and I get into the coffee shop she works at and sit down only for her to get yelled at by her boss, he tells her she's supposed to be working ugh, so annoying. As she gets up and goes to the bathroom to change, I take out my book and start reading then, I see a really attractive guy in front of me with an aperon.

"Hi, what can I get you" he asks, his voice is very calming and HOT.

" uhm- could I get a small vanilla milkshake please"

"sure thing, I'll be right back with your order" he says as he leaves, not before winking with a small smile on his lips.

Lucy come back with her apron and work clothes on, so I decided to ask her about that guy.

"Hey, Luce, who's the new dude?"

"oh him? He started yesterday, he's really nice"

"and hot as hell"

"oooohhhh does Emmy have a crush?"

"What? no, just because I think someone is atractive doesn't mean I have a crush on them" I say rolling my eyes out of her teasing.

"Whatever you say ketchup"


"You're blushing a LOT, you look like a bottle of ketchup"

"shut up and go to work"

"sure thing ma'm"

I honestly love Lucy but she can be a pain in the ass sometimes.

Haiden's pov:

As I start making the milkshake. I see her talking to Lucy, maybe they're friends I could ask about her later.

what haiden no, you just met her

what who are you

I'm you

that's not possible

I'm your subcontious mind dumbo

did you just call me dumb ??

concentrate, will ya ?

fine, what do you want?

you can't possibly like her, you just met

well what if I do, I mean look at her smile and her flawless face, how can I not

by not doing it

I'm gonna ask Lucy about her

NO, Haiden, don't !

thanks for the help, you can go away now

no, haidennnnn

When I go to give the girl the milkshake, Lucy interupts me and takes it to her, herself making me miss the perfect opportunity to ask for the girl's number ughhh.


"what's up?"

"who is she?"

"oh, that's my best friend Emma, why? did she give you an attitude, don't mind her, she just came back from interviewing potential roomates and they were ALL terrible"

"no,no, it's just that she's hot"

"oh boy"


"you know what, just ask her for her number"

"wait,you said she was looking for a roomate?"

"yeah, why?"

"that's perfect I've been looking for a place close to campus"

"I can't watch this"

"wait, where are you going?"

"on a break"

"but you just got here"


I go to the girl who's name I found out was Emma and start getting nervous

" hey"

"hey" she replies, gosh her voice is perfect

"I was wondering if maybe I could get your phone number, Lucy mentioned you were looking for a roomate and I've been looking for a place close to campus"

"Oh, you also go to South Carolina ?"


"cool, here's my number. Do you mind if I ask you some questions? You know, for the room"

"yeah, sure"

Emma's pov:

He sits down beside me and smiles, I smile back, not wanting to be rude.

"so, let's start, do you throw a lot of parties?"

"no, I don't like hosting them"

"ok, that's good"

The interview goes on for about 15 miutes until he answered all my questions, honestly I could never find a better roomate.

"ok, I think we're done"

"so, did I get it?"

"well you were definitly better then any of the candidates I have so I'll have to say yes"

he smiles, god he's perfect

" that's awsome, thanks"

"yeah, no problem"

"I should probably get back to work"

"oh, right, sorry, bye"


And they were roomates


: hey guys, this took me a lot of time so I hope you like it and see you in the next chapter
