Chapter 1

Teresa P.O.V

She was helping Tom and the other with getting everyone into the flat trans when she saw it, the roof was breaking. I started running as fast as I could, I knew that I would get crushed but that didnt matter to me, everyone already hated me.

And then it happened, I triped, which ended with me flying and only getting my legs crushed. "AHHH"(?) I screamed in pain as the ceiling landed all the way to my knee on one leg and just my foot on the other. "TERESA!!!!" Thomas yelled. Suddenly I felt the weight being lifted off my legs and someone was grabing my arms and pulling me. I looked up to see Tom draging me while Minho and Brenda was strugling to keep the pice of roof off.

*thud* I was out and they let go. Then Tom was pulling me though the flat trans and thats when I blacked out.


Thomas/Tommy/Tom P.O.V (cause I can use all the name if I want)

When we got though the flat trans I layed Teresa Down on the grass. She seemed to of passed out form the pain. And thats when I noticed that we were in a small little village kinda and that there was a note.

Minho started reading while I layed by Tersa passed out body

Dear Imunes

We have built a tiny village for you to start off with. There a kitchen(to cook) ,Dining room( to eat in ), Hospital (to take care of people) and a few home that can fit 4 people in each try to put couples and family in each. there is also a pond and there working eleticeting here. there a littlte fenced off area with some animals in it. You will be getting weekly spullies by us. We also found two people you think are dead but arnt. You'll get to see them next week. Anyway I think that is everything you need to know

The Good Wicked(aka the ones who reballed agaisnt them)

"If theres A med-Jack thing LETS GET INJURED OVER THERE NOW" Clint YelledSuddely which shocked me. Right when he finshed yelling brenda came over."Here let me help you" she said and went to go grab Teresa legs. Once she got a steady hold being careful because of the fact it was her legs that were injured she look at me and said "well come on, help me" and that whats got me out of my faze


I woke up to see Teresa staring at me."H-hey" she said looking away. "Hey" I repleid before saying "are you okay? how does your leg Feel?" " I'm fine" she said still looking away." I got some good news" she finally looked at me " they have some crunches here with a bunch of other stuff to take care of people" " Really??" she asked and I nodded my head


Hope you enjoy!!!! give me anyway feedback that isnt just like "you suck you ship thomesa gross (some ship) is wayyyy better just stop wirting this " cause I anit making you read this you are by choice. If you wirting a review because you see theres a promblem ehere is an example of how you should wirte it: nice story but maybe you could do (something) here and blah blah blah if you get what I mean right? hope you enjoyed

**** P.S leave anyships you want me to add to this****
