Forever with you

It is the night of their or rather said midnight. Noa is currently on the balcony alone with his wife in the bath

This new road he take, truly a change of pace after 350 000 baradhi years having no such thing as what called love to now having a beautiful wife and an immortal at that. He would never thought of that though he can see the future. He just doesn't want to

"Noa?" His wife called for him

"Here love, I'm having a tea" He wait for her It took her awhile before seeing she sit by his side wearing a blue nightgown

"You look lovely"

"Stop it. You are making me embarrassed" Her voice are soft and he just smile while shaking his head

"I bear the responsibility to protect you now. A compliment is just a small matter  of appreciation" She just smile

"I would never have thought of me myself having a family more else a wife to begin with but now here you are by my side" He look at her as she look at him. Their eye cross together

"It is and I am thankful. Thank you Noa for accepting my love"

"You have done more then I could ask for. Tsaritsa, you have teach me how to love someone truly. This wedding gave me some sort of feeling that have my eye only on you. Like you are the Stone of Baradhi itself, no you are more than that" A tiny bit of blush appear on her face. Actually she was heavily embarrassed but she must remain firm in his gaze

Noa just smile watching her antic. Everything does not pass from him even her embarrassment but that what makes this bond of them a one to cherish

'This new life I have made, I will protect it. No matter the cost as long as I can see your beautiful smile Tsaritsa'

"What are you thinking Noa"

"Nothing. I only thought of how life can be wonderful as someone such as me sometimes" Tsaritsa stand up from her seat as she travel across the table just to be by his side

"From now on, dear I will always be for you throughout laugh and cry" Noa look at her with soothed expression

"I am glad of marrying you Tsaritsa"

"Me too" It was about time Tsaritsa started to yawn. Noa begin to stand up as well and guide her to their bed

"Let us sleep. Tomorrow is a day full of surprises"

"It sure is" Tsaritsa is a bit uncomfortable of sleeping alone to herself when she have her husband by her side so she decided to change her position to face him

"What is it dear"

"Seeing your face while I am asleep" Noa sigh and change his position as well. Suddenly he took a hold of her waist as he hugging her

"W— what are you doing" Tsaritsa stutter by Noa sudden action

"You said you want to see my face. Now sleep tight my love" Noa have thought of it all. After all she is his wife now it is only logical if she have the whole access over him. A short moment after he heard a small snore

"Cute....." He said brushing her hair off her beautiful face

"You have become a new chapter of my life Tsaritsa. I am thankful" A smile of him have brought the world another peace only because of this sleeping beauty beside him

He have take his time admire her beauty and now he have felt heavy in his eyelids. Apparently Noa himself is tired after a long day

"Hm? looks like this human imitation of mine do grow tired by time. Maybe I replicate human too perfectly" His eye turn to her once again and let his hand roam into her hand who rested on his chest

"I will see you tomorrow Tsaritsa, my dear" Fatigue took over him before entering his own slumber


Tomorrow have became today. How fast night can be, Sun ray upon her. Awaken from her deep slumber starting with scratching her eyes. Her eye lidded as soon as the shine, with blurry vision she turn to the side and found that her husband who snoring slightly. His arm still wrapping her

"So warm, So comfortable..." Her desire to snuggle in his form arise but she knew the nation need him

'Maybe next time'

"Noa....." Shaking him from his chest, she heard a groan

"Tsaritsa, what time is it" Noa is still a bit drowsy. His voice rumbling to her liking

"It's morning already. How about we start the day with some breakfast" Suddenly Noa pull her over into another warm hug. She have guessed very well that there is slight chance that Noa doesn't want to leave bed but she must decline of course because his own good as well

"Noa come on..."

"Can't we just sleep more?" His voice sound more to like of a demand. She have never thought of Noa to be this carefree of person but maybe because of her he is becoming more comfortable and she is glad of his open side toward her

"Only 10 minutes" He humm, she place back her head in his chest and let herself fallen in the dream

A deal is still a deal, she have bring him a towel as well as a collection of clothes he need to wear for the day

"Won't you join me Tsaritsa?" He ask bluntly to her surprise. She is an immortal but not even once she was indulge in such immoral act more or less having a bath with opposite gender

"A— ah well how about y— you go first" Noa notice her reaction and couldn't help but giggle of her reaction

"Haha don't worry Dear I am just teasing you" She pouted to his admiration. Even when she pout Noa still find her beauty though he don't want to awaken a fierce tiger within and decided to headed to the bathroom

"I will see you soon my Dear" He wave her as he closed the door and she smile and gave a wave of her own

"Yeah meet you at the table my husband" She left him and decided to prepare a very rare delicacy of her home. It is a soup, a breakfast to start the morning

