Liam found Jasmine's Locker: Locker 625. He had the best idea it involved an essential detail: pie, it would've been cake if it wasn't for Colson freaking out.


Jasmine opened her locker: Locker 625. Then all of a sudden pie flew into her face. She was covered with pie. She only knew one person who could have done this. Well, many people could have done this to her, but she only knows one certain one.

Jasmine was covered head to toe in pie run well more like speed walked because of the pie and she finally found Liam.

Liam said, "I told you I would find payback". He was by his locker and he was reading a book when Jasmine took it from his hands.
Then she said, "Wait a minute, you also read the Merge Times, written by Sora from Imperium. 
Liam replied, "Of course who wouldn't". Jasmine said, "Um, weird people who don't know fun."
Liam said, "Who is your favorite character?"
Jasmine said, "I like Sora she is a tech genius and her hair is killer".
Liam said, "And I thought Sam was obsessed with his hair."
Jasmine said, "Ok, you're acting like you don't care about your hair remember this morning."
Liam said, "OK that's true."

Then the bell rang.

"We'll see you later Liam", Jasmine said.
Liam said, "Jasmine we have all the same classes".
Jasmine said, "Oh right I forgot so now I can copy off of your homework ."
Liam said, "Why are you in advanced classes of all people".
Jasmine replied, "I am offended." In a playful voice.

They both had a History with Noah and Zeke.
Next, the teacher, Mr. Maxdon said that they will all be doing a project on the History of Ninjago City.
He will be assigning groups of two and one group of three.
When everyone started talking about who they would pair with the teacher had to ruin it and say, "I will be assigning the groups".
Jasmine didn't care. Noah was hoping to get someone he knew. Liam and Zeke just wanted to pass.

Mr. Maxdon said, "The group of three will be Zeke, Noah, and Leonardo".
Liam said, "Come on why my full name"?
Mr. Maxdon said, "Well I am still mad about the prank you pulled on me. My poor hair never grew back".
He was tapping the top of his head to where his hair was.
Everyone started laughing.
Mr. Maxdon then looked at Jasmine and said, "Ms. Walker". Jasmine didn't reply because of course, she was wearing headphones. Mr. Maxdon started getting mad and pulled the headphones off of Jasmine's head.
Jasmine almost slapped him but stopped when she realized it was the teacher.
All she said was, "Um, Sup Mr. M".
Mr. Maxdon said, "Ms. Walker, First why are you listening to music in my class, Second no gum." Jasmine was chewing watermelon gum and she had to spit it out.
Jasmine, "One because I can and two I don't want to listen to your annoying voice".
Mr. Maxdon was shocked and said, "Your off with a warning".
Mr. Maxdon said, "Well your partner is Ms. Stephens".
Jasmine replied, "Um, cool I guess who is the girl anyway"?
Then Mr. Maxdon was about to say something when the bell rang and he said, "Figure it out Walker".

Jasmine was super confused when a really pretty girl tapped her shoulder.
The girl said, "Hi, I'm Abigail but most people call me Abby".
Jasmine said, "Ok and why should I know this?"
She said, "Your funny, I'm your partner silly".
Jasmine looked at her head to toe.
She was all of the sudden sweet and said, "I'm Jasmine sorry for giving you the cold shoulder."
Abby said, "It's fine. Hey wanna work on the project after school."
Jasmine said, "For sure you seem pretty cool".
Abby said, "Thanks, might if I hang around you?"
Jasmine looked confused and asked why.
Abby  said, "You know the popular kids like Hailey Garmadon and all of them right?"
Jasmine said, "Unfortunately Yes I do."
Abby said, "Well those kids make me do their homework and stuff ."
Jasmine whispered, "Next time they do call me I'll deal with them".
Jasmine also said, "Of course you can hang out with me you seem awesome".
Abby said, "Thanks!"
Abby said, "I think we have the same schedule wanna work together."
Jasmine said, "Of course."

(Flashback In "Stephens Tech")

Jackson was mad. Mad at his sister, she is helping their enemy. First of all he hates Borg's grandson who is in his grade. He already messed with every sense he got first place in the robotics contest in 3rd grade and Jackson got second. Next he finds his little sister (they're separated in age by a couple of months), being friends with the enemy. He was tired of Abby taking the spotlight and being the pride of the family when she isn't even suppose to be apart of Stephen Tech.

Jackson was mad and threw something and then he got on his computer. He looked at his emails and all of the sudden, he found a email from a unknown person or place. He opened and it and it said,

Dear Jackson Xavier Stephens,
I came to recruit you of many children as apart of my team to take down the ninja and their kids once and for all.
Say "Haruynt ejrnef" (A/N- Y'all I just made up a word).
- Your future leader.

Jackson didn't know how to react but all of the sudden. He saw his parents and Abby talking about something in the dining hall. Jackson's father said, "Jackson, we want to say first we all love you". Jackson was confused and said, "Ok?" Amanda said, "Son this will be very hard for you to hear." Jackson said, "Don't you dare call me that *****." Everyone was shocked by Jackson's response and Mr. Stephen said, "You're being a disgrace to this company, I came to call you down to tell you and the family that we are going to be deciding the heir to the company soon". Jackson was fine until the part about deciding. He yelled, "WHY ARE YOU DECIDING IT SHOULD BE ME! I AM A PART OF THE STEPHEN FAMILY HEIR, ALSO DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT INCLUDING ABBY, SHE IS MY STEP-SISTER AND NOTHING ELSE TO ME OR THE HEIR". Abby looked like she was going to cry and she said, "What did I ever do to you." Jackson said, "Ever since you entered my life, both you and your hell of a crap mom entered this place, my life has been complete ****". Mr. Stephens said, "I'm very sorry Jackson for saying this but, you're no longer the heir of Stephen Tech". Jackson was mad. He knew who his dad was going to pick. His father then said, " Congratulations Abigail, you're the heir to Stephens Tech we will talk about details later".

Jackson ran up to his room in angry tears. He got on his desktop and said the words. Then Jackson felt something weird all of the sudden Jackson felt all of his pain, hatred, and anger just come together and it made him feel powerful. Jackson snapped out of the feeling and got on the desktop again and there was a new letter it was telling him to build nindriods inspired by from like 20 years ago. Jackson immediately got to work and he started working on even building them. After an hour of working another letter came this time in paper form. It said, "In 5 days bring your work into the big abandoned restaurant near the dock. DONT BE LATE".

Jackson was ready to make Abby suffer.

(Meanwhile in the Monastery)

Liam and Jasmine were making out ... NOT. Jasmine was figuring more pranks while Liam was already prepared. Sam was acting strange and Hailey was an emotional mess. Zeke was Zeke. Noah was trying to impress Sara. Sara wasn't impressed. Khloe was trying her powers out and Colson was being stupid and decided to mess with Zeke by making the kitchen a mess. Next thing everyone knew someone knocked the Monastery gates. Everyone was nervous until, Khloe said, "Um, which one of you brave men will open it?" Colson trying to impress Khloe said, "I'll do it." He opened the gates and everyone else was in fighting  positions. The gates opened to find a very tired Abby. Abby gasped and said, "How do you climb all those stairs?"

To be continued

Crazy Author Note-
Wow, I took a while and I made some changes like Jackson and Abby being step-siblings. I have a new friend and she is really similar to Abby and her family life and she loves Ninjago and she helped me with the book a bit she came up with the main villain plot which you're going to see soon!
See Ya Y'all later
