Part 3

Shawn watched Camila, wondering what his leader was thinking. He thought about the human, and what she had done to Camila. It had been a month since the Holy Trinity (the whole school called them that) had arrived to Palmetto. Everyone knew Normani and Dinah were together, but no one got near Lauren, because they all feared Dinah. He knew vampires were protective of their family, their mates. He wondered if there was a reason for Dinah's protectiveness over her mate and daughter.

He watched Dinah, Normani, and Lauren enter the cafeteria. Dinah and Normani were walking in front of her. They were whispering things to each other, things that would make him blush if he was still human. He turned his attention to the human, and noticed the sadness in her eyes. She looked at their table, and her broken eyes connected with Camila's dark eyes.

Camila stared back, no emotion on her face. She didn't move, as she watched Lauren look away. The green-eyed human sat down with her vampire parents, and stared at her food. She had a faraway look on her face. Shawn wondered what the human was thinking about.

Her mothers looked at her with concern. Shawn rubbed his face, thinking about his past. He knew what it felt like being raised by a vampire. He assumed Lauren had been with her parents longer, and he hoped it didn't end up the same as it did for him. He looked at his mate, who was creating a smiley face with the peas on her plate. He kissed the side of her head, hoping for her innocents to last.


"Hi," a soft voice said. Lauren looked up and saw a brunette vampire standing in front of her. She felt a sting of disappointment, but pushed it away. They were in the library; both of them had study hall at the moment. Lauren always sat alone during the period and Lucy would just watch her.

"Lucy Vives, right?" Lauren questioned, as she sat up.

"Lucy Mendes, but Vives to the other humans. Is this seat taken?" she asked, pointing to the chair next to the blond.

Lauren shook her head and moved her bag from the chair. She watched as Lucy sat down on the chair.

Lucy looked at the paper in front of Lauren. It was a drawing of a man, a young man. "You're really good."

Lauren blushed and twirled a pencil in her hand. "Thank you."

"Who is he?"

Lauren opened her mouth to answer, before closing it. She frowned, not knowing what to say. She said the first thing that popped into her head, "I don't really know."

"It's a real good drawing of a stranger."

"I feel like I know who he is, I just can't remember. It's like a blurred image, and there is a wall in my head that keeps me from seeing him," she responded, staring at the drawing.

Lucy didn't answer, she didn't know what Lauren was saying. She decided to change the subject. Lucy smiled, "Can you draw me? I want something to give to Shawn."

"Won't Camila get mad?"

Lucy frowned. She knew Camila didn't want anyone to have contact with the three new students. Lucy was breaking her leader's wishes.

"I want to be your friend. Shawn and I both want to be your friend," Lucy answered, and smiled as Lauren smiled. Lauren took out a new paper and started to draw Lucy.

The two talked about Lucy and her life. How she was born on January 11th, 1979. How a home invasion caused her death a few days after her fifteenth birthday. She talked about how Shawn had been visiting her and changed her. She talked about how much she had to fight her hunger, and she hadn't been around the public for long.

Lauren was almost done when she saw a shadow over her. She looked up and smiled at Dinah. The bell had rung, but neither girl noticed, as they talked about anything and nothing. Lauren was enjoying Lucy's company, and didn't want the class to end.

Dinah was not happy when she saw her daughter talking to another vampire. She rushed over to separate them, but Lauren didn't notice her. She was busy talking to the baby vampire. She stood there, glaring at Lucy while the girls packed their things.

Lucy knew Dinah was not happy, and a part of her didn't care. She wanted to be friends with Lauren, and maybe show her that Camila wasn't bad. She smiled at Lauren and told her she'll see her later. She walked into her boyfriend's arms, who had been waiting at the door, and left.

Lauren turned at stared at Dinah, waiting for a lecture.

"What are you thinking?" Dinah asked, her voice full of anger.

"She wanted to be my friend," Lauren answered, as she pointed at the spot Lucy sat in.

"She's a vampire!" Dinah shouted, glaring at her daughter. They were lucky the library was empty, or they would have created chaos.

"She wanted to be my friend! I want a friend! Is that too much to ask? I hate being alone. I hate having no one to talk to. I know I can talk to you and mom, but I need more," Lauren whispered, her eyes full of tears.

Dinah stood there, watching her daughter, who seemed so sad. She pulled her into her arms, and hugged her close.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I didn't mean to keep you from making friends," Dinah whispered, as she stroked the dark hair, "I didn't know you felt like that. You have to talk to us Lauren."

"I'm sorry mama," she whispered into her mother's chest.

Dinah placed her lips on her daughter's temple. "I love you sweetie. I love you. We'll talk about this at home."

Lauren nodded, as she tightened her hug, knowing her mother wouldn't feel much.


"What the fuck is wrong with you? What part of stay the fuck away do you not understand?" Camila snarled, as she glared at Lucy.

"You can't control everything we do," she said, no hint of anger in her voice. She knew she was going to get screamed at. She always did. There were moments she assumed Camila hated her.

Camila growled, as her hands balled up into fists. Her body trembled. She took a step towards Lucy, ready to hurt the younger vampire.

