Yoko Ono

If Paul had fallen in love with Linda instead of him, and John was dating Yoko (as another cover up) then he must have been deeply jealous.
How did he deal with this jealousy?
Do the same back to Paul.
John and Yoko recorded the two virgins experimental album together. Paul was his musical partner so this probably hurt Paul.
Yoko sat in on and contributed to Beatle albums from the white album on.
John married Yoko shortly after Paul married Linda.
He became almost obsessed to a degree with Yoko, they were hardly ever apart until the 18 month period when John was in a relationship with Yoko's assistant May Pang. They lived together and John refused to meet her for a while, when he did meet her,he didn't phone or meet May. She telephoned the next day and Yoko told her John was exhausted after a hypnotherapy session and unavailable. John showed up at a joint dental appointment a few days later with May. Where he was apparently stupefied and confused to such an extent that Pang believed he had been brainwashed. He told May here that he was back with Yoko, but would still continue seeing May.
