Angel-sama's note for you

Hello Angel-sama's here!

I'm just here to tell you that I just started doing this today and I'm working on with the story, (Because I will probably forgot it,If I don't write the the Idea I have)I'm writing it on a whole paper then if it's done,I'll transfer it here on wattpad,by the way,what I meant for the transfer is I'll copy it or type it here when I'm done don't worry I won't discontinue this like  the other story or quotes I published....................if GamerOtakuSama won't be mad or she/he will allow it.....
Now then,bye,I'm going to start now please don't be mad......

There might be cursing,and other songs that are from other anime's like Naruto,Your Lie in April and so many more....also they're all english because I don't like it if there are English songs and others that are Japanese so I decided to make it all english...

I don't own any of these only the story plot~

by Angel_Sama_27