"Camila," Shawn warned, watching his leader closely. He loved her like a sister, but even she couldn't hurt his mate. He would hurt her if she did.

Camila looked at Shawn. "She broke my rule."

"Why do we have to follow it? What is so bad about us becoming friends with her?"

"She-she can't. It won't end well," Camila whispered as she walked away. She walked away, not sure where to go. Shawn and Lucy just watched her.

"I-I'm sorry," Lucy whispered, as she walked into Shawn's opened arms.

"It's okay. She needs to open up to us," Shawn whispered, as she hugged Lucy close.

Camila continued walking, far from the mated couple.

She bumped into the one person she didn't want to see. She looked at the girl in front of her.

"Stay away from us," she ordered, glaring at her.

Lauren frowned, as she stared at the vampire. She didn't know how to respond. She just stared at the girl.

"You better stay away from Lucy. If you don't stay away, you will pay for it," she threatened, as she stormed away. Lauren stood there, watching her leave, unsure of what to do. She wondered if Camila was going to hurt her if she didn't stay away from Lucy. She grabbed her backpack from the ground and walked to Dinah's car, thinking about Camila's eyes.

Harry, who had been standing in front of his locker, and a few feet from the girls, had seen the whole thing. He watched an angry Camila walk away from a confused and hurt Lauren.


"We're going to have some fun."

She could hear a voice, she didn't know where it had come from, but she remembered. It was like a distant memory. She was walking through the woods, looking for that spot. She had lost a lot there, and had gained a lot as well. She stopped when she found it. On the spot were some flowers. They were in vases, and new. She wondered who left them there.

"I knew I would find you here," a voice said from behind her. It was a male, and she did not recognize it. She frowned and turned to a boy. He looked to be a few years older than her. He had brown hair and hazel eyes. He had a small smirk on his face.

Lauren frowned, not knowing who he was. She had never seen him before. She watched him, as he walked towards the flowers that were left there for her parents' death.

"This is the last place I saw her. A few miles away actually. She was mine. But there was someone else. She fought me, but I always got her back," he said, as he touched the flowers with his foot.

"Who-who are you?" Lauren asked, her eyes wide with fear. She knew, she knew what he was. She knew he could kill her without anyone knowing.

"An old friend," he said, as he walked to Lauren. She walked backwards, until her back was against a tree. He stood in front of her, pinning her against the tree. She whimpered a little, not sure what to do. He grabbed her wrist and stuck it under his nose. He inhaled deeply, moaning softly. He turned to her, and looked into her eyes.

"Cut yourself," he told her, smirking as her pupil dilated. He handed her a small pocketknife, and watched her drag the knife against her arm. The dark red blood oozed out, and he smiled. He took her wrist and placed it into his mouth. He drank the blood as if he had never drunk anything in his life. He stopped when he felt Lauren sway in her spot. He didn't want her dead, not yet anyways. She looked pale, and it made him feel happy.

"Tell Camila, and only Camila, I'll be back," he said, staring into her eyes. He left when Lauren fell and lost consciousness.


Dinah walked back and forth in the living room, worried. It was getting dark, and Lauren hadn't returned home. Lauren left after arriving home. Dinah knew something was bugging Lauren, and her daughter needed to clear her mind. She wanted to go out look for her, but Normani stopped her. The blond vampire told her that they needed to trust their daughter and that she was going to be safe.

"It's been four hours. It's dark out. It's not safe. We can't wait much longer," Dinah told Normani, as she grabbed the house keys. She was about to leave when there was a knock on the door.

Normani frowned and went to answer it. Ally and Troy stood in front of them, with an unconscious, shivering Lauren in Troy's arms.

"What did you do to her?" Dinah growled, as she grabbed her daughter from Troy.

"Nothing, we found her like that," Ally answered. She pointed to the cut on Lauren's arm.

Dinah and Normani felt sick, as they remembered about the time they found cuts on Lauren's body.

"How did you get them?" Dinah asked, as she stood in front of her daughter. Lauren had multiple cuts on her arms.

Lauren shrugged. "I don't know. I just have them."

"What aren't you telling us?" Normani asked, her voice laced with sadness.

"Nothing. I don't know how I got them. I just did," Lauren answered, her eyes dilating as she spoke to them.

Dinah knew then, they both knew how she had gotten them. They also knew why Lauren wasn't telling them anything.

She was fed on. Vampires could bite people, but having the people cut and offer themselves was better. Although she couldn't remember, Lauren had a history of offering herself to someone.

"Mani," Dinah whispered, as she tried to stop the bleeding.

"I know," Normani answered.

Normani took over, and Dinah gave her attention to the newcomers. She glared at them. "If I find out that one of you had something to do with this, I will slowly kill you guys."

"There was a scent. One we don't know. Be careful, she shouldn't had been out there alone," Troy told the two older vampires.

Dinah nodded and watched them leave. She turned back and looked at her daughter.


Camila stared at the flowers. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She caught both scents; Lauren's blood and his. She looked up and stared at the stars above her.

"I saw her," he said behind her.

"I know. Stay away from her," Camila answered, not turning back. She knew it was a matter of time before he found her again.

