THE DUFF (Designated Ugly Fat Friend)


There is nothing more peaceful than quiet on a Saturday night-or very early Sunday morning.

Sometimes it's better to be clueless.

It was just a stupid, immature, thoughtless moment of... stupidity."

Tonight was just a lapse in judgment and it will never happen again."

I loved the quiet, but too much of it might drive you crazy after a while.

I tried.
Tried, tried, tried.
And, of course, failed miserably.

Blond locks, hazel eyes, rosy cheeks... the epitome of five-year-old perfection.

I waited in the cafeteria, staring at the psychedelic blue-and-orange walls

You didn't, like, stab the boy, did you? I mean, I totally disapprove of murdering hotties, but if you need help burying the body, you know I'll bring the shovel."

Casey and I were opposites, but Jessica was from an entirely different planet. She was a constant ray of light. The glass half full.

All of her flaws were hidden behind that pretty face, and her smile could deceive people into believing she was perfect.

I'm the wind beneath your wings."
Bette Midler...

I had a fever or PMS or something was severely impairing my mental stability,

whore is just a cheap word people use to cut each other down," he said, his voice softer. "It makes them feel better about their own mistakes. Using words like that is easier than really looking into the situation.

No matter where you go or what you do to distract yourself, reality catches up with you eventually.

"We need to talk."
"You know, my father says those are the four most frightening words a woman can say. He claims that nothing good ever begins with 'We need to talk.'

"Because this isn't working for me anymore," I said, sticking with the traditional lines I'd heard in movies. They were classics for a reason, after all.

I'd skipped the crush kiddie pool and jumped right into the deep, shark-infested ocean of emotions.

Jane Eyre is Charlotte Brontë. Wuthering Heights is Emily. The sisters are very, very different. Yes, Wuthering Heights is usually considered a love story, but I disagree with that. It's almost a ghost story, and there's more hate than romance. Every character is atrocious and spoiled and selfish.... It's kind of like watching an episode of Gossip Girl in the eighteen hundreds. Except, of course, much less ridiculous."

"My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods. Time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees-my love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath-a source of little visible delight, but necessary."
Wuthering Heights

That was her choice. Her life. And it wasn't my place to judge.
It was never my place to judge.

"Just remember to do what makes you happy, okay? Don't lie to yourself because you think it's safer. Reality doesn't work like that....
