Rolu (Rogue x Lucy) • But When He Did

Rogue didn't talk much. But when he did, he said the sweetest things.

Rogue didn't show many emotions. But when he did, he showed her the most beautiful smiles.

And the first time he told her he loved her, she saw all that.

She was just taking a walk in the park. She didn't expect Rogue to suddenly materialize in front of her and say, a poker face in place:

"Lucy. I need to talk to you."

"Hhhhhhuuuuuummmmmm... Ok..."

"Ididn't understand the first time I talked to you. You caught my eye, that much was obvious. I was attracted somehow. The second time, we had a four-hour long talk and I had to make a serious effort to keep my face blank. That never happened to me before that. But when you walked into the guild and I thought: 'Lucy looks really cute today...', I knew I was whipped. I couldn't bring myself to say it though. So now, I'm gonna say it..."

He got down on his knees and grabbed Lucy's hand.

"Lucy Heartfilia, I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

And with that, he send her the sweetest smile she had ever seen. She kneeled down in front of him and kissed him.

"Yes." she said in his ear, making him shiver.

They got up and headed to her place. *wink wink*

On the way there, Rogue had a blinding smile on his face. And Lucy did too.