It doesn't take that long for Noa to find her cooking. He wrap his arm around her and glance at the dish on her shoulder

"What a good fragrance" She only smile. She has notice that this refined man behind her who are the protector among the stars is romantically flirting with her. Others would not believe a word she say if she ever share this out. Oh how surprise she was, Noa is someone who appreciate others. A god who seek nothing but peace but now under her he is a lovely husband that love her with a full heart

"We are having soup" Noa humm under her neck. His breath tickle her neck that she couldn't help but let out a small laugh

"How lovely, I will be waiting for you then" Tsaritsa smile and see he leave her with a wave


"Thank you for this wonderful morning" She look at him affectionately though in her mind remain a fragment. Fragment of curiosity over his unusual behaviour. Noa wasn't to show much of affection, maybe it was because she doesn't know him very well but all of those were discarded after having to love him for millennia

Her curiosity took over her, though she call;

"Noa....." He perk up. His lovely gaze be as it usual

"What is the matter my love" He ask softly. She is frightened of what the cost after this conversation but she must know the truth

"Noa, I have thought of this for awhile but why are you trying so hard to love me?" His eye widening. Thus prove her point more, his reaction give her confidence. His nostrils flare and exhale an amount of air

"I see. You have seen through my act all along"

"It just, it wasn't you that I used to love. The man I love is the one with charisma and kind but also strict. Now I see a man who have fell to a lovestruck and let it took aver him. This is isn't you Noa" He sigh yet again

"You are right. I guess it is no worth of facade of such truth anymore" His eye remain on her. The same eye that look at her affectionately

"There is not much land where I haven't put my foot but because of that I fall victim to emotion"

"What do you mean?" Her head tilted slightly to the left, It was questioning look

"Patient my dear. I have met many to create bond that no one could comprehended yet the cost of such act is as heavy. I am a registered to the list of love even before your world. There is a lot but all of them embedded in my heart, the memories we made shall not be a dust that was blew by the wind" His facial show of that pain in it, not much but enough for her to notice.

"The loves of mine have fall victim to Fate. They may die because of their lifespan, though some was because of my failure to guard them of such danger and many others cause that brought them into the eternal realm where they all rest and enter a new cycle of life" She could see his voice sounded more rough like air stuck in his lounge. She is not much of a soother but she place her palm on his cheek and he accepted it whole heartedly

He embrace her hand with his own and continue the story of his;

"I have love many Tsaritsa and also many others have loved me but none of them remain. I sought for the flaw that cost this but it was just, Fate. They are mortal bound to fate. Funny it is, I am the one who rule above fate couldn't even protect a single being in my arm" His other hand roam into her's. Grasp in hold he stroked her knuckles gently

"That was until you are here. An immortal who reach for my affection. I am happy but also afraid of such thing to cycle again" Finally her lips parted

"It won't happen" She declared with such authority

"It won't happen not because I am Immortal but because I knew you there Noa" She is glad of knowing the truth. It means that Noa trust her enough, there was no lie in this knot cause the world trusted her with a glorious entity and she accepted it sincerely

"Those are what we will face Noa. Bonding and parting will happen due time. What is important is your love. You have endured enough now it is my turn to hold your pain and in return you hold mine as well Noa" Her smile have brought him a new light. She have traveled around the table to stand beside him. Her hand spread apart for a warm embrace

Without a thought he pulled her in his chest. Heart beating like a lullaby in her ear, It is soothing

"Thank you my dear. I really need that" She humm in response. She know no word is needed anymore

He have been alone for such amount of time and around those time he have many that he can called friends, love, partner and any other suited words but now he have a place where he could mustered all of his pent up emotions



"DAD! COME ON LET'S PLAY" A child about 6 years age with a long silky silver hair with three streaks of white, Her eye is bluish. A long sleeve dress though her skirt only reach a little past her knee and stockings. Of course it would be more efficient when running around a field of glaze lilies

Iris, this little girl are the prove of their love. The child of Tsaritsa and Noa who is now settled down on a mat with a bucket of delicious sandwiches in it

He begins to stand up and reach upon her call;

"Yes coming sweetheart, shall we?" His hand displayed to her with a smile. She giggles and let her hand fall on his as he supported her to stand up

They have gone to their little bundle of joy. May those years past with a challenge by the rise through

This maybe the end of our journey but for them, there is still more as the eternity await for their future fill with happiness


We have reach the end it is quite a short journey for us

I have an announcement along the way

I will be slightly less appearance in wattpad because of personal reasons. Not that I am abandoning my fic, No of course not

I will keep writing my story but it will be less frequent than I used to

But do not worry I will be back in mid of march if fate allowed so till then this a goodbye friends