"Why?" he asked, smirking.

"She's not going to end up the same. Not if I can stop it. She has nothing to do with this," she responded, as she turned around. Her brown eyes connected with his hazel ones.

"She has everything to do with this," he commented, his smirk grew.

"Just leave her out of this," she ordered.

"It's going to happen. And you can't change it. In a few months, it'll happen again. And then it's going to start all over," he said, grinning.

"I know," she whispered, as she looked at the area Lauren's scent was the strongest.

"There is no way to change it. Just admit it, I made you. I own you," he said, as he walked away.

Camila didn't answer. She just closed her eyes.

"Tell my great-niece her cousin is alive," he said, before disappearing into the night.

Camila frowned, as she thought of the people who were in her life.


Lauren slowly opened her eyes. She didn't know what happened. Her arm was hurting, and her breathing was shallow. She tried to sit up, but she felt too weak. She closed her eyes, and tried to go back to sleep.

"How are you baby?" Dinah asked, as she stood over Lauren. She placed the back of her hand over her daughter's head, and felt it warm.

"Fine," the human answered, her voice cracking halfway through the word.

"You're burning up. Your mom is making you some soup," Dinah whispered, stroking Lauren's hair.

"What happened, mama," Lauren asked, her green eyes looking into Dinah's brown eyes.

"I don't know," Dinah whispered as she looked at Normani who was walking into the living room with a plate of soup. Dinah helped Lauren sit up, and left her leaning against her.

"M'tired mama," Lauren whined, as she turned her head from the soup.

"Eat Lo, you have too," Normani told her only child, the bowl in her hands. She smiled softly as she fed Lauren.

After Lauren finished eating, Dinah pulled Normani away.

"We were suppose to be talking about Lauren being friends with Lucy," Dinah muttered, watching Lauren sleep.

"What are we going to do? She doesn't remember anything," Normani said.

"She can't remember. She had been compelled into forgetting," Dinah muttered, rubbing her face. "We can't let her remember either."


Camila entered the house. Ally, Troy, and Shawn were out. Harry and Hailee were in their room, spending time together. Lucy was in her room, staring at the ceiling. Camila stood at the doorway.

"I'm sorry," Camila muttered, frowning. She wasn't used to apologizing to people. She watched as Lucy stood up at vampire speed. Her eyes were wide, and she watched Camila with a hint of fear.

"I'm sorry Lucy. I lost it at school," Camila continued, as she leaned against the doorframe.

"You did," Lucy answered, no sign of malice in her voice.

"Look, you can't get close to Lauren. Bad things will happen if you do," Camila said, defending herself.

"She's your mate."

"I know. She is."

"You deserve to be happy."

"She doesn't deserve to deal with my past."

"Camila," Lucy whispered, "you can't go through life alone."

"You don't get it. I'm not talking to you about this," Camila answered, frowning. "I came here to apologize and tell you that your cousin is still alive."

"He is?" Lucy questioned, sitting down, a confused look on her face.

Camila nodded. "I don't know where he is, but he is still alive."

Lucy smiled softly. Her older cousin disappeared a few years after she was born. It was the only cousin she had, but growing up, she had heard many stories. His family was killed one day and he disappeared. No one ever found out what happened.

Camila nodded and left, thinking about the connection between Lucy and him. She wondered if Lucy knew him.


"I love you. You're mine, you'll always be mine," he whispered, as he kissed her neck. She felt his teeth pierce into her neck. She whimpered softly, but said nothing. He pulled away and looking into her eyes. "Tell me you love me."

"I love you," she answered, her voice showing no emotions.

He smirked against her neck. He sat up and stared at her with his lips covered with blood. "You not going to tell anyone about this."

"I'm not going to tell anyone about this," she repeated, robotically.

"I love you Lauren," he whispered.

"I love you Brad."

"Lauren," Dinah whispered, as she shook her daughter awake. She groaned, as she opened her eyes.

"Mama, sleep," she mumbled, closing her eyes again.

"Sweetie, we have to change the gauze," Dinah responded, as she unwrapped the wound. She wrapped it with new gauze. She looked at her daughter's face. Lauren still had her eyes closed, so Dinah assumed she was asleep. She stood up and headed out of the room.

"Mama, who's Brad?" Lauren asked, her feverish eyes staring at her mother.

"No one. Go to sleep Lauren," she said.

"But mama, Brad."

Dinah sighed before walking over to Lauren. She looked into her eyes and said, "You don't know Brad. He is no one. He does not exist. Brad does not exist."

"Brad does not exist," Lauren repeated, as her pupils returned to their regular size.

Dinah watched as her daughter fell back to sleep. She hated compelling her daughter, but she had to protect Lauren from anything, especially Brad.

Fun Fact: In the original story, Lucy Vives was Marley Rose. Dinah-Santana, Normani-Brittany, Camila-Rachel, Lauren-Quinn.

What You Know Ages:
Lauren Jauregui: June 27, 1994 - Present (16)
Brad Simpson: July 28, 1956 - June 18, 1974 (17-36)

Lucy Vives: January 11, 1979 - January 27, 1995 (15/16)
